Thank you to @VJCBingham for noting this unauthorized event.

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After the Federal Government falls, and it will be just like the USSR, there won't be any Medicare or Social Security. States will have to pick up the slack but the programs will be different.

So opt out? it is only a matter of months before there will be nothing to opt out of.

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While Medicare is in effect and you go to the hospital, they can euthanize you... may be best for the entire system to fail. What can be worse?

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Pls correct me if I am wrong: Anyone receiving Social Security payments must be enrolled in Medicare, beginning at age 65. I do not think you can opt out.

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Jody: I have a friend in our local community who was a party to what was effectively an appeal to the Supreme Court (several individual actions failed, then formed a class for further appeal) based on what each of the litigants encountered.....that in order to receive your social security "benefits", you must be enrolled in Medicare. The Supremes refused to hear the case, even though hundreds of amicus briefs and multiple sources of viably defensible information were provided to affirm that by grouping them BOTH as "entitlements" they could refuse to give you what you and all of your employers (including self, if self-employed, double taxed) had paid in, in good faith for your "retirement". The individuals all decided they'd either keep the money or buy a private policy instead, but were told that they were welcome to do so but that they'd not be able to claim any social security benefits if they did so. THis was a few years back now, but I recall that it was a reality few understood until they'd been confronted with it personally. I assume this is still the case, as I retired 2 years ago at 65 and not only do they reach out right away, the hoops and the other hurdles to get through all of it are frustrating and typical of bureaucracy gone amuck.

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That is such good information, thank you! I wish we could talk to your friend! They did it for us! Form CMS-1763 was last updated in January 2022, a couple of years ago. And now we can opt out of Medicare and still be on Social Security... thanks to these wonderful individuals who put themselves on the line for us! God bless them all!

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The government documents in the References are used to opt out. Inaction is consent. FAX the document. Good thing we know.

I was on Medicare when I was disabled with a traumatic brain injury and bedridden for twelve years, and trust me I think that they can ignore my medical directives, sedate me with morphine, lorazepam, and Precedex. And then make me a DNR and watch me die without calling a Code. And then get paid for it.

They've been working towards this, and hospitals get paid up to $300,000 for billing codes that show Covid as a Cause of Death for a motorcycle accident! That happened in Florida.

It is absolutely disgusting, unethical, and pre-planned. I apologize for the profession, for the white coat assassins.

Stay Out of the Hospital!

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'inaction is consent'. RIGHT! Just like silence is complicity!

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We need to be so smart.

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It's a wonder that you survived that experience! Did you call upon the name of the Lord?

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I'm 67. I never enrolled in Medicare. Every prompt that comes in the mail is torn up and thrown out. No one has ever pursued me or touched my social security benefits. When they enrolled my ex- without his consent, we downloaded the form and have 'opted him out'.

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Oh wow, thank you for the clarification. I am so glad you shared this. I wonder why they spared you and I am going to ask around and see what percentage of people get enrolled vs not. I added an addendum and more survey questions.

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Looking at the survey, I am surprised that 81% of 16 respondents said they think Medicare would send a letter because 👉 they want to euthanize people.

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While that may have been true at some time, it is no longer. There is an 'Opt-Out' form - CMS-1763 on the SS web page. Personally I discovered all of this after my ex was automatically enrolled. I have never enrolled... never will... yet receive full benefits monthly.

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What assets?

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Your bank accounts, house, car, business, retirement accounts, all sources of business. All cash. Everything you own 👍

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Asset free

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Then they can't take anything but they can still murder you in the hospital... stay out.

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When my parents turned 65, they did not want to register for Medicare but felt like they had to. They were told that if they waited and then had to enroll later they would be charged penalties. They were afraid of exorbitant hospital costs in case of an emergency.

Now they pay for it every month yet they have to pay for all of their medical expenses out of pocket because it doesn’t cover anything that actually works (homeopathy, herbs, therapeutic massage, etc.) Is there a way to get out? Since 2020, they never want to go to the death chambers (hospitals).

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It's an individual decision that they can best make by seeing a family trust attorney. That attorney will review everything for them- and be sure that should something catastrophic happen, they are not going to lose everything to Medicare, even after their death (i.e., they could wipe away any estate that could be inherited by children).

Many people are now using medical co-ops that pitch in and pay medical bills, including hospitalization, after paying an annual deductible. Usually, the monthly payments are 1/3 -1/2 of normal insurance, depending on single vs family plans.

Hope this helps! 🙏

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My mom was part of Samaritan Ministries for a couple of years before she turned 65. They told her that, when eligible, she had to enroll in Medicare and their program would function as a supplement to that. I don’t know whether all health sharing ministries work that way, but Samaritan did.

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God bless your Mom for serving with Samaritan Ministries ❤️ 🙏

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I think you are correct that Medicare can impose penalties if you decide to go on it after refusing.

I still don't see a need to join, not when they can euthanize you... 😔

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Actually, they debited not $40, but $140! from his SS payment this month. Upon opting out, we have learned, they will reimburse him the full amount.

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$140 is much easier to notice than $40... I am glad that you noticed!

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Hospitals lose an average of $2k on each Medicare admission, Wotj Medicare for All I give it about nine months before the last hospital closes its doors.

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Hospitals made millions from faking Covid deaths and getting reimbursed by the feds for lying by stating "Covid" or "Covid pneumonia" on the death certificate.

Lawyers, doctors, and the courts are all in on it:


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I doubt thst any of them will give the money back

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No, probably not. Earthly fame, money, notoriety... this is the big deal that lands everyone in a world they can't get out of.

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Hospitals in other countries are subsidized by their governments without any kind of 'medicare' extortion. If the US government would spend the $ on US hospitals that we send yearly to Israel.. (Whose citizens have free health care by the way .. on our dime).. US hospitals would be thriving.

(Not that I personally give a hoot anyway. I gave birth in a hospital which amounts to the last time I let one treat me in the last 43 years.(

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The best thing to do is to be born at home. When you're born in a hospital, your birth certificate states that you were the possession of the state. They live under different rules than we think.

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Glad you've ben so blessed.

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I wasn't born at home but I highly recommend it for those who are able.

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It's been four decades since I studied obstetrics and that was in German. My wife was followed by a nurse-midwife with our first, and had she not been a frank breech the delivery would have been a piece of cake. It was more like a slice of mud pie with two OBGYNs, a full delivery team, me, and observers. There was barely room for her when our daughter arrived.

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Ouch! A breech birth!

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hesitant to participate lest the spying facists know more than I care to share

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Totally get it.

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