Oh God help us. We sure did allow the god of this world to blind our minds. No more people. Ruck up

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Wow! These people are mentally deranged! Larissa Carpenter should be in jail, along with her neuro-psychiatrist, and those soldiers that literally assaulted him

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There's a special place for professionals who question the mental health of someone who exercises their right to bodily autonomy. She absolutely should go to jail.

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No question about it. I served 22 years in both active and reserve as a nurse. I never remember being given informed consent or being provided materials to inform those I gave shots to. Just get in line and roll up your sleeve. That’s an order!

I am appalled and mortified by the disgusting behavior displayed by every single person including every single so-called healthcare professional involved in this disturbing and unnecessary display of the violation of human rights and bodily autonomy. And the fact we were all lied to over and over about the safety & efficacy of covid shots. Or ALL vaccines we were forced to take.

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I will add that SRA Lance Castle is a true warrior. God Bless Him!

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We are all deceived about everything in and about US and its owner, Rome. See 1 Samuel 8 for the condition we put ourselves in, especially their military to protect themselves from us, the soldier's families. We rejected God for a man king. And, this is what we get for that poor choice.

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That ‘special place’ is NOT here with us!

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"Thank You, God, for blessing Lance Castle and those like him who still suffer. " AMEN

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Amen 🙌!

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Oh dear Lord Jesus, please come quickly❣️🍒

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Yes, Lord!!!

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This underlines the tragic conclusion that the US military has been subject to the same globalist authoritarian indoctrination as society at large. The soldiers imposed the toxic jab on him b/c hthey believed he was undermining unit cohesion. Technically that's true, but his insight was accurate & they wouldn't listen. A corrupt political system thus pollutes a military & turns unit cohesion into a thuggish singling out of the non-compliant. Meanwhile trans soldiers' 'right' to pretend they're the other gender are respected & defended. Thus the military reflects the depraved society it serves.

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6 against 1 sure was a struggle. Everyone of those cowards should be doxxesd, humiliated, then hanged. I have no repsect for those brainless, Godless cowards. They should be protecting him!

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Did the MF'rs jab him ?

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Sad bunch of losers. Turning on their own men and forcing others to get the clotshot. Everyone who hassled you can be thrown in jail. Start the court cases.

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The military just screwd themselves by forcing the jab on perfectly healthy young men with the rest of their lives ahead of them. They betray their own men. No one will want to join that dog and pony show from this point on. What a group of traitors to Americans.

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I tend to believe that karma will catch up with those soldiers and the deranged psychiatrist she-person.

I will not feel sorry for them if/when they drop dead from heart attack or get turbo cancer!

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I’m in literal tears. Outraged and appalled! My anger is so great and my stomach sick watching what they did to this young man! All I can do is shed tears through this anger! How many more have and are suffering the exact same that have stayed silent?! In fear! I have a 23 year old son that quite honestly, I cannot say what I’d be brought to do to each and every person in that video if it were him! Especially to the ones that ordered it!! I don’t know how it’d be possible to stop myself. And then I’d be in prison too., I’d be a liar and a hypocrite if I sat here and said I’d do nothing! Am I capable of doing nothing? I pray I never have to find out! This young man is a stranger to me, yet I’m having to ask forgiveness of the Lord for what I want to do! My own son? I cannot be held accountable for my actions as a sane person. I do not have a violent nature nor tendencies, yet I can honestly say that would change in a hurry if I was watching that happen to him. All sense of humanity within me would leave!

I hope everyone that sees this video gets it out to every possible place they can! It MUST go viral somehow!

I’ve seen videos out of Australia, Brazil, Argentina, etc of them doing this to citizens and children, but I really didn’t believe it’d happen in our own military. I was naive about that wasn’t I?! After all, they’re the main player in all of this! They’ll turn on us soon.

I know there’s nothing we can do that won’t be far far worse than what God Almighty is going to do to these people, but it sure is more than difficult to leave it in His Hands at times like this!! God help us!

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Were the monsters who perpetrated the assault on this young man court martialed, or at least reprimanded in any way? Also of course Ms Carpenter?

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1 Corinthians 8:5

For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven, or in earth (as there be many gods, and many lords.)

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The thing is, there is no excuse for following an unlawful order, no protection. If it is proven the order to jump him was unlawful, those who did this are on the line. Of course, DOD will protect its own, but maybe there is hope for some justice…. Oh, and I’d start with Milley and Austin and work your way down…

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Airforce brat, moved all over, joined at 18, two years later: "All y'all gonna take the shot", the year was 1976, Swine flu was in town, and we were told to step inside... the mess hall, someone didn't think this through and the moment I got in there no body watching me, pealed off my starched fatigue shirt, rolled up the short sleeve of my alabaster white T-Shirt, approached the exit station with my hand over my left arm, announced "Ouch that hurt", and while that hung there, fully expecting someone to call bullshit, but to my amazement, check ✔️ out the door injection free and the next day 100 of my guys wound up in sic bay

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What am I watching? Wow that not the AF I remember. Hope the kid is ok.

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It is a wonder anyone would enlist.

Those who beat, tortured and Court Marshaled this soldier should be Court Marshaled.

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