Let's get something straight, when the Jews crucified the Christ it was a declaration of war against Yahweh. I know of Reverend Bill Bean and he does exorcisms. So he sees things that I can't really fathom or understand. I know the Jews are eternally cursed for what they did as the blood of Jesus is on their heads. You can be a good Jew but you're still cursed unless you repent. There's things that go on in this world that I cannot explain. I know my brother
is evil and possessed by evil because he drinks and I think demons have taken over his body and soul. Actually he sold his soul to Satan when he was 8 or 9 years old. For some reason he bought this stupid book on how to be a Satanist and he's been a scumbag ever since. I'll never forget the morning he woke up crying because he had a nightmare and that was it. Satan doesn't care how old you are if you are giving him consent even at a young age it's a done deal. All I know in their physical manifestation is all Jews are evil. My experience is that. They are narcissist which is a sign of demon possession.
They are not a race they are multi-generational satanic cult. They are not semites. I never even say anti-semite. Because you're giving them credibility of being semites. It's so complicated. Get me off this fucking planet. I don't really know if I believe Tucker. Some people say stuff just to get attention. This I will say is that evil does rule this planet.
Quite interesting your brother bought into Satan at such a young age. I always wondered if you can cast out the demon without his consent.
I will be looking into more on exorcism, and what a job that is! I have heard of Rev. Bill Bean and there's another one who started on Wall Street in global trade and finance, turned Catholic Pastor, Father Dan Rehill. He's out of Tennessee and has a Podcast, Battle Ready. I have never heard of either of these exorcists.
For the benefit of others, here's a 3-hour interview that I am listening to now:
I do believe that evil runs this planet and Christ is coming soon! So many people don't want to be here to live during these times, but God has prepared us for these times!
My understanding is that all you need to do is invoke the Name of Jesus, which sends them running!
The problem with Catholicism is they don't read the Bible so they don't understand what the Jew is. The jew is the enemy of mankind. Though there have been priests and Catholics who know about Jews and communism. But generally scripture is not taught in the Catholic Church. They kept the Catholic Church from reading the Bible.
Most Catholics I know don't read the Bible. I also find it ironic that Catholic priests engage in child rape yet here we are with these Catholic priests who are exorcists. There's so much hypocrisy.
I'm Catholic and read the Bible. In fact it was the Bible, the book of St John, which opened my heart to Our Lord, Jesus. He truly is The Word made flesh. So now you know a Bible reading Catholic. May God Bless and keep you dear sir! 🙏
But generally they don't go over scripture in the church. I also don't like the child raping going on and most Catholics don't really say anything that I understand. I'm a complete outsider I've never gone to church I've never been baptized in the church. I've self-baptized myself in a stream before God. I did it twice to make sure. God bless you
the real Bible, you obviously do not know much about the book, translation is not defining the Bible, in Catholic Church we have just one Bible. There are 3 Christ Churches: Catholics, orthodox and protestants, those who protest, rebellious Heart that is about to have a heart attack!
You talk like a Jew. All your popes were Jewish. That's why they wear our yamaka. Too much child raping for me. Burning Christians at the stake just for studying the Bible? You better watch who you're talking to boy because you're not going to say it to my face. The only rebellion one here is,you. I asked you which Bible and you can't answer me dude. Piss off. The largest organized Church in the world cannot call out the Jew. I also don't like what the Catholics did to the native American Indians. You're the one who's going to have the heart attack, asshole.
Catholicism is a man made religion and I can't believe how many people actually believe that doctrine. Imo, its another arm of Satanic religion. Full of twisted lies. Pray to Mary to get to God? False. When God rent the veil he opened the holy of holies to all to come straight to him. No middle man required. Catholics even wrote thier own Bible full thats of sins with anti christs and idolatry. There are no nuns or pope mentioned anywhere in the Holy Bible.
It's too late for my brother. I've prayed for my brother. He doesn't hear the prayer. He's so bad with alcohol he could be dead for all I know because he doesn't communicate. He made himself executor of the estate and I'm getting so screwed by him and the lawyers and the judges. I just want to put a baseball bat to him and go to prison for it. Everyone tells me not to do it. But I can't end up homeless at 65. I hate this world I hate the fucking Jews I hate my brother I hate all the lawyers the judges these low-life pieces of shit bringing the world down. I'm so disgusted.
Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses and those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver Us from evil for your kingdom is of the power and Glory forever and ever in Jesus name Amen
The Jehovah Witnesses don't even know it. I lead them in prayer. I study scripture but I'm still an amateur. But I tend to correct people a lot on scripture.
Can I send you a free pdf of my No More Tears book? It is filled with Scriptures that build you up, help you attain a higher level of spiritual power, and it teaches you how to think.
DM me your email:) and I will be optimistic that it will create in you a new spirit.
Godbless Dr. I know of a girl who sold her soul at 13. She was also a really bad alcoholic. I asked her sister one day what is following your older sister around? She completely freaked out and told me to come back at lunch time as she was working in a grocery store. So I go back at the grocery store and she explained the story about how her sister was sexually abused at 13 and she sold her soul to Satan. Without too many details. Now I know why her mother asked me if I was a Christian.
Because of your brother, you have a discernment for bad soirits. The beautiful news is that God can not only heal her from the abuse, but use her to help others. Only He can find a way.
It's possible he may do those witchy things. He does dowsing which is sort of like that. He did tarot cards. I think he's just possessed by evil. Possession can take many forms. Generally I would say it's the drinking and he wants to drink himself to death he will probably get his wish. As much as I despise him, I wish I had a brother. My older half sister? I can't stand her even more. She should know better
Dr. Aranda, God gave us all the tools we need. There really are no professionals in the cases of exorcisms. It’s all a farce. The mediums, witches, warlocks are only part of the problem…
Hi Dr. Aranda! I have been a Christian since I was 8. I had a demonic possession when I was 4. Yes, the younger the more open you are to evil.
When you come to Christ, we are protected,
but we have to ask for protection everyday.
This is not our world. It’s the devils and his minions. I don’t believe in aliens, they are demons.
As far as casting demons out, we all have spiritual gifts, not powers. Paul speaks of this in, 1st Corinthians 14, our spiritual gifts.
Demons should not be called by their name, it only gives them more freedom and power to do what they will.
We should ONLY call on God and His angels to cast them out through ridged, righteous, continual prayer. And the more that gather and pray, the more powerful the Lord has in casting out the demons! WE HAVE TO ASK AND PRAY.
Please read Matthew 8:28-34, in vs. 31, the demons are taunting Jesus, through a man. They said, “If you are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine!” vs. 32, And Jesus said to them, “Go!” And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank, into the sea, perished in the water. This is one example. Jesus did not call those several demons by their names. He simply said GO! And yes, Jesus is God’s son. If we only believed like Jesus!
We are human, and have free will. But we can cast evil out of others. I had it done, not when I was 4, as a adult. I was prayed upon by 3 people, and I have done it. We have God given gifts and the right to use them, but we don’t. I will do a prayer for all l, and possibly a podcast. The Lord made it simple for us. Unfortunately, we are so jaded, we make it more complicated. Thank you for this article. God has been calling on me to do this for a while. I will!
I love your gentle nature and presentation. 4 years old!? You must be a very spiritual soul and empath.
Thank you for answering the question on free will.
Please write on this. I think you can even have the benefit of my audience by starting a newsletter with my referral link found on the bottom of my email.
Amazing interview. I was very touched by it. Its my understanding that you cannot cast a demon out without permission -it would be going against free will. Some people want them, strange as that is.
to cast out demons! You are human, they are but mere lowly, ugly, dumb creatures, of the devil! WE HAVE MUCH MORE POWER OVER THEM, THEN THEY DO OVER YOU! ✝️☦️❤️🙏🏻
That is a very good question. And I see one of our readers had a demon cast out of her at age 4. So consent is not necessary, which makes sense, as Christ said to cast them out, not qualifying it at all.
I will watch all of the Pastor Reed's video and study it further. Let me know if you see anything more on it, please. And I am looking forward to learning more from those who have personal experience.
Depends on what demon? Why are you giving this power in your thoughts? What is sad, I don’t see anyone mentioning Our Lord and His protection and what He has done for us!
Did T. Carlson get mauled by an entity? It could happen. Did it enter him and possess him? No.
But on this page NO ONE can name the arch angel who is going to betray us, like Judas did to Jesus, can you name the archangel?!?
I'm a warrior for Christ this isn't new for me. I understand it's a spiritual battle but it doesn't have to be so complicated but I guess it is on this poor planet.
I agree with you. It’s not complicated. Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Matt11:15). In other words, those with open minds will listen and understand. Those unwilling to hear will be given a spirit of slumber as a consequence of their rejection of grace (Rom 11:8).
“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Eph 6:12).
Jesus gave us authority over the devil (Luke 10:19). This authority is not just the ability to act, but also the rightful power to command demons to flee and to govern spiritual affairs in this world, as He did.
After a lot of formal study, I participate in a healing prayer and deliverance ministry with others who have studied and experienced this spiritual phenomenon. We pray with people all over the world via live video stream, and they are healed in their emotions and set free from demonic forces.
All Christians are called to ministry. We have the opportunity to steward what God has entrusted with us. Sadly, not every Christian participates in bringing Him glory.
So,” be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Eph 6:10).
You are not alone in your Biblical ignorance, The pastors and Bible teachers you had were woefully ignorant and lazy scholars.
It was the Kenites that yelled out to the Romans: "Crucify HIM"
For those people then, they have all passed from this 2nd earth age and had the chance to learn to make it through YHVH'S JUDGEMENT to the 3rd and final Heaven-Earth Age
Completely agree, nor did he say anything about his wife who was sleeping next to him. Somehow I just can’t believe the story and Tucker Carlson is great at story telling.
Good morning Lisa, no I am not of any religion……….they have all been infiltrated long ago. The majority of religions are 501 c 3, they don’t pay taxes. It’s all about the money, look at the Catholic Church, they have enriched themselves by the people. However, I do believe in God, I am that I am, he is within me. 💕🙏🏼
Many people look at organized religion just like this. The thing to separate out is the difference between having a relationship with Christ, and joining a church of believers.
Do you believe in Christ? If so, do you believe that He sent His Son, the Christ, to die for your sins and resurrect us to the presence of God for all eternity?
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:5-6)
When you look at all the potential suspects, there really is one conclusion to make. Though every suspect played a role in Jesus’s death, no one is ultimately responsible for his death. Jesus wasn’t killed. He was a willing sacrifice.
“The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18)
Jesus freely laid down his life. While Satan and the ones he influenced thought they were winning and ridding themselves of this nuisance, it blinded them to the actual plan of God. Jesus’ death was not the culmination of a manufactured plot to end his life. Jesus’ death was part of God’s plan to make way for eternal life. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, “Father forgive them; they don’t know what they are doing.” They were participants who had no clue what was really going on. This makes this question of who killed Jesus so fascinating. You had a willing sacrifice who laid down his life and blind participants who thought they took it. When you add it all up, Paul’s words in Corinthians have so much meaning.
“None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:8)
If you take a big-picture view, it was not the Romans, the Jews, Satan, or even us who killed Jesus. Jesus was killed because it was the will of the Father. Jesus’ death on the cross was by God’s design so that we could have life through his death. If you want to place the blame for the death of Jesus at anyone’s feet, place it at the feet of the Father. Everyone else may have had a role to play, but all they were doing was carrying out God’s plan that was designed before the world’s creation.
Accept Jesus Christ as their Lord And Savior. I can only speak to my experiences. If I didn’t have this ADHD issue, I could have really accomplished great things.
You are perfectly made & don’t sell yourself short. I have ADD too & have found that sometimes there’s a benefit from it. I tend to notice more than others, because focusing on one thing is difficult.
You did something amazing by sharing how to know Jesus & accept HIM. That’s so huge! You have gifts that only you have. It’s ok to love yourself just exactly as you are. 🏆🥰
My son, 43, has ADD. He also got childhood vaccines back in the early 80's when pediatricians didnt even ask! He has suffered greatly mostly when he was much younger. Recently I read where some psychiatrists got together & dreamed up ADD & ADHD to cover up for VACCINE INJURY! I almost fainted. But in light of what we have found out about vaccines in general, I believe it 100%. Consider that.
I'm sorry about your son. Back in the day, we trusted the doctors with our babies. Now we learn from the Amish who have zero shots and zero polio, and zero autism.
Some of the toxicity can be from aluminum; the detox can be done from home, very gradually.
"You are perfectly made". I just love that! When we lift people up, we SPEAK LIFE into their lives, and bless them in immeasurable ways!
When we envision ourselves healed, and use our faith in God to proclaim it, the spoken words get instilled in the world and that's exactly how people begin to manifest their healing.
Omg. This is what I’m talking about. No demons are after someone who is complicit with the psychiatric agenda. You live in the blue pill world, man. They are not after YOU!
That is correct. I don't have a psychiatric disorder. It doesn't stick to me and they hate that. But you can go ahead and be that victim if you so choose.
I’m not a victim. The words I type online don’t indicate everything I’m thinking or feeling. You don’t know anything about me. Stick to worrying about your life.
But if you are putting yourself in the psychiatric box like they want you to, you’re part of the problem that not only affects you but effects me and the rest of humanity too.
I get it though. You’re probably just using the labels because at this point it streamlines communication. The general public has coined terms to convey complicated messages and I get that too. A life story is long and full of too many nuances not to have short-cut agreements about words, in such a diverse society. Especially one without much close relationships… something everybody feels at this point.
Psychiatry is all too often creating this stuff in people, or being a vehicle for iatrogenic “diseases” that either don’t really exist at all or that are generated out of the neglect caused by the name-calling and dissection. It’s a huge prob in the world. Not sure how to fix it unless everybody can talk and wake up to it as a collective. A huge job. It’s the job of psychiatry to divide everybody, make people afraid of one another, destroy families and otherwise render as many people as possible dis-empowered. Humanity neeeeds to fight this.
We know so much more about ADD/ADHD because of the tie to vax injury. I think the comments below reflect a frustration with the brainwashing they have used to cover it up.
The beautiful thing is that you can be healed! Many do a combination of prayer, spiritual awakening, and alternative treatments like aluminum and heavy metal detox.
Dr. Peter Breggin, who interviewed me for his podcast posted on his Substack just days ago, is a pioneer in the psychiatry ruse of drugging up people to further institutionalize them, capturing them to psychiatry.
Evil is after everyone. Turn on your tv or walk around a big city. You can FEEL it. I’ve seen it. It doesn’t scare me but it’s real. Satan wants as many souls as he can possibly get. It’s also very much Bible based. Satan could be speaking through you right now. That’s why discernment is important.
Demons don't waste their time, so perhaps you already passed a test. That's different from temptations and sin, for which each one of us has daily struggles against.
And for some reason, some people have continual struggles against evil, probably because they are more of a threat.
Others are "wanted" by the evil side, which may not rest for the duration of one's life. It is said that they know the children who have the highest level of intelligence and bloodlines; these are the most famous cases of children who are kidnapped.
Here’s a list of 107 different versions of the Bible. They are vastly different depending upon the audience they were written for and the underlying messages being told. So yes, the Bible has been rewritten many times.
Example: King James Version, American King James Version, Children’s King James Version, Divine Name King James Bible, King James 2000 Version , King James Easy Reading Version, King James II Version, Modern King James Version, New King James Version, and the Updated King James Version.
Do you believe that these 10 versions, all named King James versions, written between 1611 and 2011 tell the same stories throughout? Things were removed, and things were added, all to satisfy the person paying for the version.
King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible in 1604 to unify the religious factions in England and to create a version that would be accepted by all, as the existing translations were causing division. The King sought to replace the Geneva Bible (1560), which contained annotations that challenged the authority of both the bishops and the monarchy, with a translation that would support his rule and the Anglican Church.
The Geneva Bible has been criticized for not giving us exactly what God said and for paraphrasing, and adding in side doctrines that actually are not correct.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is still my very favorite for new believers & those still with questions. After that “ Spiritual Warfare” by Dean Sherman is a great resource.
On page 132 of the Warfare book it talks about the difference between having authority ( to cast Satan away) & EXERCISING it.
5 methods for exercising our authority:
- Using the name of Jesus as a weapon.
Mark 16:17, “ In my name, they will cast out demons.” The name of Jesus carries all the power of the Cross & Resurrection.
- The word of God in warfare. By speaking scriptures, we hold a mighty weapon. Exorcists know that doing this hurts Satan immeasurably.
- The Power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:28 , Jesus said to Matthew, “ I cast out demons with the Spirit of God”. We can too.
- The blood of Jesus. Remind Satan of the blood of Jesus, and the defeat at the Cross. It reverses the curse & the enemy’s hold on mankind.
- Telling the truth. Satan is continually trying to discredit God. If we share our testimony & truth, it gives Satan less power to influence others. If we are honest with others about our journey to God, good & bad, Satan’s lies will be exposed.
Satan will continue to fight us, until we show our authority ( from Jesus), and shut him down. It’s the greatest feeling to know that nothing on this Earth can compete with the power of God. This is the team to be on. 😇
Great references and summary, thank you. I also love Hebrews 4:12:
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart".
Thanks, I’ve thought about it but embarrassingly, I don’t really know how to start. Like literally. I’ve written notes, etc. but confused in the whole process of subscriptions, etc. 🙈 I love writing to help people. Sounds corny but it’s true.
Of course there are evil entities, spiritual beings consumed by extremely negative emotions, & that wish harm on humanity. It has nothing to do with any specific tradition, Semitic or anti-Semitic or otherwise.
I had almost the same experience a few times in 2012, and once in 2015, and once in 2016. Scratch marks… the ones in 2012 I always found after waking up and they were places I could not have reached (middle back) and I did not have long fingernails and prolly could not scratch myself that hard even if I tried.
Yeah the demons been after me bro. They figured they had me cornered because psychiatric racism from who my mother was, and after what the state of NJ pulled on me in 2004 they really thought they had me. Wasn't until 2012 that some door to the spirit world opened and I started really getting an education on spirit realm. The Holy Spirit guiding me through hell more than once. Multiple levels of reality there are, like layer dimensions. I was falsely accused in 2004 of being psychotic when I wasn't, didn't even know that shit was real; demons though they had me bc I couldn't tell anyone what really happened to me, but man this long story is about to get TOLD.
The fight is real. So many people have been placed in mental institutions by evil people. Or evil people have tried to put away their enemies, even their spouse.
That was my intention. I’ve had a time pulling so much out, I feel I need to write books,,, I live in someone else’s space and it has interfered with my space to heal, write, meditate, fast,,,,, I can’t wait anymore…. Also this need to have a direct human being to hear me speak has persisted for 20 years. The trauma / internal turmoil only ever got so bad because that has always been missing all these years. If I had only had that one person with an empathetic ear near the time just after the worst trauma in 2004, I would have healed IMMEDIATELY, and I am sure my life would have FLOURISHED. I KNOW THIS, SOMEHOW IT IS INSTINCTUAL. I JUST KNOW IT.
You said at the bottom of your emails is a referral link to start a Substack, does that mean one connected to yours, and what emails, are they your subscriber Substack emails? I’m trying to sort this out,, kinda new on the platform
…but the name of Jesus doesn’t have power. My mother died in a psych ward singing “Jesus loves me” songs. 42 years in that hell with nobody giving a damn, not even God.
The church people put her there. They always pray in Jesus name too and it doesn’t do anything.
It's not about some "whispered lies", it's about being put through experiences. "Go ahead ask God to prove Himself to you" ?? Like really? I've only been talking to Him and listening for Him all of my life. What have I got to lose? Nothing, really, I already lost everything, multiple times over. Or maybe, I never lost anything at all, because whatever there was to "lose" wasn't really anything to have in the first place. It's kinda hard for me to believe, however, that family and community are NOTHING worth having.
Ha and there's a HACKER SCREWING WITH MY SCREEN AND KEYBOARD RIGHT NOW. I haven't seen that for a few years. Interesting.
The attack you suffer is spiritual. You must put on your armor and win the fight that's in your head.
I also get attacks of different kinds... websites that don't work, screen freezes, etc.
Try to "respond" and not "react".
I SPEAK LIFE INTO YOUR LIFE! I command your spirit of Christ to open up inside you and stop being swallowed up by the thoughts of destruction! In the Name of Jesus, I pray! 🙏
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Listen to worship music. The battle is in your mind. ❤️
It wasn’t in my mind at all. That’s how we got here, extended physical brutality and neglect, abusive behavior from people everywhere. It’s NOT “all in my head”! What people do is real. What happens as a result is real. The damages in my body become real. Of course I wind up thinking about it. There is balance.
The more people around us invalidate our experiences, the more there is a lack of love in the world, the more that effects how we are capable of perceiving God.
There is a balance…. And yes, it is all around spiritual battle, because everything is of energy…
BTW I do love worship music, and SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES are how I am still alive, healthy and sane. The door to the spirit realm was opened by these frequencies. The Holy Spirit took the lead when I tuned in and began listening to Solfeggios! Divine frequency music. I didn’t think it was real, I thought it was hocus pocus, but at the point where I was ready to try anything I started listening to them and the supernatural guidance really opened up. Just reporting my experiences!
“Try to "respond and not react”. —- “The battle is win your mind”.
“…and stop being swallowed up by thoughts of destruction”.
Ya know, way to back me into the infinitesimal ditch of endless isolation. THIS IS THE ROOT, and it DOES NOT COME FROM ME. You have no idea how endless and absurd this is.
How dare you.
Go back to your husband and family and comfortable little home now, your crowd of know-it-all-alreadies. This kind of “love” is hate.
I'm so sorry about your mother. And over the generations, the church has done much great evil. Good thing that it is not our standard.
I don't pretend to know the situation, but I can tell you one thing. Because your Mom was singing to Jesus as she died, He was there. And she was happy.
Nothing else matters.
She got what they tried to take away from her: glory in the eternal presence of God.
Instead of putting yourself where she was and inside of what she went through, see your Mom where she is right now.
The No More Tears. Feel it.
Because if you can feel it, you will know that nothing else matters. They couldn't take Him away from her, and she is happy.
I’m having a time trying to type an edit on this phone keyboard.. tried to pull out the laptop BUT THE HACKERS ARE BACK AND BLOCKING THE CONNECTION TO MY COMPUTER. Gonna have to be really patient dealing with this. Again
The face of evil rapes people while telling the whole planet and the victim that they “wanted it”. The bad guys get away every time, because victims aren’t real, they are people who “asked for it”, who “want it”, who somehow are magically in control of the existence of other people’s neurosises and also responsible for the behaviors of psychopaths. Twisted! That is the language of SATAN, “you placed yourself in the situation”, what “you got yourself into”, etc etc etc
If the battle becomes in the mind, THAT IS WHAT PUTS IT THERE 💯
The lies of Satan have come from the lips of every person that I thought was a friend. The insanity of this alone will NOT BE MINE. I do not and will not ever take the lies on myself. So help me God. That is why I remain who I really am and the lies don’t ever stick to me. I walk away from every liar that ever spoke violence over me either knowingly or not. God knows!
I just want to also say, that I don't believe in "Pie In The Sky". I believe in "On Earth As It Is In Heaven." When Jesus saves, it's not saving someone for some other life and just chucking this one aside. as if we were all supposed to sit in a prison cell, wasting away doing time. We are here to be proactive and bring Heaven onto the Earth.
My whole life story is the AVOIDANCE OF and FIGHT AGAINST being PUT where my mother was! You don’t even know what you said. It’s just awful. If you only knew. This is why the drive to tell the whole world has remained so strong — because this effects everyone — it’s how it gets to continue the way it is, and I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT! Not one bit!
And yet at the same time, I have the OPPORTUNITY to know that I am nothing without my Loving Creator 🙏💖 it’s deep
I have fought in ways my mother never could, partly because, having witnessed what was done to her from an early age revealed to me the truth of things where I could always see through the biggest lies in people and what they have been taught to believe in. The other part that allowed me to remain free and continue to fight has been perseverance and toughness that she never had. I used to get frustrated watching her listlessness and I just could not understand why she slept all the time…. Until it happened to ME. Psychiatry is the absolute worst form of dehumanization ever invented. It’s racism on steroids.
Everybody in this world have been brainwashed. To say that it’s in my mind is an outrageous lie from the pit of hell. To say that I put myself in my mother’s place, as if this were some voluntary or unconscious voluntary thing is also a lie from an even deeper pit of hell. The human race is captivated by the Satan lies that parade around in “expert” on nobody and nothing professionalism, pop sayings, buzz word mind control psyop, new age spin hypnotist pollution.
I had ZERO thought in my mind that I would even ever end up in a psych ward. 2 strangers on a new job who didn’t like my skin color and knew I was living in a shelter (which was also the mind control cult I was trying to escape from) went BEHIND MY BACK and pulled this as an AMUSING PRANK after telling me they were going to ruin my life, after making racist innuendoes towards me on the job. I only ever responded to them with grace, as I always do…
There’s so much I want to detail about that night and the whole background. They tried to make an enemy while not allowing any communication, and the craziest part was I was living in a house with 25 women and children who were all Black and Hispanic except for about 5 of us. I got my rides to and from work every day from black women. I’d even had a recent event before all this where I wound up the only white face in a 100% black church after my mother’s church pastor pulled a horrible racist - eugenicist stunt on me when I came back to Baltimore the month before to visit my mother, who I’d been separated from most of my life. He even tried calling the cops on me when I refused to leave because I insisted on being listened to after his ugly name calling spew that he dumped all over me, someone he did not know a thing about… I stood and kept silently waiting for him to stop cutting me off so that I could speak and be heard. He was going to arrest me because I stood there trying to speak and he kept dumping lies over top of all my words every time I attempted to speak. So then I asked, “why are you criminalizing me? Why are you trying to kill me?” Then I said, “When you go home tonight and turn on the news, and you see the havoc that’s getting people murdered, remember the way that you just criminalized me.” And I turned and walked out. Clear as today the image of me in tears, walking down the steps of the Baptist church at John’s Hopkins University. I was 32. Hadn’t been there since age 14, when I had left. ~~ a little later I was in the back of a coffee shop, in a corner with rivers of silent tears streaming down my face, making an actual puddle on the floor in front of me, when a black couple approached me, and were exceedingly kind, and listened to me, and hugged me. I looked at them and said, “I want to go to YOUR church!” They were full of glee. So I rode with them to the other side of town, and there I was the only white face in a black crowd singing my heart out with everybody singing gospel songs and I felt right at home. This is what always happened all of my life. I was always more at home with blacks and immigrants and that’s where I always ended up, because of the same kind of racism that effects my world, just like theirs. So I was always a bridge between two worlds.
Also, that same night I happened to turn on the news... and a homeless man had broke into the John's Hopkins Campus to rob the place and the president's daughter walked in and he murdered her.
I remembered the words that had blurted out of my mouth without a thought before I had turned and walked out the campus church.
But the 2 coworkers out to get me at the nursing home had no way of even knowing that most recent of events. And their accusations were all about the racism in the churches!! And they wouldn’t let me speak either!!! I couldn’t tell them anything! So smiling with grace PISSED THEM OFF. They did not know that I understood bc they didn’t want to know….. just like everything else people do!
They thought what they were doing was proving how rough I thought I had things and I’ll show you, and all they did was prove how much worse my life has always been compared to theirs. We were from the exact same background but that’s what hate does, it looks for scapegoat, and the one who is NEWEST somewhere is the easy target.
This is not in my mind. This is in the world. This is dynamics that already was here. I am NOT the scapegoat or responsible for behaviors that are not mine. My own behaviors have been impeccable. On the way escorted out by police an Indian coworker walked up and whispered in my ear, “you were the best we had.” I said no word, but it flashed through my mind, “why are you telling ME this? TELL THEM!” But I said no word, because no one was stopping them. So ALL who were there that night were accomplices.
I had my 33rd birthday 6 days later, locked in hell not having access to anything, starved and abused and ridiculed, left in one set of filthy clothes for 2 months….
I think demonic activity is definitely real and our current government is almost certainly demonic. The Bible calls Satan the God of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4). 1 John tells us “all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father….” (v 16), and Romans 1 explains what happens when we reject the plain truth about God. Nothing else other than demonic activity can explain the insanity of policies like killing babies in the womb and mutilating children.
Also, I didn’t watch the X space but I do listen to some of Tucker’s podcast episodes. I don’t think he’s anti-Semite, but I do think he’s skeptical of Zionism and the Israeli state. Some of his comments on it make me uncomfortable but I also think it’s ok to live in a space of nuance recognizing that the Israeli government is capable of evil just like our government is.
Yes, when I hear the hatred of Zionism, I definitely equate it with Satanism. The whole Israel situation still concerns me on many different levels, and I am not sure that they tell us more than they want us to know.
I believe him. I'd had an experience 20 yrs ago. Gold no one. God delivered me from it. I wasn't mauled, but I was taken. I cried out for Jesus to save me. He did. I was never bothered again.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)
One year while doing the overnight shift as an X-Ray tech in an industrial clinic in Torrance, CA I was in the room of the clinic with a TV and bed . The movie: "The Exorcist" was on. I thought: "I wonder what it's like to be demonic possessed. The next day and for the next week I was so sick I could not work my day or night job as an x-rat tech. I stopped peeing. I called one of the MD's who owned the industrial clinic and he sent the dude I met in x-ray school to pick me up and bring me to the clinic. The doctor injected me with B-12. He said that often will allow you to pee. And in 15-20 minutes I was in the bathroom peeing out nearly a week of built up urine. I must have peed for what seems 45 minutes. From that point I never wondered what it's like to be demonic possessed. I totally believe what Tucker claims the USA is demonic deep in worship - not YHVH (GOD of the BIBLE) - which makes sense why the upside down and perverse administration of the treasonous coup d'etat that rigged and stole the 2020 election and 2022 election in states like Arizona. That globalist deep state oligarchs are satanic and deadheading to the antichrist. I am not alone. Truly the 2024 victory and dodging a bullet 7-13-2024 by President Trump that would have taken us down the path too soon for YHVH'S timing, because we prayed hard since the diabolical installed regime by foreign and domestic treasonous criminals - more perversion in that deep state stooge puppet whore career criminal Joe Biden along with perversion in public schools, colleges, woke corporations and sports. Proving the truth behind the Biblical statement: 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (King James Version)
I have no faith in any man here on earth...period. Not even Trump. I am very worried for us all right now. I have this feeling we have been sold a bad set of goods.
All I can say, be and get good with God, the sooner, the better. Quickly.
I've never heard of that one on the inability to urinate, and using a vitamin B12 injection! Fascinating that the doc knew about that.
Backing up, it seems that as you wondered about being demon possessed, a demon entered you. Besides making you physically sick, do you remember any mind games, or wanting to hurt yourself?
The injection made you pee, but how did the demon come out? Did you feel so much better after urinating that you went back to work?
Discernment is key, and the powers and authorities of Satan are amongst us, especially in high places of authority.
See my post on AlphaWarrior later this morning, if you could.
Let's get something straight, when the Jews crucified the Christ it was a declaration of war against Yahweh. I know of Reverend Bill Bean and he does exorcisms. So he sees things that I can't really fathom or understand. I know the Jews are eternally cursed for what they did as the blood of Jesus is on their heads. You can be a good Jew but you're still cursed unless you repent. There's things that go on in this world that I cannot explain. I know my brother
is evil and possessed by evil because he drinks and I think demons have taken over his body and soul. Actually he sold his soul to Satan when he was 8 or 9 years old. For some reason he bought this stupid book on how to be a Satanist and he's been a scumbag ever since. I'll never forget the morning he woke up crying because he had a nightmare and that was it. Satan doesn't care how old you are if you are giving him consent even at a young age it's a done deal. All I know in their physical manifestation is all Jews are evil. My experience is that. They are narcissist which is a sign of demon possession.
They are not a race they are multi-generational satanic cult. They are not semites. I never even say anti-semite. Because you're giving them credibility of being semites. It's so complicated. Get me off this fucking planet. I don't really know if I believe Tucker. Some people say stuff just to get attention. This I will say is that evil does rule this planet.
Quite interesting your brother bought into Satan at such a young age. I always wondered if you can cast out the demon without his consent.
I will be looking into more on exorcism, and what a job that is! I have heard of Rev. Bill Bean and there's another one who started on Wall Street in global trade and finance, turned Catholic Pastor, Father Dan Rehill. He's out of Tennessee and has a Podcast, Battle Ready. I have never heard of either of these exorcists.
For the benefit of others, here's a 3-hour interview that I am listening to now:
I do believe that evil runs this planet and Christ is coming soon! So many people don't want to be here to live during these times, but God has prepared us for these times!
My understanding is that all you need to do is invoke the Name of Jesus, which sends them running!
The problem with Catholicism is they don't read the Bible so they don't understand what the Jew is. The jew is the enemy of mankind. Though there have been priests and Catholics who know about Jews and communism. But generally scripture is not taught in the Catholic Church. They kept the Catholic Church from reading the Bible.
Most Catholics I know don't read the Bible. I also find it ironic that Catholic priests engage in child rape yet here we are with these Catholic priests who are exorcists. There's so much hypocrisy.
I'm Catholic and read the Bible. In fact it was the Bible, the book of St John, which opened my heart to Our Lord, Jesus. He truly is The Word made flesh. So now you know a Bible reading Catholic. May God Bless and keep you dear sir! 🙏
But generally they don't go over scripture in the church. I also don't like the child raping going on and most Catholics don't really say anything that I understand. I'm a complete outsider I've never gone to church I've never been baptized in the church. I've self-baptized myself in a stream before God. I did it twice to make sure. God bless you
Catholics read the Bible every day in the Church.
Most Catholics I know don't read the Bible. They might as well be Jehovah witness who deny the Christ as God
Which Bible?
Which Bible do you read?
the real Bible, you obviously do not know much about the book, translation is not defining the Bible, in Catholic Church we have just one Bible. There are 3 Christ Churches: Catholics, orthodox and protestants, those who protest, rebellious Heart that is about to have a heart attack!
You talk like a Jew. All your popes were Jewish. That's why they wear our yamaka. Too much child raping for me. Burning Christians at the stake just for studying the Bible? You better watch who you're talking to boy because you're not going to say it to my face. The only rebellion one here is,you. I asked you which Bible and you can't answer me dude. Piss off. The largest organized Church in the world cannot call out the Jew. I also don't like what the Catholics did to the native American Indians. You're the one who's going to have the heart attack, asshole.
Catholicism is a man made religion and I can't believe how many people actually believe that doctrine. Imo, its another arm of Satanic religion. Full of twisted lies. Pray to Mary to get to God? False. When God rent the veil he opened the holy of holies to all to come straight to him. No middle man required. Catholics even wrote thier own Bible full thats of sins with anti christs and idolatry. There are no nuns or pope mentioned anywhere in the Holy Bible.
Every religion has its problems. We are the church.
The hypocrisy doesn't leave God unable to save people. I accepted Christ at age 7 while in Catholic school.
Catholics speak Bible verses aloud (with the referenced chapter and verse) from the bulletin every service. And many read their Bibles at home.
We are the church; it is a living thing for which Christ is coming back for, as we are His Bride.
What God has created, man cannot undo.
It's too late for my brother. I've prayed for my brother. He doesn't hear the prayer. He's so bad with alcohol he could be dead for all I know because he doesn't communicate. He made himself executor of the estate and I'm getting so screwed by him and the lawyers and the judges. I just want to put a baseball bat to him and go to prison for it. Everyone tells me not to do it. But I can't end up homeless at 65. I hate this world I hate the fucking Jews I hate my brother I hate all the lawyers the judges these low-life pieces of shit bringing the world down. I'm so disgusted.
I am so sorry. It sounds hopeless, but I know that with all things, God is able to turn what was meant for evil into good.
Is there a chance that he does witchy ceremonial things to make you miserable?
I would think that you could cover yourself with the blood of Christ in some kind of cleansing ritual that keeps you and your perimeter protected.
I would start with fasting and prayer, because maybe the Holy Spirit would impress on you the way that you should go.
I hope this doesn't sound trite. I suffered for twelve years and did become homeless for a year.
I was also dying. And everyone gave up on me, so I was alone.
I pray all of God's work in your life, all His protection and promises unto you! And I will keep praying for you.
I know this by heart and I say it every day-
Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses and those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver Us from evil for your kingdom is of the power and Glory forever and ever in Jesus name Amen
The Jehovah Witnesses don't even know it. I lead them in prayer. I study scripture but I'm still an amateur. But I tend to correct people a lot on scripture.
Can I send you a free pdf of my No More Tears book? It is filled with Scriptures that build you up, help you attain a higher level of spiritual power, and it teaches you how to think.
DM me your email:) and I will be optimistic that it will create in you a new spirit.
Godbless Dr. I know of a girl who sold her soul at 13. She was also a really bad alcoholic. I asked her sister one day what is following your older sister around? She completely freaked out and told me to come back at lunch time as she was working in a grocery store. So I go back at the grocery store and she explained the story about how her sister was sexually abused at 13 and she sold her soul to Satan. Without too many details. Now I know why her mother asked me if I was a Christian.
Because of your brother, you have a discernment for bad soirits. The beautiful news is that God can not only heal her from the abuse, but use her to help others. Only He can find a way.
You may be an empath.
Most of the time lol
Please send me your PDF I would like to read it. I sent you an email from my email account. God bless
It's possible he may do those witchy things. He does dowsing which is sort of like that. He did tarot cards. I think he's just possessed by evil. Possession can take many forms. Generally I would say it's the drinking and he wants to drink himself to death he will probably get his wish. As much as I despise him, I wish I had a brother. My older half sister? I can't stand her even more. She should know better
You probably need a professional to help get him free...
Dr. Aranda, God gave us all the tools we need. There really are no professionals in the cases of exorcisms. It’s all a farce. The mediums, witches, warlocks are only part of the problem…
He has to want to do it
Im sorry! Dont give up, just pray!
Hi Dr. Aranda! I have been a Christian since I was 8. I had a demonic possession when I was 4. Yes, the younger the more open you are to evil.
When you come to Christ, we are protected,
but we have to ask for protection everyday.
This is not our world. It’s the devils and his minions. I don’t believe in aliens, they are demons.
As far as casting demons out, we all have spiritual gifts, not powers. Paul speaks of this in, 1st Corinthians 14, our spiritual gifts.
Demons should not be called by their name, it only gives them more freedom and power to do what they will.
We should ONLY call on God and His angels to cast them out through ridged, righteous, continual prayer. And the more that gather and pray, the more powerful the Lord has in casting out the demons! WE HAVE TO ASK AND PRAY.
Please read Matthew 8:28-34, in vs. 31, the demons are taunting Jesus, through a man. They said, “If you are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine!” vs. 32, And Jesus said to them, “Go!” And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank, into the sea, perished in the water. This is one example. Jesus did not call those several demons by their names. He simply said GO! And yes, Jesus is God’s son. If we only believed like Jesus!
We are human, and have free will. But we can cast evil out of others. I had it done, not when I was 4, as a adult. I was prayed upon by 3 people, and I have done it. We have God given gifts and the right to use them, but we don’t. I will do a prayer for all l, and possibly a podcast. The Lord made it simple for us. Unfortunately, we are so jaded, we make it more complicated. Thank you for this article. God has been calling on me to do this for a while. I will!
I love your gentle nature and presentation. 4 years old!? You must be a very spiritual soul and empath.
Thank you for answering the question on free will.
Please write on this. I think you can even have the benefit of my audience by starting a newsletter with my referral link found on the bottom of my email.
Thanks Dr. Aranda! I will write on it. Happy holidays! ❤️🤗🎄🎄✝️☦️✝️✝️✝️
YaY!!! I cannot wait!
Amazing interview. I was very touched by it. Its my understanding that you cannot cast a demon out without permission -it would be going against free will. Some people want them, strange as that is.
to cast out demons! You are human, they are but mere lowly, ugly, dumb creatures, of the devil! WE HAVE MUCH MORE POWER OVER THEM, THEN THEY DO OVER YOU! ✝️☦️❤️🙏🏻
That is a very good question. And I see one of our readers had a demon cast out of her at age 4. So consent is not necessary, which makes sense, as Christ said to cast them out, not qualifying it at all.
I will watch all of the Pastor Reed's video and study it further. Let me know if you see anything more on it, please. And I am looking forward to learning more from those who have personal experience.
Depends on the demon
Depends on what demon? Why are you giving this power in your thoughts? What is sad, I don’t see anyone mentioning Our Lord and His protection and what He has done for us!
Did T. Carlson get mauled by an entity? It could happen. Did it enter him and possess him? No.
But on this page NO ONE can name the arch angel who is going to betray us, like Judas did to Jesus, can you name the archangel?!?
Demons can be different. Some can only come out with prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:21
It is very complicated and I don't understand it. But I know that God has you here for a reason!
I believe that if you seek His face with fasting and prayer, together with another prayer warrior(s), your spiritual battle can be fought.
Everyday it's all I got
You can perfect it.
I'm a warrior for Christ this isn't new for me. I understand it's a spiritual battle but it doesn't have to be so complicated but I guess it is on this poor planet.
It is war. They never stop. You can sharpen your sword.
I agree with you. It’s not complicated. Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Matt11:15). In other words, those with open minds will listen and understand. Those unwilling to hear will be given a spirit of slumber as a consequence of their rejection of grace (Rom 11:8).
“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Eph 6:12).
Jesus gave us authority over the devil (Luke 10:19). This authority is not just the ability to act, but also the rightful power to command demons to flee and to govern spiritual affairs in this world, as He did.
After a lot of formal study, I participate in a healing prayer and deliverance ministry with others who have studied and experienced this spiritual phenomenon. We pray with people all over the world via live video stream, and they are healed in their emotions and set free from demonic forces.
All Christians are called to ministry. We have the opportunity to steward what God has entrusted with us. Sadly, not every Christian participates in bringing Him glory.
So,” be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Eph 6:10).
Onward Cristian soldier!
Beautiful, Amen!
You are not alone in your Biblical ignorance, The pastors and Bible teachers you had were woefully ignorant and lazy scholars.
It was the Kenites that yelled out to the Romans: "Crucify HIM"
For those people then, they have all passed from this 2nd earth age and had the chance to learn to make it through YHVH'S JUDGEMENT to the 3rd and final Heaven-Earth Age
Pharisee Jews.
John 7:1
King James Version
7 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Matthew 22:27-66, speaks in length of His crucifixion.
It was people of all faiths, mainly of the Jewish religion.
And it is spelled, Canaanites.
Who Were the Canaanites? Genesis 9:18
The Canaanites descend from Noah’s son, Ham. He was the father of Canaan.
If Tucker had showed a picture of his wounds to corroborate his story, it would be much more convincing!
Completely agree, nor did he say anything about his wife who was sleeping next to him. Somehow I just can’t believe the story and Tucker Carlson is great at story telling.
Maria, are you of any religion? If there are angels there are demons.
Good morning Lisa, no I am not of any religion……….they have all been infiltrated long ago. The majority of religions are 501 c 3, they don’t pay taxes. It’s all about the money, look at the Catholic Church, they have enriched themselves by the people. However, I do believe in God, I am that I am, he is within me. 💕🙏🏼
Many people look at organized religion just like this. The thing to separate out is the difference between having a relationship with Christ, and joining a church of believers.
Do you believe in Christ? If so, do you believe that He sent His Son, the Christ, to die for your sins and resurrect us to the presence of God for all eternity?
I am not talking about religion in general. I am speaking of FAITH IN GOD. They are separate. Do not let the world, hinder your faith! 🙏🏻
Believe, that is what God wants. Just to believe.
Having the faith to believe without seeing... that is the truth of what God wants to see in us.
I thought that at one point, he almost looked ready to pull up his shirt. 👌
I’ve asked this question for many years. This is the most satisfying answer I’ve ever seen.
From this article:
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:5-6)
When you look at all the potential suspects, there really is one conclusion to make. Though every suspect played a role in Jesus’s death, no one is ultimately responsible for his death. Jesus wasn’t killed. He was a willing sacrifice.
“The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18)
Jesus freely laid down his life. While Satan and the ones he influenced thought they were winning and ridding themselves of this nuisance, it blinded them to the actual plan of God. Jesus’ death was not the culmination of a manufactured plot to end his life. Jesus’ death was part of God’s plan to make way for eternal life. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, “Father forgive them; they don’t know what they are doing.” They were participants who had no clue what was really going on. This makes this question of who killed Jesus so fascinating. You had a willing sacrifice who laid down his life and blind participants who thought they took it. When you add it all up, Paul’s words in Corinthians have so much meaning.
“None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:8)
If you take a big-picture view, it was not the Romans, the Jews, Satan, or even us who killed Jesus. Jesus was killed because it was the will of the Father. Jesus’ death on the cross was by God’s design so that we could have life through his death. If you want to place the blame for the death of Jesus at anyone’s feet, place it at the feet of the Father. Everyone else may have had a role to play, but all they were doing was carrying out God’s plan that was designed before the world’s creation.
Thank you for the kind and inspiring words! God is so good! And we are so blessed to have Christ!
Yes. Jesus knew what His purpose was, and He knew He was going to be crucified. He had to save us from our own sin.
Demons stay away from me. Must be The Holy Spirit. And my guardian angels.
I'm glad for you. What do you think it is that you do to make it so?
What advice would you have for someone who feels very persecuted and surrounded by evil?
Pray for your enemies, and thank God for life.
Praying for our enemies definitely heaps great coals on their heads, but most importantly, may help save them through the blood of Christ 👌
And the power of praising God is key to manifesting a miracle!
You have a very sweet soul. Never change ❤️ .
Accept Jesus Christ as their Lord And Savior. I can only speak to my experiences. If I didn’t have this ADHD issue, I could have really accomplished great things.
Absolutely we need Christ, and the Holy Spirit within us. Amen!
You are perfectly made & don’t sell yourself short. I have ADD too & have found that sometimes there’s a benefit from it. I tend to notice more than others, because focusing on one thing is difficult.
You did something amazing by sharing how to know Jesus & accept HIM. That’s so huge! You have gifts that only you have. It’s ok to love yourself just exactly as you are. 🏆🥰
To Steve:
Thank you. That means a lot and I appreciate it.
My son, 43, has ADD. He also got childhood vaccines back in the early 80's when pediatricians didnt even ask! He has suffered greatly mostly when he was much younger. Recently I read where some psychiatrists got together & dreamed up ADD & ADHD to cover up for VACCINE INJURY! I almost fainted. But in light of what we have found out about vaccines in general, I believe it 100%. Consider that.
I'm sorry about your son. Back in the day, we trusted the doctors with our babies. Now we learn from the Amish who have zero shots and zero polio, and zero autism.
Some of the toxicity can be from aluminum; the detox can be done from home, very gradually.
ADD & ADHD are not even real — like MOST OF PSYCHIATRY! It’s a DEMONIC PLOT! Get yourself free of it if you care about humanity
"You are perfectly made". I just love that! When we lift people up, we SPEAK LIFE into their lives, and bless them in immeasurable ways!
When we envision ourselves healed, and use our faith in God to proclaim it, the spoken words get instilled in the world and that's exactly how people begin to manifest their healing.
You don’t have to have “ADHD”! It’s a TRICK!
Omg. This is what I’m talking about. No demons are after someone who is complicit with the psychiatric agenda. You live in the blue pill world, man. They are not after YOU!
Ok, Dr. Deb.
That is correct. I don't have a psychiatric disorder. It doesn't stick to me and they hate that. But you can go ahead and be that victim if you so choose.
I’m not a victim. The words I type online don’t indicate everything I’m thinking or feeling. You don’t know anything about me. Stick to worrying about your life.
Well that’s good.
But if you are putting yourself in the psychiatric box like they want you to, you’re part of the problem that not only affects you but effects me and the rest of humanity too.
I get it though. You’re probably just using the labels because at this point it streamlines communication. The general public has coined terms to convey complicated messages and I get that too. A life story is long and full of too many nuances not to have short-cut agreements about words, in such a diverse society. Especially one without much close relationships… something everybody feels at this point.
Psychiatry is all too often creating this stuff in people, or being a vehicle for iatrogenic “diseases” that either don’t really exist at all or that are generated out of the neglect caused by the name-calling and dissection. It’s a huge prob in the world. Not sure how to fix it unless everybody can talk and wake up to it as a collective. A huge job. It’s the job of psychiatry to divide everybody, make people afraid of one another, destroy families and otherwise render as many people as possible dis-empowered. Humanity neeeeds to fight this.
Maybe go a little lighter;)
Go a little lighter, on what? Not sure what you mean
We know so much more about ADD/ADHD because of the tie to vax injury. I think the comments below reflect a frustration with the brainwashing they have used to cover it up.
The beautiful thing is that you can be healed! Many do a combination of prayer, spiritual awakening, and alternative treatments like aluminum and heavy metal detox.
Dr. Peter Breggin, who interviewed me for his podcast posted on his Substack just days ago, is a pioneer in the psychiatry ruse of drugging up people to further institutionalize them, capturing them to psychiatry.
Maybe check my articles on Clean Slate:
Evil is after everyone. Turn on your tv or walk around a big city. You can FEEL it. I’ve seen it. It doesn’t scare me but it’s real. Satan wants as many souls as he can possibly get. It’s also very much Bible based. Satan could be speaking through you right now. That’s why discernment is important.
He’s not. The Holy Ghost is in me.
But without that, evil would want you on its side.
I can definitely feel evil. God made us with a spiritual intuition and the Holy Spirit definitely guides us in that direction.
Demons don't waste their time, so perhaps you already passed a test. That's different from temptations and sin, for which each one of us has daily struggles against.
And for some reason, some people have continual struggles against evil, probably because they are more of a threat.
Others are "wanted" by the evil side, which may not rest for the duration of one's life. It is said that they know the children who have the highest level of intelligence and bloodlines; these are the most famous cases of children who are kidnapped.
They don't rest.
Glad Tucker has been reading the Bible… MayGod be with Him!
We should all do the same;) ❤️
There are evil beings who have been here since we have according to the deep sea scrolls & 1st five books of the bible.
Other books of the bible hsve been rewritten & stories are told so that we believe certain things.
Do you mean there are different “translations” of the Bible? The Bible has NOT been “rewritten.”
Yes it was at the council of Nicea, heavily edited.
Here’s a list of 107 different versions of the Bible. They are vastly different depending upon the audience they were written for and the underlying messages being told. So yes, the Bible has been rewritten many times.
Example: King James Version, American King James Version, Children’s King James Version, Divine Name King James Bible, King James 2000 Version , King James Easy Reading Version, King James II Version, Modern King James Version, New King James Version, and the Updated King James Version.
Do you believe that these 10 versions, all named King James versions, written between 1611 and 2011 tell the same stories throughout? Things were removed, and things were added, all to satisfy the person paying for the version.
King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible in 1604 to unify the religious factions in England and to create a version that would be accepted by all, as the existing translations were causing division. The King sought to replace the Geneva Bible (1560), which contained annotations that challenged the authority of both the bishops and the monarchy, with a translation that would support his rule and the Anglican Church.
You bring up a good topic.
The Geneva Bible has been criticized for not giving us exactly what God said and for paraphrasing, and adding in side doctrines that actually are not correct.
The King James is still upheld by many scholars.
Its my go to
And we will continue to fight this evil until Christ comes back.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is still my very favorite for new believers & those still with questions. After that “ Spiritual Warfare” by Dean Sherman is a great resource.
On page 132 of the Warfare book it talks about the difference between having authority ( to cast Satan away) & EXERCISING it.
5 methods for exercising our authority:
- Using the name of Jesus as a weapon.
Mark 16:17, “ In my name, they will cast out demons.” The name of Jesus carries all the power of the Cross & Resurrection.
- The word of God in warfare. By speaking scriptures, we hold a mighty weapon. Exorcists know that doing this hurts Satan immeasurably.
- The Power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:28 , Jesus said to Matthew, “ I cast out demons with the Spirit of God”. We can too.
- The blood of Jesus. Remind Satan of the blood of Jesus, and the defeat at the Cross. It reverses the curse & the enemy’s hold on mankind.
- Telling the truth. Satan is continually trying to discredit God. If we share our testimony & truth, it gives Satan less power to influence others. If we are honest with others about our journey to God, good & bad, Satan’s lies will be exposed.
Satan will continue to fight us, until we show our authority ( from Jesus), and shut him down. It’s the greatest feeling to know that nothing on this Earth can compete with the power of God. This is the team to be on. 😇
Great references and summary, thank you. I also love Hebrews 4:12:
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart".
You should write more:)
Thanks, I’ve thought about it but embarrassingly, I don’t really know how to start. Like literally. I’ve written notes, etc. but confused in the whole process of subscriptions, etc. 🙈 I love writing to help people. Sounds corny but it’s true.
Of course there are evil entities, spiritual beings consumed by extremely negative emotions, & that wish harm on humanity. It has nothing to do with any specific tradition, Semitic or anti-Semitic or otherwise.
Truth. They take whatever and whoever they can.
I had almost the same experience a few times in 2012, and once in 2015, and once in 2016. Scratch marks… the ones in 2012 I always found after waking up and they were places I could not have reached (middle back) and I did not have long fingernails and prolly could not scratch myself that hard even if I tried.
Yeah the demons been after me bro. They figured they had me cornered because psychiatric racism from who my mother was, and after what the state of NJ pulled on me in 2004 they really thought they had me. Wasn't until 2012 that some door to the spirit world opened and I started really getting an education on spirit realm. The Holy Spirit guiding me through hell more than once. Multiple levels of reality there are, like layer dimensions. I was falsely accused in 2004 of being psychotic when I wasn't, didn't even know that shit was real; demons though they had me bc I couldn't tell anyone what really happened to me, but man this long story is about to get TOLD.
The fight is real. So many people have been placed in mental institutions by evil people. Or evil people have tried to put away their enemies, even their spouse.
You must tell your story.
Thank you, you are a true friend though I never met you. I receive the encouragement with utmost gratitude. From the heart, thank you 🙏🩷💯
At the bottom of my emails is a referral link to start your own Substack. I believe it gives you a benefit that includes my audience.
Please start writing. 👌 ❤️
That was my intention. I’ve had a time pulling so much out, I feel I need to write books,,, I live in someone else’s space and it has interfered with my space to heal, write, meditate, fast,,,,, I can’t wait anymore…. Also this need to have a direct human being to hear me speak has persisted for 20 years. The trauma / internal turmoil only ever got so bad because that has always been missing all these years. If I had only had that one person with an empathetic ear near the time just after the worst trauma in 2004, I would have healed IMMEDIATELY, and I am sure my life would have FLOURISHED. I KNOW THIS, SOMEHOW IT IS INSTINCTUAL. I JUST KNOW IT.
You said at the bottom of your emails is a referral link to start a Substack, does that mean one connected to yours, and what emails, are they your subscriber Substack emails? I’m trying to sort this out,, kinda new on the platform
…but the name of Jesus doesn’t have power. My mother died in a psych ward singing “Jesus loves me” songs. 42 years in that hell with nobody giving a damn, not even God.
The church people put her there. They always pray in Jesus name too and it doesn’t do anything.
Have you ever asked Jesus yourself if He cares? Or do you just believe the Devil’s lies whispered in your ear without question?
“Test me in this,” says the Lord God All-Powerful. “I will open the windows of Heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need.” Malachi 3:10
Go ahead, ask God to prove Himself to you. What have you got to lose?
It's not about some "whispered lies", it's about being put through experiences. "Go ahead ask God to prove Himself to you" ?? Like really? I've only been talking to Him and listening for Him all of my life. What have I got to lose? Nothing, really, I already lost everything, multiple times over. Or maybe, I never lost anything at all, because whatever there was to "lose" wasn't really anything to have in the first place. It's kinda hard for me to believe, however, that family and community are NOTHING worth having.
Ha and there's a HACKER SCREWING WITH MY SCREEN AND KEYBOARD RIGHT NOW. I haven't seen that for a few years. Interesting.
I gave you a restack on that one 🙌
The attack you suffer is spiritual. You must put on your armor and win the fight that's in your head.
I also get attacks of different kinds... websites that don't work, screen freezes, etc.
Try to "respond" and not "react".
I SPEAK LIFE INTO YOUR LIFE! I command your spirit of Christ to open up inside you and stop being swallowed up by the thoughts of destruction! In the Name of Jesus, I pray! 🙏
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Listen to worship music. The battle is in your mind. ❤️
It wasn’t in my mind at all. That’s how we got here, extended physical brutality and neglect, abusive behavior from people everywhere. It’s NOT “all in my head”! What people do is real. What happens as a result is real. The damages in my body become real. Of course I wind up thinking about it. There is balance.
The more people around us invalidate our experiences, the more there is a lack of love in the world, the more that effects how we are capable of perceiving God.
There is a balance…. And yes, it is all around spiritual battle, because everything is of energy…
BTW I do love worship music, and SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES are how I am still alive, healthy and sane. The door to the spirit realm was opened by these frequencies. The Holy Spirit took the lead when I tuned in and began listening to Solfeggios! Divine frequency music. I didn’t think it was real, I thought it was hocus pocus, but at the point where I was ready to try anything I started listening to them and the supernatural guidance really opened up. Just reporting my experiences!
“Try to "respond and not react”. —- “The battle is win your mind”.
“…and stop being swallowed up by thoughts of destruction”.
Ya know, way to back me into the infinitesimal ditch of endless isolation. THIS IS THE ROOT, and it DOES NOT COME FROM ME. You have no idea how endless and absurd this is.
How dare you.
Go back to your husband and family and comfortable little home now, your crowd of know-it-all-alreadies. This kind of “love” is hate.
You are sweet to try and offer the challenge.
I'm so sorry about your mother. And over the generations, the church has done much great evil. Good thing that it is not our standard.
I don't pretend to know the situation, but I can tell you one thing. Because your Mom was singing to Jesus as she died, He was there. And she was happy.
Nothing else matters.
She got what they tried to take away from her: glory in the eternal presence of God.
Instead of putting yourself where she was and inside of what she went through, see your Mom where she is right now.
The No More Tears. Feel it.
Because if you can feel it, you will know that nothing else matters. They couldn't take Him away from her, and she is happy.
I’m having a time trying to type an edit on this phone keyboard.. tried to pull out the laptop BUT THE HACKERS ARE BACK AND BLOCKING THE CONNECTION TO MY COMPUTER. Gonna have to be really patient dealing with this. Again
Can’t edit, gonna have to leave it, some functions on phone not working proper either
The face of evil rapes people while telling the whole planet and the victim that they “wanted it”. The bad guys get away every time, because victims aren’t real, they are people who “asked for it”, who “want it”, who somehow are magically in control of the existence of other people’s neurosises and also responsible for the behaviors of psychopaths. Twisted! That is the language of SATAN, “you placed yourself in the situation”, what “you got yourself into”, etc etc etc
If the battle becomes in the mind, THAT IS WHAT PUTS IT THERE 💯
The lies of Satan have come from the lips of every person that I thought was a friend. The insanity of this alone will NOT BE MINE. I do not and will not ever take the lies on myself. So help me God. That is why I remain who I really am and the lies don’t ever stick to me. I walk away from every liar that ever spoke violence over me either knowingly or not. God knows!
I just want to also say, that I don't believe in "Pie In The Sky". I believe in "On Earth As It Is In Heaven." When Jesus saves, it's not saving someone for some other life and just chucking this one aside. as if we were all supposed to sit in a prison cell, wasting away doing time. We are here to be proactive and bring Heaven onto the Earth.
My whole life story is the AVOIDANCE OF and FIGHT AGAINST being PUT where my mother was! You don’t even know what you said. It’s just awful. If you only knew. This is why the drive to tell the whole world has remained so strong — because this effects everyone — it’s how it gets to continue the way it is, and I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT! Not one bit!
And yet at the same time, I have the OPPORTUNITY to know that I am nothing without my Loving Creator 🙏💖 it’s deep
I have fought in ways my mother never could, partly because, having witnessed what was done to her from an early age revealed to me the truth of things where I could always see through the biggest lies in people and what they have been taught to believe in. The other part that allowed me to remain free and continue to fight has been perseverance and toughness that she never had. I used to get frustrated watching her listlessness and I just could not understand why she slept all the time…. Until it happened to ME. Psychiatry is the absolute worst form of dehumanization ever invented. It’s racism on steroids.
Everybody in this world have been brainwashed. To say that it’s in my mind is an outrageous lie from the pit of hell. To say that I put myself in my mother’s place, as if this were some voluntary or unconscious voluntary thing is also a lie from an even deeper pit of hell. The human race is captivated by the Satan lies that parade around in “expert” on nobody and nothing professionalism, pop sayings, buzz word mind control psyop, new age spin hypnotist pollution.
I had ZERO thought in my mind that I would even ever end up in a psych ward. 2 strangers on a new job who didn’t like my skin color and knew I was living in a shelter (which was also the mind control cult I was trying to escape from) went BEHIND MY BACK and pulled this as an AMUSING PRANK after telling me they were going to ruin my life, after making racist innuendoes towards me on the job. I only ever responded to them with grace, as I always do…
There’s so much I want to detail about that night and the whole background. They tried to make an enemy while not allowing any communication, and the craziest part was I was living in a house with 25 women and children who were all Black and Hispanic except for about 5 of us. I got my rides to and from work every day from black women. I’d even had a recent event before all this where I wound up the only white face in a 100% black church after my mother’s church pastor pulled a horrible racist - eugenicist stunt on me when I came back to Baltimore the month before to visit my mother, who I’d been separated from most of my life. He even tried calling the cops on me when I refused to leave because I insisted on being listened to after his ugly name calling spew that he dumped all over me, someone he did not know a thing about… I stood and kept silently waiting for him to stop cutting me off so that I could speak and be heard. He was going to arrest me because I stood there trying to speak and he kept dumping lies over top of all my words every time I attempted to speak. So then I asked, “why are you criminalizing me? Why are you trying to kill me?” Then I said, “When you go home tonight and turn on the news, and you see the havoc that’s getting people murdered, remember the way that you just criminalized me.” And I turned and walked out. Clear as today the image of me in tears, walking down the steps of the Baptist church at John’s Hopkins University. I was 32. Hadn’t been there since age 14, when I had left. ~~ a little later I was in the back of a coffee shop, in a corner with rivers of silent tears streaming down my face, making an actual puddle on the floor in front of me, when a black couple approached me, and were exceedingly kind, and listened to me, and hugged me. I looked at them and said, “I want to go to YOUR church!” They were full of glee. So I rode with them to the other side of town, and there I was the only white face in a black crowd singing my heart out with everybody singing gospel songs and I felt right at home. This is what always happened all of my life. I was always more at home with blacks and immigrants and that’s where I always ended up, because of the same kind of racism that effects my world, just like theirs. So I was always a bridge between two worlds.
Also, that same night I happened to turn on the news... and a homeless man had broke into the John's Hopkins Campus to rob the place and the president's daughter walked in and he murdered her.
I remembered the words that had blurted out of my mouth without a thought before I had turned and walked out the campus church.
But the 2 coworkers out to get me at the nursing home had no way of even knowing that most recent of events. And their accusations were all about the racism in the churches!! And they wouldn’t let me speak either!!! I couldn’t tell them anything! So smiling with grace PISSED THEM OFF. They did not know that I understood bc they didn’t want to know….. just like everything else people do!
They thought what they were doing was proving how rough I thought I had things and I’ll show you, and all they did was prove how much worse my life has always been compared to theirs. We were from the exact same background but that’s what hate does, it looks for scapegoat, and the one who is NEWEST somewhere is the easy target.
This is not in my mind. This is in the world. This is dynamics that already was here. I am NOT the scapegoat or responsible for behaviors that are not mine. My own behaviors have been impeccable. On the way escorted out by police an Indian coworker walked up and whispered in my ear, “you were the best we had.” I said no word, but it flashed through my mind, “why are you telling ME this? TELL THEM!” But I said no word, because no one was stopping them. So ALL who were there that night were accomplices.
I had my 33rd birthday 6 days later, locked in hell not having access to anything, starved and abused and ridiculed, left in one set of filthy clothes for 2 months….
I gotta do this in a Substack.
…and this is where I stop paying attention. Again.
such an attitude
💯 You’d better believe it!
Such negativity. But oh that’s right, I already walked away.
YES, please: "I will be looking into more on exorcism, and what a job that is!"
It's a dark subject, but a necessary one, thank you for the encouragement. ❤️
I think demonic activity is definitely real and our current government is almost certainly demonic. The Bible calls Satan the God of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4). 1 John tells us “all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father….” (v 16), and Romans 1 explains what happens when we reject the plain truth about God. Nothing else other than demonic activity can explain the insanity of policies like killing babies in the womb and mutilating children.
Indeed, Satan is receiving the blood that he wants, and has tricked much of the population, just as he tricked Adam and Eve. Lies. Deceit.
Also, I didn’t watch the X space but I do listen to some of Tucker’s podcast episodes. I don’t think he’s anti-Semite, but I do think he’s skeptical of Zionism and the Israeli state. Some of his comments on it make me uncomfortable but I also think it’s ok to live in a space of nuance recognizing that the Israeli government is capable of evil just like our government is.
Our government is Israel. You haven't been paying attention
I get what you're saying and would love to know more. Can you please post the best link you have on this?
Yes, when I hear the hatred of Zionism, I definitely equate it with Satanism. The whole Israel situation still concerns me on many different levels, and I am not sure that they tell us more than they want us to know.
I believe him. I'd had an experience 20 yrs ago. Gold no one. God delivered me from it. I wasn't mauled, but I was taken. I cried out for Jesus to save me. He did. I was never bothered again.
He will!
I'm glad you got away! The Name of Jesus has much mighty power!
Happy to know that you passed some kind of test, and that they leave you alone!
Become a fearless disciple warrior for our Lord.
🙌 🙏
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)
🙌 🙏
One year while doing the overnight shift as an X-Ray tech in an industrial clinic in Torrance, CA I was in the room of the clinic with a TV and bed . The movie: "The Exorcist" was on. I thought: "I wonder what it's like to be demonic possessed. The next day and for the next week I was so sick I could not work my day or night job as an x-rat tech. I stopped peeing. I called one of the MD's who owned the industrial clinic and he sent the dude I met in x-ray school to pick me up and bring me to the clinic. The doctor injected me with B-12. He said that often will allow you to pee. And in 15-20 minutes I was in the bathroom peeing out nearly a week of built up urine. I must have peed for what seems 45 minutes. From that point I never wondered what it's like to be demonic possessed. I totally believe what Tucker claims the USA is demonic deep in worship - not YHVH (GOD of the BIBLE) - which makes sense why the upside down and perverse administration of the treasonous coup d'etat that rigged and stole the 2020 election and 2022 election in states like Arizona. That globalist deep state oligarchs are satanic and deadheading to the antichrist. I am not alone. Truly the 2024 victory and dodging a bullet 7-13-2024 by President Trump that would have taken us down the path too soon for YHVH'S timing, because we prayed hard since the diabolical installed regime by foreign and domestic treasonous criminals - more perversion in that deep state stooge puppet whore career criminal Joe Biden along with perversion in public schools, colleges, woke corporations and sports. Proving the truth behind the Biblical statement: 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (King James Version)
I have no faith in any man here on earth...period. Not even Trump. I am very worried for us all right now. I have this feeling we have been sold a bad set of goods.
All I can say, be and get good with God, the sooner, the better. Quickly.
There is much evil around us, and much more ahead of us. Lord, keep us strong in Your Promises! 🙌
Yes, on the Sunday before November 5th, many churches in the entire USA stood together on 2 Chronicles 7:14!
It seems that God heard us! And we need to stay strong in the Word, because we must never be led astray.
I've never heard of that one on the inability to urinate, and using a vitamin B12 injection! Fascinating that the doc knew about that.
Backing up, it seems that as you wondered about being demon possessed, a demon entered you. Besides making you physically sick, do you remember any mind games, or wanting to hurt yourself?
The injection made you pee, but how did the demon come out? Did you feel so much better after urinating that you went back to work?
Thank you. Fascinating.