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Aug 31
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I agree with you! Of course I know what he has done, and thank you, because my point wasn't to simply badmouth him but to see where our team stands. By your account, I see that I remained objective, thank you.

Obviously, the general public on Twitter seems to be duped by him (and McCullough) and I look forward to more people doing the surveys.

Trust me, I can write up a lot of reasons why he isn't "for" us.

My main objection is that he flip-flopped on being "the mRNA inventor", SAID he got sick from taking the jab (but someone who got on a plane with him notified the whole world that he said he was unjabbed ), YET has provided NOTHING as a remedy/antidote.

And that's ⬆️ just for starters, let alone that he took the sweet Briggins and Dr Jane Ruby to defamation court, proving just how bad he is, and how erroneously he would abuse any power given to him.

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Aug 31
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I have taken McCullough to task on his fake spike protein detox formula that didn't even follow his own dosage recommendations. And his siRNA vax to "cure" the Covid vax.

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Dr - thank you!

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Nooooooo! Fox in the henhouse…

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The fact that RFKjr endorsed Agent Orange should speak volumes to anyone in the US. Malone will do an equally good job in the FDA as Agent Orange did draining the swamp between January of 2017 and January of 2021, or for that matter an equally good job as Anthony Fauci during covid.

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Maybe he was too busy doing all this for the deep state 🤷‍♂️


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The deep state/permanent government tels everyone at that level in US politics are told "Do and say what we tell you, or else....".

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“The deep state/permanent government tels everyone at that level in US politics are told "Do and say what we tell you, or else....".

Oh okay…so the the deep state told Donald Trump to do all this🤣


Damn, they must be a great government after all

Dang…just seems I’ve been shaking my head all day.🙄

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Do you seriously think that Biden is in charge now? You obviously think Agent Orange was in charge from mid January 2017 to mid January 2021. Dumbo was not in charge from mid January of 2009 to mid January of 2017 either. Their handlers were. Not understanding that is infantile.

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Diarrhea of the mouth is all you have! 🤣😂

Sorry I made you look like a dumb ass.

Narcissist get really pissed when they make themselves look like fools

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Biden I agree is an idiot and he has to get someone to change his diaper.

But girl, you put your own foot in your mouth.

Yeah, the deep state made Trump make America great again by all doing all these wonderful policies! 🤣


Nice try👍😂

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"But girl, you put your own foot in your mouth. "

...., and you can see from the letters in my comment that I'm a girl. That's a little presumtuous, don't you think?

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But don’t fret too much cause this one right here thinks her followers are stupid😂


And from reading some comments it seems they are falling for it. 😀

“Oh, Facebook made me hate Donald Trump” 😂🤣😂 “Oh, that’s right Dr. Jessica I too was so manipulated about Trump”😂🤣

Head shake🤣

At least with this doctor here, Dr. Margaret, she is genuine, honest and listens to people with compassion and you can clearly tell the difference between these two doctors.

Dr. Margaret puts God first, and the other thinks she’s a God and lies to her subscribers and they buy it because they glorify her like a God!




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My apologies, you’re prolly not a DA but you are highly misguided by ignorance or by whatever news you listen to or by whomever has a big influence in your life. I agree with most of your original statement about the deep state.

But DJT made America great and the deep state fought him the whole time he was doing it.

🤷‍♂️You have no legitimate argument on this one…sorry🤷‍♂️

You can’t make the deep state and the people happy at the same time!

The guy almost got assassinated for God’s sake and it was one Lone Ranger🙄🙄🙄

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Dr. Rose has a very valid point about Face Book’s lies and manipulations that literally tries to steel men’s souls away. The men who founded this messaging network did it to do just that.

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He sued the Bregins...why? Knowing it will change your mind ...go to George Webb or housatonics substack...

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Aug 31
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Sure enough he will...and bring Remdesivir back...

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Exactly 🎯

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Dead giveaways that point to the conclusion that he simply is not a trustable man but rather, is untrustworthy in any position of power or authority.

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What exactly did the Breggins say that pissed him off? I would sure like to see that video of the Breggins talking about it, if they have one. I’m clueless on this. I guess I need to read the complaint and answer.

They are so sweet and such honest people…I see why people love this couple and people attack them all the time for supporting Trump and Israel. A lot of hateful comments towards them. They are brilliant and it shows by their writings. They know the truth.

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The biggest POS of the controlled opposition.

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Some people just seem to know more than I do when it comes to Malone…but it is interesting 👍

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It's not difficult to research this Deep-Stater. Worst of the bad ...

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Was watching the video of doc Malik and MALONE earlier….WOWZA

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Oh no!

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I voted "HELL NO". Why not just have Biden head the FDA, he'll be available.

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⬆️ Bwaaah! 😂

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😂 is he really this bad?

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I didn't trust him from the very first time I saw and heard him during a group Covid discussion in early 2020. Then he later sued some people that I trusted and respected. If I had to offer him a job, it would be picking fly specks out of pepper with boxing gloves on!

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I think so, Yes.

I know it's sad to lose hope and trust in someone highly regarded. But remember that it is only the truth that will set you free 🙌

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If any of these men were truly committed to upholding our Constitution, they would be vowing to shut it down completely, not head it up. Food, drugs, and health are not powers delegated to the federal government. Therefore the FDA is corrupt (unlawful) from its very foundation and cannot be reformed or made lawful.

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Exactly 🎯!!! Maybe while RFK Jr and Musk sre getting rid of the CIA and FBI, they can get rid of the FDA and NIH, too... as well as the CDC!

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And the Dept of Education.

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Does the FDA need to exist?

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Now THAT is a great question!

It certainly isn't what it was meant to be, an entity to protect the public from harm.

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No. The federal government is not authorized to oversee food or drugs. Therefore, per the 10A, that authority is left to the states or to the people.

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I voted "Hell NO" twice.

Relieved to know a greater percentage joined me after having more information to decide.

Anyone still on the fence should watch the video of Doc Malik's interview with Robert Malone.

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OH, yes. That's a good one, where Malone's temper cannot help itself. I will be presenting the 'Why this is a bad issues' soon!

And like you, I am glad to see that the 2nd poll recruited more adamant naysayers.

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Where can that be found? I’d like to see it. Thx

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Will find it for you. It may take a bit of time.

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Hi. TexBritta -- I believe this is the Doc Malik interview of Malone that I had in mind when I posted. It has the right "golden lion" background and the split screen looks the same. During the interview Malik is very respectful and diplomatic toward Malone but Malone becomes angry and abusive (at - at least one point) when challenged.


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Geez thx a bunch😁

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Don’t take the experimental vxxx

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Absolutely not! No matter what, do not comply.

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Wow…the guy got very angry. Not finished watching it yet cause it’s so long…lol

Thx again👍

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You're welcome! Happy to help spread the word.

And, Yes! Robert Malone has a mean temper. I also find him untrustworthy.

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Thank you ~ I added an addendum with this link, appreciate your input!

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My pleasure as a new subscriber : )

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Dr.Alexander gonna have a field day with this one!

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Right? He should be in a much better position to work in the WH ~ at least he was there in the past (and never saw Malone walking down the hallway).

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I still have serious questions around what covid-19 is? This supposed virus has various symptoms and is unidentifiable to other coronaviruses. That is strangely suspicious. Yet, it did stop many aspects of daily life. PCR tests are not a diagnostic tool. Yet, some say it tells them they are ill. That is strange. Biological agents are never a vaccine and should not be labeled as so. There are also too many organizations trying to call the shots. That is very troubling.

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Until proven otherwise, I assume they're all man-made GoF bioweapons.

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I strongly 👍 agree. I also think the attendees of the upcoming Summit of the Future have goals to continue to wreck havoc on others. It is time to say no and push back.

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Joseph Ladapo


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Him joining Trump would be a disaster! Did you know that Malone is reported to still be working WITH DARPA and THE DOD! He is not who he appears to be. He is reportedly to receive 10 billion dollars over the next 10 to 20 years to continue his work with the people I consider to be black hats. As to his creating mRNA two other scientists got the Nobel Prize in 2015 NOT HIM. His quiet work with government goes way back. Do not trust this man.

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I believe it. I worked for PL attys for 10 years and their lifelines are non disclosure agreements (NDA). Without them, a lot would be in jail.

USPTO…they (Gov) made corruption legal.🤷‍♂️

They are just ideas and theories and Sasha agrees with me.

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And they are designed to accommodate most big corporations and damage the little guys we call “entrepreneurs”.

Reason why the big boys in DC got it knocked out of this district.

If a company or corporation is not incorporated within a state, they cannot file a complaint.

They couldn’t handle the fact the East Texas boys were making millions🤷‍♂️ and this district PERFECTED it!

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As in $$$$$

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Am with you my brother


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Dear God NO!

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Another democrat. Another sideshow Bob.

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