Was it as fun for you as it was for me to watch Tulsi get red pilled? lol

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Fun? You are a sick something.

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Pardon me? Are you insinuating that I may be deficient mentally in the area of compassion?

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It is fun. I love seeing these people attack one another by the same people/political party, policies they support. How many times has Tulsi been outraged by others being targeted by the left?

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Well, I do not ‘love’ seeing or learning about people “attack one another” for the too often result of “divide to conquer.” ( Cain & Able ? ) This shifts human brains away from the prefrontal cortex of rational thought and civil debate and moves toward the stress of the Amygdala’s reactive fear and unrealized “only me-first” narcissism. Try “love thy neighbor” to foster and cultivate peace FOR harmony. Acting as a ChristShine or christShun is a CHOICE.

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American society has lost rational thought for the last 100 years. Some people still think elections are real and all of this is real. Once the scales fall from your eyes and you see the truth it becomes entertaining. The best thing for the country at this point would be for all the politicians to eat one another. We should go back to the days of politicians participating in duels.

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Then I shall wear it honorably

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Just an fyi, my yes was a reply to if I enjoyed seeing her get redpilled.

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We are from the same cut .. ✂️ Shazam

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It wasn't fun, but yes, I noted,

"Now she knows."

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Islamic terrorists , Tulsi ?

How was it that NO INDESTRUCTIBLE, LARGE ( hijacked ) civilian plane assemblies were found at the PentaGONE ‘crash site’ nor in the debris fields of the 2 NYC Trade Towers on 9/11/2001 ? … or at Bldg. #


Nope, NO :

Jets Engines

Landing gears

Tail assemblies


Civilian luggage

Passenger seats

and other devilish details the Nat. Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) states are ALWAYS left behind no matter the severity of impact.

Critical thinking would require an honest, rational thinker to consider ditching that “Off-Fishy-ALL Narrative.” 😳

Ever learned about image masking by Computer Generated Imaging ( CGI ) for propaganda ? !

You’ve become a victim of a different kind of ‘silent’ Intelligence ‘services’) IMPROPER-ganda.

So, live, listen and learn everybody :

President JFK’s 1961 speech (short edit) @


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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

And the fabrication started with the innocence she had in enlisting in the military to fight the bad guys that didn't do it.

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Did you catch her stumbling on "Islamist Terrorists"? Yes we heard about Dancing Pakistanis? No-Dancing Israelis. And it was Israelis that were installing some weird electronics in the Towers after a wealthy Jew bought it, got insurance through another wealthy Jew that included terrorism at many times what should have been the insurance limit. Or how about that all Jews called in sick on 09/11 due to getting a message on their Jew only messaging platform Odigo? It is almost like she is being made to look picked on for some nefarious reason. She needs to rehearse before making videos.

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I am not familiar with "Odigo". Do you have a link for us, please?

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Pretty much all of what you said has been shown to be false.

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Really? People are still hanging on to that?

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

All are backed by the 2nd..everyone should exercise that one.

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Never give up your guns.

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Psalm 144 1, Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

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I haven't heard this one... powerful!

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It's one of my favorites! I believe God will let us know when it's time.

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Thank you for sharing!

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Pretty simple, feelings get hurt and then the truth comes out and it hurts even more, what's next...

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Aug 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Tulsi is a good one. She was targeted for speaking truthfully about Kamala Harris who in my estimation is a bad one.

We need to make sure we don’t shoot down others who are also speaking for freedom, faith, family and life. The dark side wants us divided.

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Wanna talk about threats to our republic? Let’s start with Homeland Security!

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