I wish this was for sure. The defendants will appeal. Over and over and over again. And I bet they will get out of paying in the end. The usual result.

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They will, but at least they got a knock off their socks and they can worry about the next one... and the next one... and then the reversal of full immunity from liability, LET'S HOPE!

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I pray many lawsuits will follow. Many Many more

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It's definitely a start in the right direction.

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💰💰💰make them pay!! Some justice at least. The families of the dead will be lawyering up.

Based on the total arrogance of continuing these shots is truly exasperating.

They have not admitted their original sins, while continuing to pretend. Pretend days soon are over.

There will be plenty of legal action.

Need to change the EUA.

Burn the PREP Act.

Nov 5th 2024 things changed.

Medical community has been keeping these shots alive even when most now decline. Mandatory shots to keep your fed monies is cruel.

Money over personnel.

Attorneys will be sharks to blood infested waters.

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Target 🎯 looking forward to the arrest.

Trump Tsunami incoming.

Bout time!!!

Now to come up with something miraculous for people suffering from their Ill advise shots.

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That's right!

They are already euthanizing the vax injured, "Long Covid" in Canada.

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So tired of faux Americans and the "you can't fight city hall" fear and knee buckling. You bet this woman had some gut wrenching days and sleepless nights. She did what's right in a world gone wrong.

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She definitely has GUTS for fighting the machine!

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In the next 2 weeks I will have to either get a flu vaccine or be fired. No option for a mask. Religious exemption( which I did obtain for the covid vax) w won't cover me for the flu shot. Hospitals need to quit forcing shots on employees. My understanding is hospitals must meet a certain threshold to keep from getting their Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement cut due to the ACA.

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Send me a copy of the letter. Get a copy of the package insert for the flu shot.

Email: TheRebelPatient.Substack.com

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What shame that in order for us to obtain just outcomes for crimes committed on our person (en masse) by those elected to "represent us," who in turn used the department of defense to manufacture, transport, and ensure the administration of poisonous "bioweapons countermeaures prototypes" and assisted in the international ruse (including the propagandized, fear-induced lies about a phantom "virus") that this was all done for profit by the (p) harmaceutical companies, in collusion with government watchdog agencies who failed to do their jobs while other interested parties also reaped the benefits and other countries followed suit after multiple prior "rehearsals" to accomplish the "lockstep" compliance required to pull off this nefarious and anti-human democide, we must invest large sums of money, time, and the involvement of representative, credentialed specialist to "speak for" us in legal parlance& in protocols specific to the formalized rituals engaged (which is not natural law, but a bastardized system of inequity that is perpetuated for its own reasons related to mystery religious systems and the further exploitation of the populace) in order to seek from those in power to wield "justice" some consideration for the damages that those who are sworn to protect and defend us and our sacred document-listed rights have violated and covered up, what does that say about our society? What does the joy over an award (meaning it is uncommon, and something unique to be noticed and celebrated) that should be commonplace, widespread and part and parcel of reparations by those who inflicted the hard versus a private matter that requires us to play by their rules in order to obtain what we are already due? I'm happy for those on the receiving end, but saddened by what we are willing to settle for when those responsible should have already been made accountable, punished, and remuneration to everyone affected (including families who lost loved ones to hospital death protocols, children who are gone or alive but developmentally disabled now, women who are infertile, hundreds of thousands, and even millions who have died or are dying still from heart attacks, strokes, cancers, etc., those maimed, who've had their lives so changed that they are not recognizable as the otherwise viable ones they possessed before the government approved and authorized assault was conducted, etc.). Where is the true justice that these mechanism can never be used again? that the development and administration of poisons will no longer occur, that those responsible in every participative industry and in government are permanently banned from ever being a part again? That the injustices done will yield the creation and perpetuation of an independent resolution board comprised of THE PEOPLE, not government stooges, industry insiders, etc., who will administer justice when it is necessary, but only after the deadly machine has been dismantled and those who built it banished from ever exercising power of any kind in the private or "public" sectors again....that international apparatus that conceived of and coordinated this nightmare is completely disintegrated and those who sought to distance themselves but who are nonetheless complicit are imprisoned and summarily disentangled from ever doing so again. These are basic requisite steps that must needs be taken immediately so that this will not occur again in history. This also includes the discontinuation and banning of geoengineering & weather modification, the use of electromagnetic frequencies (I for one would be happy to go back to land lines and no wi-fi and essentially have) and all of the (p) harmaceutical poisons that are used in the allopathic/Rockefeller-sourced medical profession that are engaged in "disease management" instead of the natural healing arts that treat the body and spirit to preserve health rather than creating patients for life by inflicting harm and then continuing treatment protocols to perpetuate illness so that each patient become a ward of the industry for life. It's time for a reckoning. All of the funds that were profits should be used to compensate all individuals affected including those who lost jobs for refusing, those who were coerced and forced, and those who have accepted the jabs (and we know are indeed going to manifest illness from them).

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Hoping that we can spread this word far and wide, so that more people can realize that medical freedom belongs to them.

It is beyond time for a reckoning, and I hope that these companies continue to be hit hard from all directions.

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Not to mention the mass PTSD from terrorizing the entire country

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Now we know how much they play on fear.

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Hope this is just the tip of the iceberg. Let the lawsuits commence!!

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Amen! 🙏

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Amen! 🙏

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The precedent is being set for future trials..let me tell you, there is enough evidence out there now to prove without a shadow of a doubt that these shots maim and kill, and that informed consent was not given..if youre a hospital, or a bank or any other busines that relied on the CDC for your info on the vax and also mandated personnel to take it or lose a job, I've got three words for you, buckle up buttercup!

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I hope!

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The entire problem with the mandatory covid jab BS, is this is America and no citizen should ever be forced or coerced to take anything they don’t want. It should be an automatic felony for this type of Gov “pushed” insanity! This includes the threat your children can’t go to school unless they receive specified jabs!

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