Apr 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Margaret Brown I love you and miss you! I really enjoyed hearing about your experience again and the reminder about your beautiful book! I read the revised edition and got so much more out of this one it seemed. Thank you for sharing it. Keep walking in the Spirit my friend. Wishing you the best. ❤️

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AwE! Thank You so Much! I am glad you again enjoyed this walk in the woods!

This version was written after I recovered, so it is much more crisp - and there are a lot of images/memes for inspiration and uplifting - I should post them to Twitter/X more often! @Patti_Frj @PatriciaFrajacomo has an entire thread on her Twitter/X! I LOVE YOU! I MISS YOU, TOO!

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I had a near death experience 5 months ago when my heart stopped for over 1 1/2 minutes due to the covid shot. I still wonder what god has in store for me as I go through this.

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Oh My Goodness, Cat! Please tell us that you're never going to get another shot!!

You are so blessed that you came back!!! What happened while you were gone?

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I will NEVER get another shot. I was forced to get it to keep my job... well then I was laid off from two jobs and then fired b/c I was too sick to work. So I lost my health and my financial security.

I remember it was like a black curtain came down over my eyes, like on a stage. And then nothing. Nothing at all. This is not my first brush with death....

I wish I could say there was this bright light that I remember. All I remember was before I lost my pulse was screaming for my son to call the ambulance that I was having a heart attack or dying. Thank God he was there, bc only by the Grace of God did I come back. Then my experience in the ER was horrible. No wonder we all have PTSD now. :(

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Oh! Thank God your son was there, indeed! 😰 🙏 🙌 @jeffreyplubina also describes seeing black. That's so interesting because maybe that's the beginning of the tunnel and you started coming back before you could see God's light.

When did you awaken, in the ER? What the heck did they do that was terrible? Shocking that they didn't give you Remdesivir!

And I am sorry about losing your financial position (so did I but for doing the right things). You would think you could apply for unemployment or Worker's Compensation because the job/jab made you sick. And best of all, I hope you are well and that you stay well. And I don't even want my dog to get shots...

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