How did he die? I may have missed it in the story.

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It's in the title but I will add that he died at home, many believe it was a Directed Energy Weapon. Like Havana Syndrome.

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I understand DEW's as being sort of laser beams of destruction. So is the Havana Syndrome initiated by a laser beam to destroy?

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Yes, I am not an expert here but this is why people wear tin hats and use leaded paint, right? Faraday bags. It's another world.

You can go to my website and the dropdown takes you to a great emf (electromagnetic frequency) protection store.


Yes, to answer your question. They have targeted politicians in Havana, in broad daylight in front of buildings. They can target an individual.

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Thank you for the valuable information you share with us. You are a Saint and a life saver. 🙏🏻✝️❤️

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AwE! Thank you! And thank you for keeping me in your prayers:)! Lots of challenges, very busy, but it keeps my brain alive. I love that I can make a difference... thank you!

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The laser leaves red pin prick marks, I have them all over my body from 2016. They never fade. It's a direct result of radiation.

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He spoke of the ability to induce an adrenal response in targets.. This could induce a heart attack.. I truly believe that this is how he went. He was instrumental in the Target Individual Community exposing how this form of NON STOP technical harassment and torture of INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARCOSS THE ENTIRE WESTERN SO CALLED DEMOCRACY. This tech could not be implemented by anyones else but a complicit government.


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It is awful! In the UK, one brave soul Darrim Doud was trying to create a list of TIs, he sadly was killed for trying to do so.

Its always the same, they are happy to torture us, just don't like us posting about it! "Fight them back they turn violent"..yes I can vouch for this!

Good post! I am so sorry to read you are suffering! What do we do? Stay safe!

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I attempted to post this response on FACEBOOK. The item was IMMEDIATELY REMOVED for violation of COMMUNITY STANDARDS....Typical really... As suspected those that have access to these FOUL technologies also have IMMEDIATE access to everything AS YOU TYPE IT on infiltrated "FREE" services such as FARCEBOOK, YOUTUBE, NETFLIX etc. This is WHY these platforms are so POISONOUS especially to the TARGETED... OR FUTURE TARGETED..

Brain mapping requires a period of TRAINING (this is AI training) which can be derived from watching where the brain fires (ECG) and it's correlation to content you are either writing, reading or otherwise viewing.. Without this map, ACCURATE MIND READING/CONTROL is not possible! THEREFORE, those that are most IMMUNE to the effects of CONTROL and MANIPULATION are those who AVOID these POISNOUS PLATFORMS.. <3

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I know, FB and YouTube are sold. I add comments into YouTube they are either deleted or I receive an immediate error message telling me I can't post

People are not getting the truth, controlling the internet is a wet dream for our assailants/perps.

My telephone is controlled, monitored too.

Really good to read your post, and my reply does not do it justice!

I am exhausted, sorry, no doubt we all are.

Interesting thoughts, the battle of the mind is ongoing! Heaven help us!

I noted your "<3", seen before. Stay strong!

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I use caps from Lambs it has silver in it it doesn't stop it but does help. I use a messager pen. Sodium Citrate it helps flush the nano bots out. Soak in borax Epson salt and Sea salt and baking soda. Vitamin C EDTA which is a thing that is chelated to help pull out heavy metals. I smoke and been reading nicotine helps slow the hydrogels from the shots even if you took none they still flake off on us those that have. chemtrails spray nano bots most meds have nano bots in them.

just detox as much as you can. Tin foil does help lol...

magnets help Targeted Justice shows that using bottles filled with water as a pillow to hide your head in underneath help. a tense unit may help? EMP devices I 've read about they may help... turn off WIFI ditch your cell phone walk barefooted,

hard wire if you can not cell not anything else but Ethernet or USB...

use a land line. mother nature as much as you can.

read scripture pray daily use these psalms 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 pray then first with the lords prayer then those then end with the lords prayer to close the portal.

out loud and I do them inwardly too sometimes...

I record them tell them off when I see gangstalkers I have thousands of v2k recordings on youtube and a few here!

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Thanks Doug! Helpful information! I hope you are well?

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Sep 19Edited

Well said. Better listen and act, than criticize and get hurt. Thanks for writing these things. I'd add Psalms 8, 23, 37, 91. and 118, but all of them should be read and internalized.

The battle is between God and Satan. We are made to judge the Angels. See 1 Cor. 6 But we need to be clean of our sins, first. This is the directive in the Gospels. The remedy is given, but few be there to find it. see Mat. 7:14

Be well, brother.

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pray the blood over it and claim no weapon formed against you will prosper and all tongues that rose including AI will be condemned...

I am hit hard too with v2k loud deep demon voices and children voices sucks. Loud screechy crap that masks over TV sound and any music... Hearing aids don't help too sucks.

I can sort of hear the persons voice but then I hear two or three or more voices overlapping what's being said by whoever I am watching.

So yeah Bu;t I don't are our slaughter day against them is coming soon. God comes back killing them and we get to help slay!!! So yeah then they get thrown alive in the lake of fire. Millions of years and infinity being tortured trillion times worse than what they do to us is what's coming to them... We get to slay soon!

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So I have found that the culprit of the high pitch fake tinnitus tends to be sources found in the average home... TURN OFF electrical appliances at the wall and notice the difference...

Your Mobile and Wifi will be the MAIN culprit.. I put mine inside a heavy saucepan and even in another room.. You can even make pouches out of many layers of alfoil glued to card and folded then contact adhesive book covering inside and out... Decorate it to make it nice :D...

Also your TV, your sound system, your wireless speakers are ALL LIKELY CULPRITS for these attacks...

I have found that with putting devices inside a Faraday cage I can reduce the tinnitus to next to nothing...

IT'S ALL YOUR DEVICES.. They are being used to ATTACK the enlightened and BRAINWASH the COMPLIANT.

I have written letters to both Motorola and YouTube about their phone and website respectively (YouTube overlays ULTRASONIC attacks in their audio, Android is foul also)

GOOGLE is one of the MAIN attackers in this war..


They also use FOUL suggestion fed to you while you sleep to increase the effects and anger felt of the tinnitus attacks..

USE AFFIRMATIONS to counter this..!!

Another unknown for most is you can do PSYCHIC OFFENSIVE ATTACKS back at your handlers.. TRY this! Repeat these IN YOUR HEAD over and over (don't say out loud just repeat in your head)

"If you are reading this you are HELPLESS to MY SUGGESTION"

"If you are reading this your conscience will EAT AT YOU"

"If you are reading this you will feel <insert attack here>"

the inserted attack might be "weaker and weaker"

"sleepy", "ill",. "guilt for what you are doing", "ashamed", "like you don't want to do this anymore" etc.

THEY ARE READING YOUR THOUGHTS on a screen.. If you inundate them with negative messages they are captive audience. The MIND MELDED and YOU ARE THE PERFORMER THEY ARE WATCHING

This has been a TOTAL game changer for me...

Massive Love and Support to ALL.

We will

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Wherever you go after this life (I believe in heaven) has got to be better than here. I don't want to say hell on earth, but it is getting kinda warm...

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I know so many people who wish they weren't here now. I always give them Esther 4:14

**Perhaps you were made for a time such as this**


In other words, this works for you and me both. Before we were born, God selected us for this. We were meant to be here. Now. Everything we have ever been through has been to prepare us 🙌

Sharpen my sword, and I will sharpen yours 🗡️ so that in this spiritual battle, we SHINE THE LIGHT ON THE DARKNESS! We FIGHT THE RULERS OF THE EVIL ONE, the powers and principalities of Satan.

We must repent! We must accept Christ and be washed by His blood, which was shed for the forgiveness of sin. Be baptised! For we will spend all of eternity in the presence of God. And we will dwell with Him for all the rest of the Ages 🙌 🙇‍♀️

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It almost sounds to good to be true but I am old and tired and I believe and the biggest part is that I am (we all are) ready for this...some, perhaps many just do not realize. I think it's called reality. God Bless You and thank you for the kind words!

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❤️ God bless you, too ❤️

Keep chiming in!

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You know it is true. I went to the stairway to heaven and I am telling you that nothing and nobody matters more than God and His Son Jesus Christ.


This isn't friend Amalya asking me about it:


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It is true. Even a child can accept a free gift of eternal life lived in the presence of his creator and Father. Jesus defeated death on the cross and that battle is won; Satan is defeated. Hallelujah.

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God sees and will punish these evil people. Prayers for his family!

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Yes! God sees everything and He is a just God!!! 🙌

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So very sad, we lost one of the good guys. It really makes you wonder who we walk this earth with.

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We just have to be grateful for each minute 🙏 ❤️

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Cannot touch a marked soul. period. Without Gods permission a son of God cannot be touched, his soul cannot be “snatched” or “caught.”

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It is our sins that trigger God's permission to Satan, the usurper, to affect us. This is why knowledge and understanding of our sins are most important. Then repentance of them, and amendment to life. Baptism is a Public act in God's Name to obtain restoration of His promised protection and inheritance. Adams's sin was idolatry. So is ours. See Isaiah 43:7 and Acts 2:38. 4:10-12, 15:17... in the Geneva Bible.

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Again the soul of a marked son of God cannot be “snatched” or “caught.” They are sealed unto the day of redemption. Satan does not have permission to take the redeemed out of the hand of God. Discipline and the stealing of a soul are different things.

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I agree with you, Keziah. But one needs to be marked. What does God tell us about this mark? How many do you know bear it? I have read that only 4 in America to date, do.

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Yes, and I've been working on being the fifth for the past seven years. Overall, it is written Jesus is the first begotten of the dead. They never mention who will be second, third...

You appear surprised. I was happy to see any. Do you know what that mark is?

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Your knowledge of scripture is amazing.

I believe the Baptism is symbolic of the Christo (the sacred secretion or spinal/cerebral fluid that moves up the spine) blessing the crown or the Pineal Gland. This signifies our connection to God and allows us to be a conduit for God's power. Through pure practices, abstinence fasting etc. it enables this to occur allowing us to experience divine connection to the ALL (God).

Eating well, Abstaining from excessive sex, over eating, all the sins, will enable the access to the PURE powerful state of being.. You are then "with Christ" <3

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Hi Gecko. It really is a spiritual thing done in faith. This is called baptism in fire. This is what Jesus's baptism is. John Baptist's baptism was in water, which is a transformation of the mind to see the fictional world for what it is, our sins, and then repent them. You should find The Pilgrim's Progress, Wizard of Oz, and other similar stories are basically about this, and the trials we must overcome to return to reality, which is God's kingdom here and above.

The world is all about persons. These are not real people or live man, but "human", which is defined by Noah Webster's 1828 Dict. as profane and fictitious. See what God says about regarding persons, both from Himself, and what we are commanded to do. Also, the repercussions put to us when we do regard persons and become friends with the world and all its deceptions.

These persons of the world are dead things. They are Birth Records/Certificates (BC), Corporations, Trusts, Associations, and the like, which all are set to falsely claim ownership of God's creation and be glorified for it.

If these persons are in God's NAME, then, if one knows what this means, we have a token to return to God's kingdom because His glory is restored. This is making amendment to life.

This is not to say there is something to the chakras and spinal fluid , brain and other things of the body you speak of, but it's mostly our hearts. God writes on our hearts. It's our hearts that go to wickedness. However, these are of the body and will return to earth and wilt. The spirit is life, which lives here and above. The BC is evidence of death per the world's definition. It's the death of our spirit, which is separation from God.

Does this help?

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Sad. Probably murdered.

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The list is growing, and becoming more public.

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Whistle blowers , alternative treatment , alternative power , inventory whose inventions would destroy corporate profits end up dying in suspicious circumstances

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Exactly. And decades before their time.

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I wonder if their righteous acts are perceived as attempts to slay Cain. If so, then God says they will be punished seven-fold. Lamech upped this command to seven times seventy-fold.

Cain is used by God to afflict us while we are in sin. And, if in sin, then dead. He is not allowed to afflict us after we learn of our sins, repent them, and perform right acts in God's Name in the world. The latter is baptism/cross/Passover out of Cain's control and into God's house again.

This is not to say that Cain doesn't murder the innocent. He does, but do not fear him above God. This is a commandment and duty given and assigned to us.

Luke 12:32; Fear not, little flock: for it is your Father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom.

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I learned about his death through Roy's TI Talk:


Roy dedicated his TI talk to Dr Robert.

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That is just hearsay, and as such just discredits the actual knowledge we do have about this program. Is there any Real proof he died, or that Duncan is even his real name? Absolutely none appears online, Harvard has no record of him attending, and the "Harvard Ph'd"' he posted on Peacepink has the red diploma seal Harvard awards women grads.


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May Dr. Duncan rest in peace. May God provide strength and peace to his family. To devote yourself for the greater good and be removed by insignificant losers is unacceptable. Man can only take his good will with him when the Lord calls us Home... Money and power here on earth amount to zero. Doesn't take a mathematician to do the simple equation.

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Well said.

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he's of my generation wow and yeah I'd already knew this just doing more searches about his death.

I as a Christian claim no weapon formed against me or anyone who stands in the way of Satan will prosper. I claim the blood of Christ and healed in every way Nano bots be gone hydrogels and demons of any type be gone in Jesus name.

I disagree with him in that we aren't evolved creatures we are spiritual created creatures and have a soul and it 's not our brain. You can't upload to no none without their permission or download into or out of anyone without us not being a believer or Christian. Sociopaths maybe they have no souls those who think Atheism is the bees knees maybe or those who do sell their souls yeah but not me not us that care...

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All blessings to you, Doug, and to all who see and understand these words.

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Too many people will call a DEWS or other silent kill a conspiracy theory. Shame on them and their ignorance. I'm glad many do recognize these anomalies not to be accidents or natural. We may not get to the final proof of the matter, but being suspect is wisdom, as well as diligent moving forward.

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Realize Reality is what I call it.

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Greg Reese just released a new video on the technology that I think Robert worked on? Here on Substack …”The Reese Report “

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There is no proof he died (no obituary, funeral notice, or outcry by his FFCHS colleagues Derrick Robinson, Julianne McKinney, John Allman and Deca Smith), no proof he ever even actually existed under that name, and the "Harvard Ph'd" he posted on Peacepink has the red diploma seal Harvard awards women grads.


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