Fake as hell.

Real ghetto rats would have pounded her into the ground.

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And how do you know they were ghetto rats?

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Exactly, most who did the protesting and rioting were rich, white, liberal suburbanites!

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I'm sure the Summer of Love in 2020 was Fake as well. That was a peaceful protest by BLM and ANTIFA? I Don't think that would happen again in 2024! You can only poke the Bear so much, and now we have illegals trying to take over apartment complexes! Many people in this country would love to exercise their 2A to protect their families, and we are getting very close to that.

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The kicks are the gayest kicks I’ve ever seen for jumping someone.

America is fucked, game over.

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I managed to download the video you couldn't.

PM me and I'll tell you how.

I'll put it on my wall so you can see it.

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That's super nice, thank you:)

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This is real. I was a teacher a long time. This was intimidation, not a planned murder.

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I tend to believe this is real but not 100% sure. Young ladies and all children : please don’t travel alone even if you believe in your own community with the false notion you are safe from violence due to the low IQ, high testosterone male illegal immigrants that are preying on girls and boys as well as young women. Expect violence to continue ramping up near political events and be prepared to protect yourself.

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Great points 👍

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I seeing more and more suspicious people around. They make us all uncomfortable. 😣

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Not fake. I grew up around young black kids just like these guys. They hardly ever beat the s#it out of white kids, unless they're mentally ill. That being said, the police in San Francisco were like storm troopers if a bunch of black kids did anything to white kids. These kids apparently love that the little girl is cowering. I think it's a power/sexual thing. It goes on in their homes, too.

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It's of no surprise I blocked this gobshite previously

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It seems to be gone now. Tried several times.

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Are you referring to the tweet?

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I tried, too... weird.

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Intimidation activists socialist ANTIFA search ANTIFA & SEE FOR YOURSELVES

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Even wannabe thugs, like the bully that harassed my son in his freshman year at school. Then my son ignored him, he didn’t know who the guy was. A couple weeks later ambushed him coming out of gym class and my son let him have it. They were both suspended because kids aren’t physically allowed to defend themselves. Then we found out he is illegal immigrant. There are gangs at most public middle & high schools now I believe, not that he was in one to my knowledge. I expect Antifa and the anti Israeli crowd will be up & running soon on college campuses.

As for the video I say I don’t know if it was fake or not. Who filmed it and uploaded to X?

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It's been uploaded by many people because some have their tweets set to download videos. The original tweet reportedly came from an account that is not active. I.e., they may have deleted it.

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Seriously? You just compaired Antifa with what you call "the amti Israeli crowd".

Who in their right mind can be pro Israel now knowing what the Israeli government did on and after 10/7/2023?

Mossad assisted Hamas that day by torching more than a hundred cars so that concert goers could not escape. Then they let them have it while the IDF had a several hour stand-down order.

The Hanibal Directive was all the IDF needed to kill more Israeli civilians to prevent them from being taken hostage. All of this was blamed on Hamas which further enraged the Israeli people.

The IDF has now been telling the Palestinian people where to go in Gaza to avoid being shot and bombed, only to be shot and bombed by them because then know exactly where they are.

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You are most definitely a solid contender for being the most full of shit on any site.

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...., and you base that on what part of my comment? The more detailed your answer the better. That is, if you are capable of explaining anything in detail.

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All of it.

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You could have jst been nice about it and said that you're ok with the IDF so far having killed 40 + thousand women and childre (and that's being modest), but instead you resort to name calling, and that speaks volumes about who you are.

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Divide and conquer.... spread hate and discord...

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And they use Discord to spread the hate.

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This is why I didn't want to create division, but tather teack people how to be perceptive.

Facial scratches are a good sign of a close contact fight where someone was close enough to reach the face. That detail was quite a forensic finding that anyone could have found. It adds authenticity.

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Whatever we pay attention to will grow.

In this case, as in most, the incident already happened, there is nothing we can do.

The news are full of horror stories.

Social media has been poisoned too.

The hate and aggression need to stop.

Too much fear mongering.

So is it really helpful in the aftermath?

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It's helpful to know that these things happen and to openly discuss them with our children.

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You show this to your kids???

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It is helpful to educated those who do not know they ARE NOT SAFE EVER. None of us is, black, white or Asian. There is always something/one out there, and you need SITUATIONAL AWARENESS at ALL times! That it means you give up your happy little safe spot and learn to know that others hate you for what you thing, or believe in.. yeah. That's the growing up part. Head on a swivel everyone. There's all those illegals out there too.. just waiting. Look at Aurora CO... and they are NOT unique! Not any more sadly.

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That is exactely where they want people to be, in constant fear. Fear prohibits right thinking.

Being informed is good, fear mongering not so much.

Not sure about you but I do not yet live in a war zone... LOL

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That is all of it in a nutshell. United we stand, divided we fall. The color revolution. LGBTQ movement, Arab-Israeli wars … do they not have an understanding of how Islam would destroy LGBTQ on day 1? They all have 1 goal in common. Destruction of western way of life along with destruction of democracy, as the leftists use & spin the word democracy to fit their narrative. Meanwhile all the violent and destructive protesters will continue to be useful tools for the globalist cabal’s agenda. Creating chaos, war, famine, disease & death to meet the depopulation of 90% of the global population. Useful idiots will continue to protest. Maybe Hamas and Israel corroborated with globalists to create the war in the 1st place. NWO totalitarianism and slavery is what these sociopaths are working towards.

Just throwing that out there.

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Don’t use link under photo. Go to the X feed and it will play. I chose fake it just was my opinion .

Thanks for sharing this.

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Capitol research center com Search ESG

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Our combined tax dollars under they're collective socialist Church that were supposed to care about used against US CITIZENS

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Take a Look 👀

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This is what happens when male children are raised without fathers in their lives. They tend to form gangs.

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We are not shown the beginning of the attack, which supposedly generated the bloody ear and knee. This would have required more violence than the weird shoe kicking that we do get to see. How many attack videos have you seen in which the violence de-escalates? Goes from blood-producing aggression to kicks that would be nothing but annoying if your angry two year old were doing it?

I voted “I don’t know” but I’m starting to think “FAKE”. Whose agenda is supported by emotional reactions to this video. Who gains?

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Even on the tweet threads, the people who think it's fake don't know why anyone would fake it. Or what the purpose would be. Which again lends some credibility.

I should have added a final question: does it really matter if it's fake? I think not, because these things are happening somewhere and our kids know it.

The important thing is to think for yourself. And to refuse to be pitted against otgers who may disagree. We should all be willing to listen to both sides and then make our own decision, as you have done.

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That poor baby girl😌

TDS is very real and can be very deadly. Just look how they treat Trump in the media. They lie and lie and Ignorant people buy it and that hate can get into the minds of the demented and do some serious harm. I mean some stackers create the hate so🤷‍♂️they are part of the problem. Never has there ever been a man in history that has so much hate stacked against him…for what? For making America great?

Look at the riots the deep state started after he won in ‘16 and they were never prosecuted but j6s are treated unfairly for protesting.

My God they tried to kill him to stop him. If Kennedy was the front runner they would do the same.

By the grace of God these men have come together for the fate of this country! And you can bet they have a plan.

We’re sick of this slanderous bunch and we’re sick of this lawless country!

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The Aurora, CO apartment building takeover by a Venezuelan gang is telling.

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