Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Yes. Stay away from nasal swabs, please! And if you have to, be sure they go STRAIGHT IN, NOT UP! 🙏

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Okay Doctor

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Excellent sum up.

I am really shocked that this must be said in 2024. I thought everybody understood this meanwhile.

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Thank you. We hope and pray for people to keep opening their eyes, and they do! Everything is new to them, and I try to get them a bit up to speed.

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Exactly! From day 1 of this CV19 bullshit- common sense has ALWAYS told me to NEVER stick ANYTHING up your nose close to the brain. I’m astonished at the level of FEAR that made most lose their common sense.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Brought to you and manufactured by which country?

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The CCP, they oh so love the west. 🥴 They want it all, just not you.

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the best thing was when they said more accurate is actually anal test lol

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


Thanks so. Much for sharing this.

NO freaking "for the fun" fake (evil) "tests" in my world. Absolutely not ever!

I saw this "test" done years ago, in a video from the "same as always" little Holocaust Denmark - the place where they'll smile at you, at the very same time they kill you!! Don't do this to yourself please!!

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Beautiful comment! Do you have a link to the video? I am so curious to see it!

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The only reason why we had a few pcr test is because we were detained a few months before Covid unlawfully by mistake in a country that we could not speak the language, you have little to say on those circumstances, they have other methods of coersion you are isolated from the world, and you are in G_d's hands to come out alive or dead

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Author

Portugal held some people hostage for nasal swab refusal. And their judge found that not only is the PCR test unreliable and uncertain, it's unconstitutional to hold someone captive to such an invasive test.


Canada: https://therebelpatient.substack.com/p/ontario-court-ruling-a-forced-nasal





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you do not understand Dr Aranda, when you are in detention, and on top is a country that you do not understand the language, whatever happens to you there are no witness, do you really believe that human rights are respected behind prison when there are not respected outside the prisons? it was an eastern country but after what is happening it seems there is no difference... is only G-d who can protect us, once you are tortured, abused or dead it does not matter what the judge says...sometimes behind the keyboard we live in a world that is not real ... nevertheless thank you for your reply..

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I never trusted something shoved up my nose. Never been tested. I guess that makes me a virgin. I am saving myself for old age.

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Sweet! ❤️

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Mine gave me pneumonia, and I made sure to not put it that far in.

I was hesitant about the test in the first place, as a 5 year old I once put a BB up my nose and it almost got stuck there lol, but after my near death experience with pneumonia, NEVER AGAIN!!!!

The swabs are contaminated!!!!

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Indeed, there are several theories about why they did it this way:

Take a DNA sample.

Insert nanobots.

Make a clone from the tissue.

Deliver an infectious disease.

Anything that I missed?

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Then deny any type of medical assistance, send you home - repeatedly - then scratch your head and say hmmmmm, then enter information in the computer, and send you home.

The current catchphrases are now “ I don’t know “ “ why would you request that? Well we’re not doing that” and “ I don’t know”

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👉 Lucifer-ase? Quantom dot?

👉 gaphene?

👉 nano-tech

Not sure what else. Nothing good for shure...

All I know is we are 🚫 doing any

Of it.

Stay away from ozempic too.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

(We were told that) COVID was/is so virulent, so contagious, so fearsome, that we HAD to be AT LEAST six feet apart, could not go to church (although Walmart was okay); we had to wash hands while singing songs to make sure that it was long enough; we had to wear multiple levels of masks; we could not go in to visit with dying relatives in hospitals and nursing homes; and we MUST be vaxxed "to save the world from an otherwise certain and horrible death"; BUT they could not just take a sample, for the fraudulent PCR "test", from the FRONT of the nose "because there was NOT ENOUGH COVID in a frontally-acquired sample" to register in the test.

"Always Trust Fauc -- (I mean) 'the Science'!"

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It's one lie after the other!

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Couldn’t the so-called nasal swab worked just a well ½ inch inside a nostril? Why did they go so deep?

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Exactly! 👍 🤔

It's sus.

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“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” —Charles Spurgeon

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🧐 Why is it necessary to search for the virus DEEP in the nose?

Wouldn't it be sufficient to spit on the stick when the virus is supposed to be contagious within 6 feet?

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Aug 10Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

When involved in refinishing a gymnasium floor, back in the mid-nineties, a most remarkable drainage came from my sinuses. The solvent used for ‘tacking’ (final prep of cleaning any floor residue by soaking, wringing, then wrapping a large towel on a wide mop frame) would always make me a bit loopy, but this one time a clear ashen tinged fluid dripped for maybe 2+ minutes from my nose.

Only a few years back, and first hearing of the common hazards of those nostril raping ‘Covid tests’, did I realize how vulnerable I had been with that very toxic solvent.

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Aug 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

we humans are sooo resilient, i hated the test! did it only 2 times though

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Clicked the wrong answer on the second survey.

I remember a result being positive on a 3 hr timed test (postitive) vs a 15 min timed test(negative) for someone.

Tests were being run higher than 25. I think it was at 38 cycles. My guess is false positives.

I tell folks the swab needs only mucus sample not bloody mucus.

In my case I had the flu. The supervisor said come do the swab. I did it myself just into the nasal entry for mucus.

Learned later that day the spongy nasal swab is spiked with hydrogel something because I had an allergic reaction of nausea and over secretion of mucus trying to clear out something. Also upset stomach.

Or maybe my flu symptoms kept working on my body....removing toxins.

Anywho, false positive result. 💰💰💰

Also the hospital wanted to lock nursing staff into commitment with 💰💰💰.

It would have to be paid back if you left to work somehwere else. It confirmed I made the right choice.

I will stand alone refusing shots,pcr tests, cdc guidelines, etc. Bullying against me has ramped up at work. False made up accusations to discredit my standing. Enduring: Isolation,hazing,unprofessional people, bullying, given the worse work to do, intimidation tactics, and also attacks on finances by assignments.

If they let me go it will be a bumpy blessing.

Learn self care folks. Healthcare is compromised by politics and agendas and greed.

In the meantime, working on other avenues to provide for my family.

Just my experience...

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there is no ground to stand, no one is watching on what happens to you next if you are forced injected, jabbed or anything else when you are in prison..

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The VA requires this killer test or u can’t get care! Time to kill the VA !

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