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The situation of your parents... I have made an effort to understand how marriages and LTRs fail. It is almost always about hormones and the main culprit is an oxytocin deficiency.

I just published this: https://primerascientific.com/pdf/pssrp/PSSRP-05-170.pdf

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Funny, as I used to prescribe oxytocin as a dissolvable candy you put under the tongue or up in a cheek pocket. I have an entire chapter on oxytocin and am quite familiar with it. It was part of my pain management for married couples, and it's in my Guidebook to Low Back Pain. NICE article! Funny how we think alike here.

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"Unfortunately, this information is not known to health-care providers or the general public, and it could be decades for others to

catch on to this. But do we have decades? In the past people paired up because they had to in a sense, options were limited. That is not

the case today in our affluent society relative to how things were 100 plus years ago. This is a non-trivial issue as it could eventually

cause a societal collapse and I don’t say that lightly. If it happens will it only be the fault of low oxytocin levels? Of course not - it is

never just one thing, but the oxytocin issue is completely unrecognized. Also unrecognized is that in the last 100 years our connection

to nature and natural cycles have been bred out of us and this disconnection from nature and our true natures has led to innumerable


I totally agree!

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Thank you, I never heard of this. Also, thanks for sharing your story. I came from a family of 5 children. I have middle child syndrome. Whatever that is. Quite a few neighbors had the same amount of children or more. Four or five in our community had 12 and 13 children. Chores never seemed to end. Yours were extraordinary, but, explains your abilities and selflessness today.

Anyway, it's amazing how much bigger families were then, and low tech life seemed much simpler. I miss it. My wife and I only had two children, as well as most couples around us.

I thought many families broke up because of money issues. I didn't know about oxytocin or the hormonal impact, but it makes sense.

There is always the subtle impact of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, which is Jesuitical. One of their top 10 is to break up the family so the STATE becomes the parent. What a sick thought, but it's there, and the PTB is pushing it, evidenced by the last four years of Hillary OBiden child trafficking pizzagate services Inc.

BTW, I heard Barry and Mike Obama are getting a divorce. I wonder if they are going to return their rent-a-daughters to their original parents. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of his birth certificate issue? I remember Trump pursued it for a time. It's all so crazy.

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I will need time to look over , but this is wonderful as well as very timely for me. Great pic and thoughts and memories Thank you!!!

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Nothing more precious than when a soul bears their heart in humility. You make it much easier for many of us to know the kind of humility we need to face our own selves before God. We love you, Sister Margaret. Amen and Amen

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Amen! You have access accomplished & endured so much in your life. As much as you endured.

I know how hard it is when we go through traumatic events and you get caught up in those times and ruminate in them, then easily forget the accomplishments that we achieved. But then realize we are where we are because of gifts God gave us that built us into great people. So many parallels to my life here. Thank you for sharing your story and helping us reflect on the good. What’s important. Our children.

I am reading Ephesians 6 today. So fitting! God Bless 🙏🏻💞✝️

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You have quite a story! God Bless You and keep you in his Love.

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Amen! You have accomplished & endured so much in your life.

I know how hard it is when we go through traumatic events and you get caught up in those times and ruminate in them, then easily forget the accomplishments that we achieved. But then realize we are where we are because of gifts God gave us that built us into great people. So many parallels to my life here. Thank you for sharing your story and helping us reflect on the good. What’s important. Our children.

I am reading Ephesians 6 today. So fitting! God Bless 🙏🏻💞✝️

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Very powerful testimony of the Love of Our Father acting on our behalf, even through the struggles and weaknesses that we find ourselves facing... His provisions for us through the challenges we face is remarkable... it is a testimony of just how amazing is His love towards us, that He never gives up on us and is there for us as we humbly depend on Him.

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Nice, Val.

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The day before my 13th Birthday, I broke my ankle playing football with some friends. So I was in the hospital on my birthday and what normally would be an eventful day, was spent getting my ankle fixed!

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Thank God they didn't say you had COVID. But they would have if they could have.

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Thank you for sharing your life story. It made me feel so much closer to you in a strange way—almost as if I could go back in time and witness everything you wrote about.

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I thought it peculiar that you posted Romans 8:28, the 1st "life-verse" that the Lord gave me. I was 15 years old. Shortly after that He gave me my 2nd "life-verse", Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) But "without faith it is impossible to please him": for he that cometh to God "must believe that he is", and that "he is a rewarder" of them that "diligently seek him". A little over 50 years later, and He has never let me down on either of these promises.

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God Bless you, Morris

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Wonderful story, such a strong lady. I too had to grow up fast, but it made me strong. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

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Wonderful testimony, thank you so much!

Very inspiring, God bless!

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Home and in school

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