That fuck should have a boatload of civil rights violation lawsuits filed against him and Facebook.

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

If Americans had half a brain they'd ALL got off of it like we did in 2020 and shut him down! People DESERVE what they ALLOW!!! He's been talked to by Congress twice now that BOTH warranted action and NOTHING happened! And if I was a gambler I'd bet nothing will! Again...we need to QUIT leaving crap up to the crooked politicians and lawyers/judges in their back pockets and should have shut him down ourselves!!! But just like pedo Disney, Satantic gay loving Target, anti American expensive crappy coffee Starbucks, and fag loving Anheuser Busch we keep going back for more slaps in the face!!!

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I left FB quite the while ago and I think it's an addiction for some.

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I agree, but for the f word;) ~ but I get it.

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Fair enough.

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And there is a huge Meta lawsuit ~ I need to gather more info on it/them

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I don't know what's behind this, but if ANYONE believes he's legit I have some cheap oceanfront property in Az! However, look at the masses praising RFK! 🥴🙄 Remember at the beginning of the scamdemic...the hardest thing about people being FOOLed is convincing them they are being fooled! This ALL feels like deja vu! 🤨 That pos has done ALOT more than just censor!

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I agree! He has committed election interference and for that there is jail time! Why should he get away with this when our patriots are being held in jail with out charges while being treated worse than any other prisoners! This is a travesty!

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This is zionism!.... which is ruling the world, & especially the U.S.. Check how many israelis are in us cabinet positions. At a certain point in time, 44% of white house staff were ews, though only 2.5% of us population, as is the "2nd husband"

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He cost millions of people their lives along with his buddies at tik tok & Twitter when it was ran by Jack Dorsey .... their complicity cost lives, careers & sanity.... I for one will never forget and simply suing for money Is a fool speaking..... anyone speaking of money being able to cure what's ailing society is of a devils mentality....THIS COST PEOPLE THEIR LIVES..... EYE FOR AN EYE... anyone saying sue for money? TAKE YOUR LOVE OF MONEY AND GO TO HELL

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You are RIGHT! Money doesn't psy for loss of life or limb!

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But money made out of thin air, such as ours, and that of every other nation on the world stage, for which we pay interest, enables some people to own and control everything, and everybody. And theirs are the only opinions that matter about anything

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Absolutely not! He can apologize his way out of this!!!

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I think he was in on it and agreeable.

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Author

Thank you. And all Blessings to you and your family! 🤗 🤗

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You're welcome always God bless you and your family forever

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Zuckerberg is not to be trusted. My father used to say (old adage) “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

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Actually, it all comes down to who Zuckerturd feels more comfortable with: Trump’s DOJ, or Kackler’s DOJ.

He obviously knows she can’t win.

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Right? I think he's already two chess moves ahead of the game.

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Hmm. Good info thanks. But I wonder what they will do to prevent the next round of digital Nazi like burning phases? physical Book burning not needed anymore when they control the info thru this. What's going to stop them? Ultimately know He will Romans 12:19

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Ultimately, God wins. But in the meantime, He has called us, He has prepared us, and we will continue to shine the light on this darkness! 🙏 🙌

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Does not help for what we know and what's been done. Seems like they are trying to save themselves.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Author

Exactly. It's quite suspicious.

No charges? Quite sus.

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Meta and their Artificial Telepathy technology needs to be discussed as well.

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I need to look into that some more. That's all we need, robots that can read our minds!

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I'm thinking the AI software is providing many people’s "thoughts".

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There is every reason to believe that they can influence thoughts and even personality...

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Especially those targeted by mind-invasive and physically destructive "non-lethal” electronic weapons. I've known first hand since 2006, when my life's work was stolen from my computers, and three weeks later was driven from my home by, then, inexplicable phenomena.

Robert Durcan’s "Project Soul Catcher” delves into the methods and goals of this class of weapons.


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Like a used Mask or condum 👉🗑️

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Mysqif.com Zuckerberg despises them 😂😆😆

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Zukerberg needs to spend some time seeing the suffering that goes on in a communist country. Then realize freedom is more valuable than money. So is free speech and the sharing of opposing views. We are supposed to be the beacon of hope to all other nations.

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They changed America into a communist country, indeed!

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Martin Luther advised Christians that we should make the best possible interpretation of things, to show our faith that God has control of all things. Putting the best construction on what just happened, we now HAVE a confession that censorship caused harm AND that some oligarchs tried to replace science with their own wishful thinking, both admissions on the record from Mark Zuckerberg. Whether this confession puts any humans in a forgiving frame of mind is tiny compared to what Zuckerberg just did by admitting that SOME of his deeds were wrong. It positions Zuckerberg such that if an investigation were held, he might roll over on the puppeteers pulling the strings. That should shift the burden of proof back to wherever the censorship began.

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He sounds like he's going to do the "I just followed orders" thing, perhaps the orders were from Biden-Harris, perhaps additional hest from the FBI.

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Aug 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Didn’t a recent lawsuit get dismissed because there was no evidence that the government pressured social media to censor?

What better evidence is there than having one of the principle players admit it all?

Is this not sufficient to bring the case back?

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There are still several lawsuits against Meta, one in California ~ by RFK Jr, who was heavily censored on FB and despite tweets by Musk himself, RFK Jr was again censored on Twitter/X.

I hope they keep digging and use this as a legal confession.

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The one I was talking about was against the federal government, I believe it involved Missouri or Texas.

I hope this mea culpa brings it all down, private and public suits need to go forward!

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I was defined as a terrorist and deleted from FB in 2018. All I posted was the same quote the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbel used, "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." This was the exact same thing Pelosi said about Trump and his stormtroopers. Does anyone remember that?? Yes, I believe the Zuck needs to be held accountable. He knew exactly what he was doing!

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