Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen 🙏

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Amen, dear.

Thank you for being with me.

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He died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE The ONE AND ONLY LIVING GOD !!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Together we appeal to You, Lord God 🙌

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He died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD HE DIED WITHOUT KILLING HIMSELF!!!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Indeed, very concerning. It appears we have treasonous politicians leading Western civilization, steering us toward a disastrous population clash.

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This is exactly what they want, yes. Poor daughter must be beside herself. Thank you for joining with us in prayer for her and her father.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I know.

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He died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD!!! 🙌 He Answered Our Prayers!


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Let's hope to stay alive until November 5th for the US general election. And in my beloved Chinada, for the ousting of the incompetent Liberal-NDP coalition. Let's take a moment to pray.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

My wife and I have prayed for peace and strength for him and his daughter.

What strange times we are loving in! God help us

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Thank you. May Our God of the Impossible give them strength.

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He died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD HE DIED PURE!!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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He left to be with the Lord before they could do anything to him! PRAISE GOD HE DIED PURE!!! 🙌


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Amen 🙏 thank you 🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Abortion kills a baby.

Euthanasia kills Democracy.

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Mass murder is horrible, same as Aushwitz.

Thank God that EVIL LOST TODAY!! He died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death Rx 🙌


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Jun 25Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Further to my point, what the bloody hell is Injust Trudeau doing, by creating a Canadian National Church? Using religion as a cover for state-sanctioned murder-for-hire, that in turn became absolved under some weird twist of Church law, for the monetary benefit of the Canadian State, returns to Canada the very religious bigotry that the British Crown had prevented in Canada, at the end of the Seven Years' War in 1763. Nouvelle France, upon conquest, became Lower Canada. Fearing occupation by Freemasons and Protestants, many Francophone people fled into the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi Valley by canoe, settling in the former French colony of Louisiana, now occupied by Spain and called Acadia, a Roman Catholic nation's colony. The Crown proclaimed complete religious freedom for Canada's Catholics and the evacuation to Acadia slowed to a trickle. (Colloquially, settlers in Acadia are known as Cajuns, by Anglophones who had trouble pronouncing "Acadian" while drunk).

So religious liberty lasted in Canada 260 years. Because the Trudeau family are assumed to be Roman Catholic, owing to their Quebecois ancestry, they can corrode religious liberty in Canada until Canadians vote the little dictator out, jackboots and all.

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Quite the history, thank you. I will be following Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand more often because that’s where the worst crimes against humanity seem to start before coming to the USA.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I pray for the highest good for the entire family. For peace. For strength.

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The Lord God answered our prayers! He passed just 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD 🙌 And thank you for contued prayers for his family ❤️


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Thank you for your prayers! They were ANSWERED! He NATURALLY died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD HE DIED PURE!!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Praying 🙏 🤲

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He naturally passed just 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds 🙌 Thank God!


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

What politicians can be contacted to stop this ?

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Now we're talking about the HUGE PROBLEM of euthanasia in Canada. I will be working to help figure out how to stop this on a larger scale but rest assured, I would love to do this every day! Let's continue to pray for HOSPITAL KILLING PROTOCOLS, DEATH ROW LETHAL INJECTIONS, AND LEGAL EUTHANASIA EVERYWHERE, including the Canadian MAID Program!!!

In the meantime, he died 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

“But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.

Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled:

“Death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?”

For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 NLT

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We are so grateful! He passed in peace, just 1-2 minutes after the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD!!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Dr. Aranda, Has his daughter - a Christian - remitted his sins? Let him die absolved, as is the right of the saints who have been granted the power on earth to remit sins. We will all meet again. His murderers are those to be pitied., as outer darkness, alone, is forever. My prayers for this family are for that glorious reunion. Bless God forever who has formulated such a plan!

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He accepted Christ before today, and left the world naturally, before the “Pastor” and his wife arrived to give the death meds. PRAISE GOD HE ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS!!! 🙌


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Wow. God surely answers prayer! AMEN!!!

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🙌 I was up all weekend praying for him, VERY FERVENT and had LOTS of people praying 🙏!!! Thank God!!

Now if only we could do this for EVERY SINGLE person on the schedule !!! 🙌

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Jun 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes, let God handle it when He's ready. Assisted suicide is only becoming legal in countries with "free" healthcare, and it's just a way for the government to save money.

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I would say that we need to make sure this stays out of the USA, but they already instituted it with the hospital killing protocols:( God bless America.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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I’m glad this gentleman decided to leave on his own, and not by some injection.

Talk about waiting till the 11th hour.

God Holy Spirit is working!!

Prayers work.

The deep state continues its cold souless drive to murder with no remorse.

Sometimes I just cannot believe the depth of evil. Not sure why but just when you think you’ve seen and heard everything another gruesome story


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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Prayed with you last night...

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Thank you, Barb.

God heard our prayers!!! 🙌

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