Thank you Margaret. Seems EVIL never takes a day off, so neither should we!

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Amen! There are so many different ways to kill babies, and they do it from conception to after birth!

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Not to mention destroying our culture, economy and more, which insures fewer conceptions in the first place!

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Thank you Margaret!

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This is the Holocaust for this generation. Killing innocent beings who have NO VOICE! What’s the difference if they are a few months in the womb or 40 years of age. It’s still snuffing out a life and these babies are feeling pain. PAIN. This is immoral. Amen.

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🎯 🙌

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Yes, this is the holocaust of the unborn. God bless their souls!

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Poor little sweethearts, all over the world 😞 💔 God forgive the perpetrators!

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At conception a spark of light happens. War on the most vulnerable and innocent. Thanks for the abortion pill lesson!!

I’ve witnessed the 3 births of my children. It forever

Changed me. I watched a couple years ago a congressional hearing on the exact nature of abortions and it’s grisly details. That also transformed me.

I now consider abortion murder. Life begins at conception. People play fast and loose and use

Abortion in anyway possible to avoid the consequences yet adoption seems to be more

Godly humane.

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Here's my article and the video showing light at the moment of conception:


I am 100% with you!

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R U 4 ‘86ing’ human life?

That assisted me as a quick comeback and also the naming of an evil.

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So sad🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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God help just one woman keep her baby TODAY! 🙌

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My mom was a nurse from about 1970 until her death in 2016. Many many years ago, some time before 1975, I wasn’t supposed to hear her tell my dad of the only time she was ever assigned to assist in an abortion.

The girl was about 15, and she was far enough along to be showing. Her mother brought her to the hospital to have it done, and she cried and screamed ‘No, I want my baby’ from the very beginning. Momma was thrown out when the doctor demanded that she tie her down so they could do the procedure. She refused on the grounds that the girl was able to make this decision, and she didn’t want it done to her.

I assume they continued with the forced abortion. Momma wasn’t there to witness. She never went back, and went to work at a different hospital, but it was a lot more work for a lot less pay, as lots of hospitals in the Dallas Fort Worth area wouldn’t hire her.

This is standing up for what’s right no matter the consequences.

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God bless your Mom! She was a strong woman! And a righteous one, INDEED!!!

It's crazy to think that they would do this WAY BACK THEN!

What state was it in?

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This was in a hospital that’s long since closed in Grand Prairie, Texas.

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Making murder easy. Just another way to steal away innocence. At least they are with Source & feel & share in his abundant love now. Bless the little ones.

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