It's always a choice of two evils. We have no say in the matter. We are not a party to their company or constitution/policy writing committees.
We are mere spectators who are duped into believing we are a part of their club, and are valued participants. The latter part is true, but for their benefit, not ours.
Sadly U.S. Citizens and United States Citizens both different entities, are part of their system and being 14th Amendment citizens allowing the pleasure to vote in their corporate not public elections is the only benefit of being one as by accepting this mark they gave up their sovereign status they enjoyed before doing so. It got much worse when the introduces the Birth Registration and made everyone into legal fictions with corporate status without corporate benefits, and why lobbyists walk the halls of congress while citizens have to beg for a tour.
I'll take someone who lets those who want vaccines have them if they prevent mandating them to those of us who don't. Anything that changes the direction we were headed is a good thing and a small victory none the less. Look at who he'll be replacing.
We can't stop that which is prophesied, we can prepare ourselves and those who will.
Amen, Charlie. So, let's all "go out of her" as commanded by God in Rev. 18:4. They have no jurisdiction over God, His people, nor anything He made. But it looks the opposite, doesn't it.
This is what all need to be focused on, not their circus acts, such as this Broadway show or musical of a nomination, election, or appointment process and end.
The longer we wait, the more painful it is going to get, as it is written.
Yes! Time is not on our side. I am willing to accept the outcome, albeit whatever the universe determines. I’ve relinquished any control other than my personal sovereignty.
You're seeing what the Lord does. He permits them to do as they do while we are in sin. He uses them for His purposes and glory. This is why He allows Cain and His POS sons to live and provides a mark of protection onto them and against us.
It's our idolatrous sins of Adam and Israel, as a minimum, that are the cause of all our injury. Add unbelief and so little faith to the mix, and, god forbid, murder, theft, false accusation...,
In short, we got what we chose to get. We still have a choice, not free will. God outlines in many instances what it takes to receive His blessings or curses.
We simply need to stop attending any of their churches and listening to their false prophets, but to read for understanding, and act on God's words directly to be saved from this madness.
God's words are not being taught anywhere. And, if one does not have the original complete translation of Scripture, which is the 1560/1599 Geneva Bible, then they simply don't have God's words, but man's.
The resurrected and modern English edition of the 1599 Geneva Bible can be purchased, downloaded, or interacted with on-line on Set aside all versions out there, except to compare to Geneva to see where Satan is twisting or hiding God's words.
I truly hope this helps. See the historical sources and background of the road to and completion of the Geneva, as well as the peoples' acceptance of it in the days before it was outlawed by that sadistic pedophile witch of a King James 1, his beheaded son, Charles 1, and his Jesuit papal mentors, including Guy Fawkes, Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon..., so you may judge for yourselves.
I don't particularly like him but I do feel he is the last chance. He is not anti Vax. What hebis saying is they test/trials need to be changed because they are totally bogus as they do them now. He wants them "safe". I am totally against ANY and ALL vaxs but he hasn't gotten there yet. His first priority is making food etc healthy again. That IS where it needs to start. IF our gut biom is healthy we would be able to fight these whatever they are. We have been compromised. What is in the shots effects the gut. This is what causes autism and every adverse reaction. We HAVE to stop spraying, putting all kinds of stuff in everything not just food, stopping the stuff sprayed in the atmosphere CHEMTRAILS. The government has polluted our world. Manufacturing has polluted our world. Industry has polluted our world. Trees, individuals, animals have not.
I agree. To me it's a choice and as long as I'm not mandated to take any SHOT, I have no problem with those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause. However I don't like the have the choice to make it for their children, and why my hopes are in RFK Jr being able to secure the trials to prove their inefficiency and detriment to our health, as well as expose all the poisons within them.
People complain but offer no valid suggestions as to who, as if the whole country will just go total anarchist and abolish every agency and the whole government or something. Someone that will pass the confirmation, and not likely to anyone any of us may want, especially loudest dissenters.
We need to restore God's kingdom here. It's a commandment of His. He doesn't need us, but if we wish to get out of this mess men make, then God told us what is necessary to do so.
He clearly states He is our King, government, lawgiver, and judge, not Hollywood actors, attorneys, papal priests, merchants from hell, and other sycophantic wolves. The latter's club is anarchy, which includes US and headed by Rome. We have all been taught that their lawlessness or iniquity is law that we are to obey.
God told us in Isaiah 24 that He will turn everything upside down due to our ungratefulness and disobedience to Him. This is what we are dealing with, and nothing more. Satan made us believe that it is far more complicated than this, and for his benefit, not ours. God is for our benefit, here and now, not later. He always was, is, and will be. We keep blowing it.
So you think you can restore what's been prophesied not to happen then?
You think you can convert everyone to Gods kingdom, let alone in "the" United States and "the" United States of America both incorporated, or you incorporated State, County, City where you live?
Matthew 24:24 KJV: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
They're not describing Politicians, but the elders of the Churches/Religions, so if even they are deceived would we really be restoring God's kingdom on Earth?
It doesn't mean you shouldn't try if that's what you choose to do, may God be with you and everyone on such a quest.
Not me or we, Kelly, but God. We are the created, not the creators, except of chaos.
He has already restored His kingdom here a few times, hasn't He? And, does He not say He will do it again if we return to Him again, and obey Him.
Who do you know that obeys Him? This is our part in the restoration. God's part is to be our King instead of men.
There is nothing new under the sun, as it is written. We are only taught by our adversaries that there is. Why? Because they have everything to lose, which they stole from us in our ignorance of the law.
So, yes, God said seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all will be ministered unto you.
A couple verses preceding these words, God says "O ye of little faith". So, we need to have faith in His words, then believe in them and verify them for ourselves.
Consider this. If God made all things, and He did, then what could possibly not be in His kingdom? Nothing? Then why do we think, speak, and act as if we are elsewhere?
We've all been deceived, Kelly, and trained to not think critically. It takes a little effort to break these habits, but I think you and all will say its worth it when you do. See Luke 12:32. I hold this one close. It's the endgame.
FYI, for the past 15 years, I do try, and continue. What I share with you is the result of quite a bit of progress I have made to this day. What I tell you and all is real. Everyone just needs to look into things further, and shut out the noise from false teachers and rulers. Go directly to the sources needed to verify what is given, and try them out for yourselves to eliminate any doubts.
Everyone can do this. God said so, and I believe Him. Everyone just needs to believe Him.
I agree and do already as best I can. It was you who said "We" need to restore Gods Kingdom.
The prophesies say how it will be restored again. As you mention "seek ye first the kingdom of God" is a much different statement that I agree with wholeheartedly. Repentance is a key factor and needs to done repeatedly, as mankind are born sinners and sinners for life for our time here. To think otherwise would be prideful.
I tend to practice through Matthew 6, but have attended various functions at other churches who've changed much since my youth, especially since the unification of churches. I'm accepted by my Catholic neighbors and church when I attend who know I have religion in me, but would prefer if I joined there's. I won't turn the tables over like our Lord Jesus Christ did in the Temples in Jerusalem and call them out, it's too embedded in them and I'm not the person to effect the change, so I share with them what I can when I can, and am greeted with ear to ear grins and nodding, yet many conversations that invoke thought, but they have standard answers they've been taught to counter conflicting information to their beliefs.
It's a deep river to traverse, and one better have all the tools and equipment before embarking on the journey. It's ok to question, but how one does it matters, and being prepared for counter arguments is essential too.
I get what you are saying, and we agree in general. But, yes, we have our part to play so that God will restore His kingdom for us here. Jesus came to earth for this specific purpose. To show us the way. Again, we need the right Scripture to see these things.
The Reformers discovered and knew well what God is saying to us, and who/what Rome and its papacy is. The English translated and loved the Geneva Bible, which works were done under much duress and threat of death. It remained a threat to the royals and papacy until Rome's King James and its Jesuits were able to deceive, strong arm, then, later, outlaw it in England. It was killed in 1644, and only recently resurrected publicly in 2006 in its modern form.
You rightly mentioned repentance. We all hear this. Even the religions teach it. But do they teach what God says to repent and how, or otherwise. If they did, then what I share here from God would be understood. Those little parts of the Gospels that are skipped over or explained off in New Age ways would be understood.
What I find is that Scripture is a very practical instruction to be applied in earth for the benefit of all man, not just a few. And, specifically, for the benefit of God's people, not Satan's. But the reverse has occurred, hasn't it?
The truth that Noah and his family were the only ones worthy to be saved from God's last end of days reset in and to His kingdom should give everyone pause, and ask why so few? And, God's prophecy of His next end time reset is told to us that it will be as it was in the time of Noah; people were eating and drinking, marrying... , which I understand to be metaphors for idolatry and other sins. Are there only going to be so few to be saved again? Doesn't have to be. During the Apostle's time, many returned.
It's these sins we need to repent that is at issue. We have been subtly taught that the sins of Adam and Israel (the real Israel) are a good thing, or they don't apply anymore. And, in our ignorance of such, many of us proceed through this life trying to do right in other parts of the law, thinking it is the whole of the law. This is the top deception, and all religions always have misled us down this path.
Religion in any form is not a good thing, except the pure one given in James 1. Following Jesus/God is not a religion, but the law.
The sin of Adam is to become his own god. What does it mean to become your own god, and, are we not doing the same, but don't know it, nor see it, yet it is reflected on us in the world via its Birth Records/Certificates?
In Scripture, the same was called stones, flesh, graves, and other actual and metaphorical names. The form may have changed, but the content didn't. It was still a NAME and a Number of a Child; a mark callled a person/human, which is not a man.
If the wrong Child NAME is used, then the holder is charged to pay taxes as a stranger to the pagan entity that issued it. If the right Child NAME appears, then no taxes can be charged. Did not Jesus pose this question to Peter? When Peter finally understood, does he not write that they sell us as merchandise?
Now, what Jesus did to protect His Apostles from this pagan scheme of theft by tax and fake law is shown in His prayer to the Father in the Garden. See John 17:11-12. Proof of this protection is in Acts 8:1, when Saul scattered the disciples, but not the Apostles.
This doesn't mean that our adversaries will always honor it, as we see what they did to Stephen and James. But when they do this, they condemn themselves to God's judgment and wrath, because they were shown the law, and had no excuse. We are given the demise of Herod who killed James.
The sin of Israel is to reject God as their King, for a man to rule over them like the other nations. Don't we do the same? Does not God's warning still stand for what will become of us if we do? See 1 Samuel 8.
Then worse, we seek a lifeless idol called corporation, be it religion, State, courts, commercial entities, militaries, schools... of men and the world, to rule over us and falsely claim ownership of God's creation given to living man alone.
Do you understand what God is telling us via James 2:9-11 and 4:4? This is a major sin, yes? Who do you know that repents these and stops doing it? Do not most man, both male and female, still call themselves citizen or officer of XYZ, or member of some religious organization, be it Catholic, Protestant, Judaism, Islam, Bhudist, Adventism, Freemasonry...
Why? Did God's words change? Or did we change when we listened to other men who either don't know, or don't want us to know the truth?
Now, repentance is one thing, but amendment is another. Amendment is in Geneva Bible, and it differs from repentance. It means correction. The KJV took it out, and leaves only repentance. Correction is an act we must perform to life. It is a work in faith, and faith without works is dead. To gain faith, we need knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. For, without faith we will fail, and use God's Name in vain.
There is more. The highest status a man can attain in God's kingdom is not a PhD or President or King or Pope, but a son and heir of God with and through His Name and Word, Jesus the Messiah. Another top title is to be is a "friend" of Jesus/God. We begin as enemies, then disciples, then servants before we attain friendship.
How do we get prerogative by God to become His sons? And, if a son, then an heir? How do we become a friend of God? Is this not written in John 1:12-13, Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:1-7, Isaiah 41:8, John15:15...?
Don't get me wrong, Kelly. I am you, as every man. I am deceived as much as anyone. I appreciate your replies so that we can narrow down what is not clear between our understandings.
The only one that is right is God. I believe you know this, or agree. All I can add is to tell others to revisit His words with fresh eyes, especially after studying how the ways of the world came to be. Then compare this study to what God says, and put God's words to the forefront and in action to overcome this world, as it is written.
I'm sure there is more that needs to be revealed to us. I continue to have questions that need answers, but this is a good start, and my questions are now fewer than when I began. The top difficulty I see and experience is that all of us must overcome the brainwashing we have received from a multitude of non-God's kingdom sources since arriving here. This wrong teaching keeps us from seeing what God is telling us.
Just read this from just the news, or first email I received so far, and you're the first to post in my groups.
Many still won't be happy, but our choices are limited, and if he follows through on the testing of the poisons in these frigging shots it's a start, and who am I to tell those who want to believe in them and continue to get them they can't?
As long as I'm not MANDATED to get them, I won't argue to mandate they don't.
If they don't vote for Bobby Kennedy for HHS secretary I am leaving the USA with my mules - and indeed, those who do not vote for Kennedy are compromised on the payola of deep state big pharma - Big Pharma must be investigated - The absolute corruption of Antny De-Faux-Chi must be investigated, Faux-Chi must be indicted and prosecuted. Take time to watch Bobby Kennedy being interviewed by Dennis Prager.
He'll get in. It's all part of the show. Don't you remember the Fauci raking by Mr. Good Cop, Rand Paul? Did this obvious liar and murderer ever get indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned? LOL No way. Do any of them do? No way. Kennedy is from one of the original 13 witch families that came to control this land for Rome. Collins, Russels, are a couple of others in this group. Have you ever seen a Kennedy lose? If so, its just temporary and part of a bigger plan they will play in for those they answer to.
Best to not get all caught up in these schemes and actors' performances. They are not here for our good. They never were.
HE'S PRO-VAXX! How can anyone think hes not?? This is maybe the scariest nomination.
It's always a choice of two evils. We have no say in the matter. We are not a party to their company or constitution/policy writing committees.
We are mere spectators who are duped into believing we are a part of their club, and are valued participants. The latter part is true, but for their benefit, not ours.
Sadly U.S. Citizens and United States Citizens both different entities, are part of their system and being 14th Amendment citizens allowing the pleasure to vote in their corporate not public elections is the only benefit of being one as by accepting this mark they gave up their sovereign status they enjoyed before doing so. It got much worse when the introduces the Birth Registration and made everyone into legal fictions with corporate status without corporate benefits, and why lobbyists walk the halls of congress while citizens have to beg for a tour.
I'll take someone who lets those who want vaccines have them if they prevent mandating them to those of us who don't. Anything that changes the direction we were headed is a good thing and a small victory none the less. Look at who he'll be replacing.
We can't stop that which is prophesied, we can prepare ourselves and those who will.
Apologize for my pessimism, but little faith in our system to do the right thing and protect the hard working American tax payers.
Being a taxpayer is a red flag to who we are to them, and nothing more.
Please understand they are killing us!
Yes, killing, maiming we the citizens!
Taking our hard earned money first.
Then everything. These cuks have no interest other than getting rich themselves.
Obviously when eyes fully opened…
Amen, Charlie. So, let's all "go out of her" as commanded by God in Rev. 18:4. They have no jurisdiction over God, His people, nor anything He made. But it looks the opposite, doesn't it.
This is what all need to be focused on, not their circus acts, such as this Broadway show or musical of a nomination, election, or appointment process and end.
The longer we wait, the more painful it is going to get, as it is written.
Yes! Time is not on our side. I am willing to accept the outcome, albeit whatever the universe determines. I’ve relinquished any control other than my personal sovereignty.
What who the Lord do? Overturn the tax tables! Like duh…
What would the Lord do
You're seeing what the Lord does. He permits them to do as they do while we are in sin. He uses them for His purposes and glory. This is why He allows Cain and His POS sons to live and provides a mark of protection onto them and against us.
It's our idolatrous sins of Adam and Israel, as a minimum, that are the cause of all our injury. Add unbelief and so little faith to the mix, and, god forbid, murder, theft, false accusation...,
In short, we got what we chose to get. We still have a choice, not free will. God outlines in many instances what it takes to receive His blessings or curses.
We simply need to stop attending any of their churches and listening to their false prophets, but to read for understanding, and act on God's words directly to be saved from this madness.
God's words are not being taught anywhere. And, if one does not have the original complete translation of Scripture, which is the 1560/1599 Geneva Bible, then they simply don't have God's words, but man's.
The resurrected and modern English edition of the 1599 Geneva Bible can be purchased, downloaded, or interacted with on-line on Set aside all versions out there, except to compare to Geneva to see where Satan is twisting or hiding God's words.
I truly hope this helps. See the historical sources and background of the road to and completion of the Geneva, as well as the peoples' acceptance of it in the days before it was outlawed by that sadistic pedophile witch of a King James 1, his beheaded son, Charles 1, and his Jesuit papal mentors, including Guy Fawkes, Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon..., so you may judge for yourselves.
Thank you! I love the part about the Geneva Bible. So few know this!
Imo we observe and do what we can in our own lives
And band together as good to be the resistance to this evil.
Good attracts good!
I don't particularly like him but I do feel he is the last chance. He is not anti Vax. What hebis saying is they test/trials need to be changed because they are totally bogus as they do them now. He wants them "safe". I am totally against ANY and ALL vaxs but he hasn't gotten there yet. His first priority is making food etc healthy again. That IS where it needs to start. IF our gut biom is healthy we would be able to fight these whatever they are. We have been compromised. What is in the shots effects the gut. This is what causes autism and every adverse reaction. We HAVE to stop spraying, putting all kinds of stuff in everything not just food, stopping the stuff sprayed in the atmosphere CHEMTRAILS. The government has polluted our world. Manufacturing has polluted our world. Industry has polluted our world. Trees, individuals, animals have not.
I agree. To me it's a choice and as long as I'm not mandated to take any SHOT, I have no problem with those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause. However I don't like the have the choice to make it for their children, and why my hopes are in RFK Jr being able to secure the trials to prove their inefficiency and detriment to our health, as well as expose all the poisons within them.
People complain but offer no valid suggestions as to who, as if the whole country will just go total anarchist and abolish every agency and the whole government or something. Someone that will pass the confirmation, and not likely to anyone any of us may want, especially loudest dissenters.
We need to restore God's kingdom here. It's a commandment of His. He doesn't need us, but if we wish to get out of this mess men make, then God told us what is necessary to do so.
He clearly states He is our King, government, lawgiver, and judge, not Hollywood actors, attorneys, papal priests, merchants from hell, and other sycophantic wolves. The latter's club is anarchy, which includes US and headed by Rome. We have all been taught that their lawlessness or iniquity is law that we are to obey.
God told us in Isaiah 24 that He will turn everything upside down due to our ungratefulness and disobedience to Him. This is what we are dealing with, and nothing more. Satan made us believe that it is far more complicated than this, and for his benefit, not ours. God is for our benefit, here and now, not later. He always was, is, and will be. We keep blowing it.
So you think you can restore what's been prophesied not to happen then?
You think you can convert everyone to Gods kingdom, let alone in "the" United States and "the" United States of America both incorporated, or you incorporated State, County, City where you live?
Matthew 24:24 KJV: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
They're not describing Politicians, but the elders of the Churches/Religions, so if even they are deceived would we really be restoring God's kingdom on Earth?
It doesn't mean you shouldn't try if that's what you choose to do, may God be with you and everyone on such a quest.
Not me or we, Kelly, but God. We are the created, not the creators, except of chaos.
He has already restored His kingdom here a few times, hasn't He? And, does He not say He will do it again if we return to Him again, and obey Him.
Who do you know that obeys Him? This is our part in the restoration. God's part is to be our King instead of men.
There is nothing new under the sun, as it is written. We are only taught by our adversaries that there is. Why? Because they have everything to lose, which they stole from us in our ignorance of the law.
So, yes, God said seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all will be ministered unto you.
A couple verses preceding these words, God says "O ye of little faith". So, we need to have faith in His words, then believe in them and verify them for ourselves.
Consider this. If God made all things, and He did, then what could possibly not be in His kingdom? Nothing? Then why do we think, speak, and act as if we are elsewhere?
We've all been deceived, Kelly, and trained to not think critically. It takes a little effort to break these habits, but I think you and all will say its worth it when you do. See Luke 12:32. I hold this one close. It's the endgame.
FYI, for the past 15 years, I do try, and continue. What I share with you is the result of quite a bit of progress I have made to this day. What I tell you and all is real. Everyone just needs to look into things further, and shut out the noise from false teachers and rulers. Go directly to the sources needed to verify what is given, and try them out for yourselves to eliminate any doubts.
Everyone can do this. God said so, and I believe Him. Everyone just needs to believe Him.
I hope this helps.
I agree and do already as best I can. It was you who said "We" need to restore Gods Kingdom.
The prophesies say how it will be restored again. As you mention "seek ye first the kingdom of God" is a much different statement that I agree with wholeheartedly. Repentance is a key factor and needs to done repeatedly, as mankind are born sinners and sinners for life for our time here. To think otherwise would be prideful.
I tend to practice through Matthew 6, but have attended various functions at other churches who've changed much since my youth, especially since the unification of churches. I'm accepted by my Catholic neighbors and church when I attend who know I have religion in me, but would prefer if I joined there's. I won't turn the tables over like our Lord Jesus Christ did in the Temples in Jerusalem and call them out, it's too embedded in them and I'm not the person to effect the change, so I share with them what I can when I can, and am greeted with ear to ear grins and nodding, yet many conversations that invoke thought, but they have standard answers they've been taught to counter conflicting information to their beliefs.
It's a deep river to traverse, and one better have all the tools and equipment before embarking on the journey. It's ok to question, but how one does it matters, and being prepared for counter arguments is essential too.
I get what you are saying, and we agree in general. But, yes, we have our part to play so that God will restore His kingdom for us here. Jesus came to earth for this specific purpose. To show us the way. Again, we need the right Scripture to see these things.
The Reformers discovered and knew well what God is saying to us, and who/what Rome and its papacy is. The English translated and loved the Geneva Bible, which works were done under much duress and threat of death. It remained a threat to the royals and papacy until Rome's King James and its Jesuits were able to deceive, strong arm, then, later, outlaw it in England. It was killed in 1644, and only recently resurrected publicly in 2006 in its modern form.
You rightly mentioned repentance. We all hear this. Even the religions teach it. But do they teach what God says to repent and how, or otherwise. If they did, then what I share here from God would be understood. Those little parts of the Gospels that are skipped over or explained off in New Age ways would be understood.
What I find is that Scripture is a very practical instruction to be applied in earth for the benefit of all man, not just a few. And, specifically, for the benefit of God's people, not Satan's. But the reverse has occurred, hasn't it?
The truth that Noah and his family were the only ones worthy to be saved from God's last end of days reset in and to His kingdom should give everyone pause, and ask why so few? And, God's prophecy of His next end time reset is told to us that it will be as it was in the time of Noah; people were eating and drinking, marrying... , which I understand to be metaphors for idolatry and other sins. Are there only going to be so few to be saved again? Doesn't have to be. During the Apostle's time, many returned.
It's these sins we need to repent that is at issue. We have been subtly taught that the sins of Adam and Israel (the real Israel) are a good thing, or they don't apply anymore. And, in our ignorance of such, many of us proceed through this life trying to do right in other parts of the law, thinking it is the whole of the law. This is the top deception, and all religions always have misled us down this path.
Religion in any form is not a good thing, except the pure one given in James 1. Following Jesus/God is not a religion, but the law.
The sin of Adam is to become his own god. What does it mean to become your own god, and, are we not doing the same, but don't know it, nor see it, yet it is reflected on us in the world via its Birth Records/Certificates?
In Scripture, the same was called stones, flesh, graves, and other actual and metaphorical names. The form may have changed, but the content didn't. It was still a NAME and a Number of a Child; a mark callled a person/human, which is not a man.
If the wrong Child NAME is used, then the holder is charged to pay taxes as a stranger to the pagan entity that issued it. If the right Child NAME appears, then no taxes can be charged. Did not Jesus pose this question to Peter? When Peter finally understood, does he not write that they sell us as merchandise?
Now, what Jesus did to protect His Apostles from this pagan scheme of theft by tax and fake law is shown in His prayer to the Father in the Garden. See John 17:11-12. Proof of this protection is in Acts 8:1, when Saul scattered the disciples, but not the Apostles.
This doesn't mean that our adversaries will always honor it, as we see what they did to Stephen and James. But when they do this, they condemn themselves to God's judgment and wrath, because they were shown the law, and had no excuse. We are given the demise of Herod who killed James.
The sin of Israel is to reject God as their King, for a man to rule over them like the other nations. Don't we do the same? Does not God's warning still stand for what will become of us if we do? See 1 Samuel 8.
Then worse, we seek a lifeless idol called corporation, be it religion, State, courts, commercial entities, militaries, schools... of men and the world, to rule over us and falsely claim ownership of God's creation given to living man alone.
Do you understand what God is telling us via James 2:9-11 and 4:4? This is a major sin, yes? Who do you know that repents these and stops doing it? Do not most man, both male and female, still call themselves citizen or officer of XYZ, or member of some religious organization, be it Catholic, Protestant, Judaism, Islam, Bhudist, Adventism, Freemasonry...
Why? Did God's words change? Or did we change when we listened to other men who either don't know, or don't want us to know the truth?
Now, repentance is one thing, but amendment is another. Amendment is in Geneva Bible, and it differs from repentance. It means correction. The KJV took it out, and leaves only repentance. Correction is an act we must perform to life. It is a work in faith, and faith without works is dead. To gain faith, we need knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. For, without faith we will fail, and use God's Name in vain.
There is more. The highest status a man can attain in God's kingdom is not a PhD or President or King or Pope, but a son and heir of God with and through His Name and Word, Jesus the Messiah. Another top title is to be is a "friend" of Jesus/God. We begin as enemies, then disciples, then servants before we attain friendship.
How do we get prerogative by God to become His sons? And, if a son, then an heir? How do we become a friend of God? Is this not written in John 1:12-13, Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:1-7, Isaiah 41:8, John15:15...?
Don't get me wrong, Kelly. I am you, as every man. I am deceived as much as anyone. I appreciate your replies so that we can narrow down what is not clear between our understandings.
The only one that is right is God. I believe you know this, or agree. All I can add is to tell others to revisit His words with fresh eyes, especially after studying how the ways of the world came to be. Then compare this study to what God says, and put God's words to the forefront and in action to overcome this world, as it is written.
I'm sure there is more that needs to be revealed to us. I continue to have questions that need answers, but this is a good start, and my questions are now fewer than when I began. The top difficulty I see and experience is that all of us must overcome the brainwashing we have received from a multitude of non-God's kingdom sources since arriving here. This wrong teaching keeps us from seeing what God is telling us.
Does this help?
Just read this from just the news, or first email I received so far, and you're the first to post in my groups.
Many still won't be happy, but our choices are limited, and if he follows through on the testing of the poisons in these frigging shots it's a start, and who am I to tell those who want to believe in them and continue to get them they can't?
As long as I'm not MANDATED to get them, I won't argue to mandate they don't.
If they don't vote for Bobby Kennedy for HHS secretary I am leaving the USA with my mules - and indeed, those who do not vote for Kennedy are compromised on the payola of deep state big pharma - Big Pharma must be investigated - The absolute corruption of Antny De-Faux-Chi must be investigated, Faux-Chi must be indicted and prosecuted. Take time to watch Bobby Kennedy being interviewed by Dennis Prager.
He'll get in. It's all part of the show. Don't you remember the Fauci raking by Mr. Good Cop, Rand Paul? Did this obvious liar and murderer ever get indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned? LOL No way. Do any of them do? No way. Kennedy is from one of the original 13 witch families that came to control this land for Rome. Collins, Russels, are a couple of others in this group. Have you ever seen a Kennedy lose? If so, its just temporary and part of a bigger plan they will play in for those they answer to.
Best to not get all caught up in these schemes and actors' performances. They are not here for our good. They never were.
Hey Dr Margaret, you might want to sit down for this. Trump just liquidated the entire CIA.
Dr Margaret, this also broke today:
'Without their knowledge': Unsuspecting Americans subject to top secret biomedical clinical trials