They love child sacrifice

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They do 😢 ... gives me a very broken heart 💔

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🙏 😢 ❤️

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Abortion satanic sacrifice, how UNGODLY.

1. There is adoption

2. There are the pills morning after or birth control pills.

3. Abstinence is wise

Woman who use abortion as a health care choice

Are in my mind immature and lacking in reviewing there possible choices.

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When life is not valued, society goes to pot.

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When a culture is willing and eager to kill babies then this culture has lost God.

Is it true they harvest organs and tissue? Idk but I am going to find out.

There was a congressional hearing

An abortion doctor went into graphic detail of the procedure. That reinforced my thoughts abortion is murder.

At times I even contemplate the very idea this is even done and more people are not totally on board with the concept life all life is sacred.

There argument is life doesn’t begin


When we as Gods flock knows

Life begins at conception.

The comedian said: strange how all the live people are eager to kill

What they were.

American needs to repent.

Needs to be education and early

Guidance pro life that teaches

Sexually people so skills and positive options.

They Satan media culture have normalized a wicked deed.

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They’ve certainly made it abundantly clear whose agenda abortion is!! They do indeed love human sacrifice of any kind because it’s a way to thwart God’s plan for life!! Anyone who buys into this, is selling out to the devil himself, and that path can only lead to eternal destruction!

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It's a blatant choice to mock God! Woe to anyone who participates! FATHER, FORGIVE US! 🙌

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So--let me get this straight--someone peacefully praying in the name of Jesus Christ while standing near an abortion clinic can be arrested, but they can use their religion of satanism to short-circuit existing state laws? Nope-- this cannot happen. I thought the abortion issue had gotten as depraved as it could be and couldn't get any worse, but this is horrible. How is a woman who, later on, regrets doing this ever supposed to come back from basically selling their soul to Satan and killing their baby?

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This is when good is bad and bad is good. I think that God would still be forgiving, but that person would have a huge repentance. I am glad that I am not God. I would strike people down.

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This is why God told Israel to exterminate the canaanites...Moloch worship through child sacrifice.

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Child sacrifice, death.

Just to keep people away from God!

God bless us all!

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Satanic Temple is a bunch of atheist and liberals trying to act shocking. They know it gets attention—that’s the point.

I lost a good friend of mine in my mid 20s to a Satanic group (or network…) that practices actual human sacrifice and is labeled a terrorist group by the UK government(but some how the FBI used this person as in informant too.. typical,..) This type of group who I am not naming are the dangerous ones — as they use Neo-Nazi propaganda, and radical aspects of other religions to promote their agenda.

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So terrible!

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