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No one would have taken the shot if they had just known.

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Yes you're right

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Thank you Margaret. Other than some 'put me to sleep shots' before my total hip replacement a few months ago, my last shot was a flu shot in the Fall of 2018. I was already becoming a doubter, and I passed on getting a flu shot in the Fall of 2019. When Covid was thrust upon us, I was 100% anti-vaccination. Thank God!

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Thank the Lord, indeed! I don't even want pets to get shots any more!

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37 ... the countdown number. Their days are numbered folks.

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Can you please explain the number 37 here?

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In 2013, the Lord began to show me numbers that indicate the end of the age of the Gentiles; Two particular numbers related to Ariel Sharon, who was 8 years in a coma, then died. I was shown that the USA would mirror that - 8 years in a coma and die. Our 8 year span was November 2012 to November 2020 (the 1st being the reelection of barak obama, the 2nd the election of biden) The USA transitioned to Babylon the Great when we died. The other number with Sharon was 11. In 2013 I was being shown 11s nonstop, till I understood we were in the 11th hour on earth.. Midnight being the arrival of the bridegroom (good for us) and midnight is the end of all work - indicating the departure of the Church. In December 2013 a truck stopped in front of me and my son. The license plate said 'Jan11'. We raced up to him at the next light.. and asked 'What does your plate mean?' He said, 'That's my birthday'. 3 weeks later on January 11th, Ariel Sharon died. (I might add, that the most famous of all Israeli rabbis, Yitzhak Kaduri, told his family before he died at age 106, that Yeshuah had been appearing to him! And told thim that 'Soon after Ariel Sharon dies, I will return'. The 11 sightings have never let up. (When I say sightings, I am never looking for a number.. rather my eyes are PULLED to it). It was this year that the countdown clock began.. It goes like this.. 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77,87, 97. What is it? I saw it endlessly till I realized it was a countdown. The key number '17' relates both to the USA (2017 was our last opportunity to repent as a nation), and Genesis 7:11 which is a remarkable verse, in that it specifies the opening of the flood gates. You happen to have posted the number 37 twice already in 2 different articles. There's more to it than this, but this is the summary. The countdown.. when does it end? November is the month something will happen. If it relates already to the Rapture, I do not know. But we're staring down at something about to blow wide open. Will the Church be here for that? I do not know.

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Nothing says:

"Trust the Science" like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years 🤫


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I see the word "shocking" used in a comment here. Yes it is. Especially if all we know of their court and legal system is what they show and tell us in their Hollywood movies and TV shows. The reality of it is a big secret kept from us. Even most attorneys don't really know what is going on in their courts, except their court rules, procedures, and pleadings they must adhere to. These things become their law, but have nothing to do with the law. Legal does not mean lawful, nor is it lawful for man.

Legal in its entirety is Fiction of Law. It is mere policies of a commercial or merchant corporation that misleadingly is called a nation, or country, or church, or school, or county, or city, or jail/prison, or hospital, or theater.... Its courts hear cases of impingement on or violation to corporate policies, especially regarding contracts made. Both their so-called Civil and Criminal crimes are commercial, including murder. And their courts are mere administrators of business. No more, no less.

And, no, they don't tell us this. It's part of their deceptive practices. They don't tell or teach us how we get ensnared into hidden contracts, either. So, in ignorance, we file disputes or defend accusations thinking justice, as we know or hope it to be, will be served. But that's not what is going on in there, and never was. That's why most outcomes, or lack of outcomes, from their courts appear strange and frustrating to us, yet each attorney says, no ... , and that justice was served. We just walk away shaking our heads, and, usually after paying a fair amount of dollars for their non-service to us of true justice per true law.

Is it wrong? You bet it's wrong, but it's entirely legal. They just have us believe legal means lawful. The only thing these so-called judges are doing is looking to see who the creditor and who the debtor is in the contract under dispute, and which party violated the contract. They then render an opinion they call judgement on the matter, and dole out a fine, award, or a debtor's prison term until bonds mature and the prisoner's debt is paid to their corporate "society".

There is much more that can be discussed in relation to all this, but it can't be done in this small space and in five minutes. Any who are interested in learning more truth and details of how this system operates from top to bottom, and what people are doing about it, I would suggest looking into InPowerMovement.com for some foundational information and study. There are many other good recourses, but few are well organized and backed by people who are acting on what they have come to know first-hand.

Know that the legal system is entirely of and in the world. It's a key part of the Beast, and God tells us to go out of her. Once understanding at least the basics of the foundations of the legal system, then one should go to the law, which is the words of God, for their remedy to overcome the world and live as God intended us to live per His will and words for true peace and freedom.

I hope this helps.

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