Thank you, I never heard of this. Also, thanks for sharing your story. I came from a family of 5 children. I have middle child syndrome. Whatever that is. Quite a few neighbors had the same amount of children or more. Four or five in our community had 12 and 13 children. Chores never seemed to end. Yours were extraordinary, but, explains your abilities and selflessness today.
Anyway, it's amazing how much bigger families were then, and low tech life seemed much simpler. I miss it. My wife and I only had two children, as well as most couples around us.
I thought many families broke up because of money issues. I didn't know about oxytocin or the hormonal impact, but it makes sense.
There is always the subtle impact of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, which is Jesuitical. One of their top 10 is to break up the family so the STATE becomes the parent. What a sick thought, but it's there, and the PTB is pushing it, evidenced by the last four years of Hillary OBiden child trafficking pizzagate services Inc.
BTW, I heard Barry and Mike Obama are getting a divorce. I wonder if they are going to return their rent-a-daughters to their original parents. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of his birth certificate issue? I remember Trump pursued it for a time. It's all so crazy.
"Unfortunately, this information is not known to health-care providers or the general public, and it could be decades for others to
catch on to this. But do we have decades? In the past people paired up because they had to in a sense, options were limited. That is not
the case today in our affluent society relative to how things were 100 plus years ago. This is a non-trivial issue as it could eventually
cause a societal collapse and I don’t say that lightly. If it happens will it only be the fault of low oxytocin levels? Of course not - it is
never just one thing, but the oxytocin issue is completely unrecognized. Also unrecognized is that in the last 100 years our connection
to nature and natural cycles have been bred out of us and this disconnection from nature and our true natures has led to innumerable
I totally agree!
Thank you, I never heard of this. Also, thanks for sharing your story. I came from a family of 5 children. I have middle child syndrome. Whatever that is. Quite a few neighbors had the same amount of children or more. Four or five in our community had 12 and 13 children. Chores never seemed to end. Yours were extraordinary, but, explains your abilities and selflessness today.
Anyway, it's amazing how much bigger families were then, and low tech life seemed much simpler. I miss it. My wife and I only had two children, as well as most couples around us.
I thought many families broke up because of money issues. I didn't know about oxytocin or the hormonal impact, but it makes sense.
There is always the subtle impact of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, which is Jesuitical. One of their top 10 is to break up the family so the STATE becomes the parent. What a sick thought, but it's there, and the PTB is pushing it, evidenced by the last four years of Hillary OBiden child trafficking pizzagate services Inc.
BTW, I heard Barry and Mike Obama are getting a divorce. I wonder if they are going to return their rent-a-daughters to their original parents. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of his birth certificate issue? I remember Trump pursued it for a time. It's all so crazy.