Took 10 years… to become fully blasphemous.

Imagine what will be the opening ceremony of the Olympics in 10 years if we continue down

This path? We’ve gone from Ballet to mocking

Christ promoting the ungodly.

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2012 was Satanic, too. And Beauty and the Beast (2014 ceremony) is an occult story used by the Satanists for programming.


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By then I'm certain, if they have their way, they'll be sacrificing children at their alter.

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And drinking adrenochrome and selling it like soda pop.

I’m holding on to hope that we turn this world to a better place.

I’m also embracing the presence of

The Holy Spirit.

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Yes, indeed you bring up a great point. Adrenochrome keeps them going; they are addicted.


Keep asking God to use you. Keep saving souls 🙏

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I AM Asking everyday to be an instrument of his Will. Fighting the good and noble fight. Philippians 1:2-8

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Philippians 1:2-8

2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; 7 just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace. 8 For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.

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I stand corrected lol:

Phillipians 2:1-8 oops

For my Bible study iam to memorize.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit,

Any affection and sympathy. 2. Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3. Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. 4. Let each of you not look only to his own interest, but also to the interest of others. 5. Have this mind amongst yourselves, which you have in Jesus, 6. Who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with Gods thing to be grasped. 7 but emptied himself taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.

Lol next time I best have my 1st coffee before sending out scripture.

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They do it in the darkness and think we don't know. God will strike them.

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Amen! The depravity always continues! God help us! May He forgive us! And may we take up our swords and ask Him to keep using us in this spiritual battle for souls!

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May he forgive us and infuse us with his Spirit to complete and perfect our battles and missions!

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🙌 Amen 🙏!

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Syrian Girl hit that nail SMOOTH on the head! 🎯 They do it because any other religion would burn France to the GROUND!!! But hey Americans are still supporting Target, pedo Disney, Starbucks, Anheuser Busch, didn't protest lockdowns, won't get off Fascistbook and get put in Fascistbook jail, didn't bust down hospital nor nursing home doors to advocate for a loved one, are STILL getting boosted and new yearly clot shots, and wearing masks so why are we surprised?! Another day in...I ain't political...HELL!

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We have a long way to go! You are right! Preach it! 🙌

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Unfortunately, many Christians have been willingly neutered by the doctrine of "turn the other

cheek." Everyone seems to be a pacifist now.

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Oh my gosh my husband and I say that all the time! When they were patting themselves on the back for have fascistbook church my husband said...they aren't only letting us down...they are letting God down!!! They NEVER had to close! I noticed the turn the cheek business when 'supposed' Christians were bombing abortion clinics! INSTEAD of just saying..."hey, we aren't responsible but NO that's not how Christians are supposed to act!" They were more worried about popularity or people's opinions! Fire and brimstone are non-existent anymore!

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Lots of things aren't what they seem. They are part of an "agenda."

Are these abortion clinics being bombed by mentally stable Christians or is it something else entirely, something that is a set up to make Christianity as a whole look bad?

Makes you wonder.

There are fire and brimstone members of the clergy out there. We know of one who is an amazing person. They're just harder to find.

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Oh absolutely nut cases Christian or not. But the churches were more worried about public opinion than God's opinion! They are definitely harder to find! People want the flowery side of Christianity and God didn't put the root of all evil is the love of money for kicks and giggles. Churches included! When 50 Shades of Smut came out I knew we were in DEEP trouble when Christians were arguing with other Christians about why there was nothing wrong with that 'love' story! They even had their pastors as friends who said NOTHING! And maybe they shouldn't have on fascistbook, but it'd definitely been snuck into that following Sunday's sermon and I'd fb messaged the people I felt who could benefit from it and inquired if they were coming Sunday! 🤭🤣 My one poor friend said all of y'all are praising your husband's for attending a chic flic with you, but I don't want my husband watching another woman nude and they ate her alive! 😡 And yes there were girls...my husband was so sweet to go to... I'd have to bite my finger from replying...yeah I'm sure seeing a nude woman get spanked was traumatizing and just brutal for them to watch! 🤦‍♀️🥴🙄 Can even make that crap up if I wanted to!

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I am LIVID regarding the so-called Christian church’s indifference to such blatant evil. Righteous Anger is perfectly acceptable and CALLED FOR - starting NOW. I dare anyone to call out their church, their pastor, their denomination for being lukewarm regarding such heinous acts being thrown in our faces.

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I feel you Erin!

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I wonder how many who bought tickets tore them up and went home. Probably none.

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Oh, I am sure that some went home! And we will be on the lookout to see what more reverberations occur.

God help us to keep shining His light and opposing this madness!

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The last straw is right. Seeing private parts is not necessary.

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! Right ! 🎯

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the Muslim dude one is a reel someone made posting two clips together for the sake of humor. I feel like I have seen this clip of the Muslim dude posted before on other videos. Other than that, everyone at the table mimicking the sign of the cross is fairly blatantly pointing to Christian cultural symbols being used in tandem with sinful behavior: debauchery, gluttony, depravity, lust and hedonism.

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I haven't seen him before, so I don't know. He does ask a good question, How long will Christians take this?

And yes, they included the child at the table, which sparked more outrage because she was next to the man who exposed part of himself.

Sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and cannibalism were also represented...

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Except, thankfully, no one exposed himself. A rip in his stockings (HIS stockings, what a world) created an optical illusion but as the act wore on, the stocking wore out more and unraveled further exposing his leg, so thankfully, it was just his leg.

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Oh, 😅! Thank you!

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This... blasphemy pretending to be a ceremony did have one benefit-- for the first time, it has brought Christians and Muslims together. Strange days indeed.

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Some advertisers are starting to pull their advertising from the Olympics,more should follow their example.

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💯 % 🎯

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Awww...Snoop Dog--you too, man?

Geez. When I was a teen, I heard his music a lot. He was--and probably still is--one of the most popular rap artists.

Actually, I have one of his soundtracks on my Exercise playlist.

I wonder if that means I should delete that track.

Maybe I just won't listen to it as often. I'll probably just skip it.

Not sure.

(And yes, I know that a lot of these musicians are on the dark side, but I like to give individuals the benefit of the doubt, and I didn't know this about Snoop Dog.)

But anyway, what's more important is that it's good to see that people are speaking out against this, although it seems that more Christians (such as myself) should be outraged. (That said, I didn't see any of the opening ceremonies).

(There's a 501(c)4 nonprofit called Gays Against Groomers. I wonder what they'd have to say about this.)

Maybe it is the last straw. I think that from here, a few things can happen (though it's possible more can happen than what I've listed below):

1. This might have been a test to see how far the Dark Side can push things. They can do a couple of things: push forward publicly (so that we continue to see more of this), or retract (so that, hopefully, we see less and less...and ultimately, none of this). I can see a couple of things happening from here:

1a) People become desensitized to this. The Dark Side may feel that, while there was a lot of outrage, if the Dark Side does this again, there might not be as much outrage, and hence, they'll continue their Satanic march...slowly moving onward, as we, step by step, continue to acquiesce, and continue to allow this to happen.

1b) This is hopefully the last straw, and people are willing to not just show outrage, but have a sit-down, calm discussion about why this public display is wrong. (I can't believe that I even have to entertain the idea of us having to explain why this is wrong, but unfortunately, a lot of people can't--or don't want to--spend a little bit of emotive energy to determine the difference between truth and falsehood. And because of that, they're consenting to the endangerment of children.)

I suppose it's possible that a combination of 1, 1a), and/or 1b) are possible, or even something that I haven't thought of.

Who knows? (I sure don't. About 10 years ago, I never would've predicted that I'd be spending time commenting on the judgemental errors that allow this public display to happen.)

Anyway, on a lighter note, when I saw the sub-head, "Have You Asked God to Use You?" I was reminded of an SGT episode I listed to yesterday: "Something Evil This Way Comes". It featured a lady by the name of Tina Peters, and she mentioned the same thing: raise up your hand and ask God to use you.


On that note, here's my prayer (and I don't mention it here because of ego, but rather because we're all of like mind, and I want whoever's reading this to hold me to a high standard): "God, I'm here. I'm certainly not perfect, and I have my flaws and shortcomings, but I'm willing to let you use me for the Highest Good."

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Snoop Dog is Satanic, unfortunately. I haven't listened to any of his songs but many would hold that it, too, rings of Satanic influence, because that's what they like to do - win souls for Satan.

I think the Bible teaches us that yes, things will get worse, and we are to have no fear. Maybe we will be here when people get quarantined and beheaded for not renouncing the anti-Cheat. Or perhaps we will be taken up and spared?

I'm not sure. But I know that as they get bolder, SO MUST WE! And that's why I keep bringing up the need for repentance and the forgiveness of sin through the blood of Christ! Nothing else matters in this battle against Satan and God.

And I am with you! Let's keep our sandals of peace and go wherever God wants us to go. We cannot lose with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. And let's proudly wear our belt of righteousness and keep our swords sharpened! For our only defensive weapon is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Amen.

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This outrage was felt by good decent people from all persuasions across the World. How could they be so stupid, so tone deaf, so arrogant and so demented? A perfect example of Ouroboros. Seems to be quite common these days.

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The artist who thought of this was clearly full of himself, and those who gave their permissions participated in the sin, as well. May God forgive them for their ignorance and stupidity. I hope some heads roll and more sponsors pull out.

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Respectfully, doesn't anyone remember the pedophile Catholic priests, likely still going on? Christianity is rife with satanic rituals. All patriarchal religions worship power and demand obedience. I was raised Catholic but walked away when I found out that our priest turned my mother away when she was fleeing my violent abusive alcoholic father. She was told it was her duty to endure. She suffered for the rest of her life with the emotional and physical injuries.

Organized religion has always been the opiate of the masses. So I choose love as my religion and my allegiance is to Mother Nature, goddess and creator of all things sacred and beautiful.

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Beautiful comment. Thank you.

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I am very sorry that the priest took on the role of giving such bad advice. And for all she had to endure with you as a witness, I weep with you.

But don't let your anger towards one earthly man overshadow the light and love of God Himself! That behavior is of the evil one, far away from that of Hos Son, Jesus.

I left the Catholic Church at age 13, because I didn't understand why I couldn't go straight to God for forgiveness of sin. Nor did I get why I had to say 10 Our Fathers and 20 Hail Marys as punishment for my sins - not when Christ suffered and died for me.

You love nature because you see God in it. Go back to the Creator instead of the creation, and your life will change. Perhaps this will help ~ because God is real and I don't want you to miss out on being in His presence for all eternity!


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My first comment indicates that this is less about my mother and more about the diabolical priests who continue to prey upon the vulnerable. That would truly be exceptional if it was just one man but it's not, and you should not be defending a religion that allows this.

Suffice to say the service of women under patriarchal religion is it's one redeeming factor. Women like you who embody the true teachings of Christ and who sacrifice themselves 'in the trenches' to help their communities while men take all the glory and reap all the rewards; it's you who make this a better world and so I honour you, not a patriarchal God whose teachings come from a Bible written by men for men. A Bible filled with violence, revenge and retributoon.

Matriarchal cultures have none of that. They don't shove women into menstrual huts, shame women for natural bodily functions, force women to wear burqas, conduct witch hunts killing all the female healers. Patriarchal religions and cultures have a violation imperative. How else would it be possible for men wearing dresses to demand access to women's jobs, prisons, gyms, wasroomd, etc.

So, I choose to honour women directly, giving them all the credit for the sacred work they do. I choose to model myself after women like you and have learned that's not God or religion that makes a person kind, loving and compassionate. It's their own heart, mind and soul. We do not need any religion to feel a sense of sacred and divine. It is found in a newborn's face, a monarch butterfly, and the last smile on the face a dying loved one.

In closing, patriarchal religions are responsible for much more harm than good. But I will not engage further because I don't think it's productive. Peace.

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If you see God in His creation, then you know He exists.

If you want to stand in His presence, then you must not have sin. God arranged that to happen through the blood of His Son.

At some point, you will be asked to either accept or reject Christ.

Religion aside, following Christ is a deeply spiritual and lifelong event that is independent of religion and religious leaders.

If you never accept Him during your life, then I hope you are granted the opportunity upon your death. I don't know anyone who had a near-death experience (NDE) and was offered this opportunity, but maybe Amalya at @GrowthFactorOrg knows, because she has interviewed many like me who have had NDEs.

The thing is this: even Satan believes in Christ. That's exactly why they mock Him.

And if you took all the Bible prophecies and put them together to prove that Christ is the Son of God, the statistical chances are so slim that many who investigate it turn to Christianity.

How slim are those odds? It would be like taking the state of Texas and filling it with quarters. Then paint one blue. Mix it up. And then pick one out. You would pick the blue one.

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You tube is a special animal that cannot make up it's mind about anything ever they are akin to Ma Bell, AT&T, Microsoft, and so many other monopolistic entities, their day will come...they are unrealistic and unreliable they are technically ahead but others are catching up and then there is the government and the government is fickle also so there's that.

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That's why so many have gone to Rumble... YouTube censorship has shown us that it's under the thumb of the government 👌

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Our Lord Jesus told us to love our enemies and pray for them, He must have known these things were coming. He did not want us, His children, to become like those of this world. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. We are not to become like those who torment us.

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Indeed! When we pray for our enemies, we heap great, hot coals on their heads.

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Thanks for including Putin's speech addressing pedophilia! Verrrry interesting.

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It seems Putin has more Christian values than Biden, to simply have made a public statement opposing such a display!

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I know. Good on Putin!

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I wonder how many more people are thinking of relocating to Russia because of this!

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Why are the Protestant denominations not speaking out about this? I have yet to hear any prominent Protestant speak out about this travesty Why is that? People like to speak ill of the Catholic church, however, as far as I can tell, their clergy are the only Christians speaking out against this.

Another note: the artistic director who created this abomination is a gay Je*. Why don't ALL Christians care that their religion is being deliberately mocked worldwide by someone of another faith? And... why are those of the Je*ish persuasion coming out and saying that this single man does not speak for them? If one Christian mocks a different faith, all Christians must apologize. Why is the reverse not true?

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Plenty of other religious pastors have denounced the olympics, for sure!


We just hear about Catholics so much because it's the main religion in France.

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I'm glad others area speaking out. I hope there are more among the clergy across the world who point out this attack on EVERY Christian.

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Me too!

And isn't the irony so obvious? We can't make fun of men with mustaches wearing dresses and saying they have periods, but this is on display for billions of people. 🤷‍♀️

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Sodom and Gamorrah!

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France needs to be condemned and reprimanded for the pathetic, unethical and disgusting Olympic Opening Ceremonies…the IOC should block France from hosting another summer or Winter Olympic Games.

Please write to the IOC:


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We need more Godly warriors! And less religious wimps. There is much to do!👍🙏

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Amen 🙏 🙌!

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