I remember when David Duke came to the Associated Students center at my undergraduate Alma Mater, California State University, Northridge.
It was very controversial.
It was 1980, when I had finished both cosmetology school and real estate schools, having both licenses by the age 19. I was twenty now, and not so naïve. At California State University, Northridge (CSUN) my major was Business Administration, with an emphasis on Real Estate and contract law. I was 20 and had a nine-month old son.
David Duke was just 31 years old then, and he had a lot of energy. He walked into our dark center packed wall-to-wall with students of every orientation and major. I felt more like a spectator than a participant as I didn’t know that much about him.
Except everyone knew what he stood for.
Wikipedia describes him as follows:
By Brian Ruhe - David Duke's 2020 Address on Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Health and Atittude, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90057977
“David Duke is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, far-right politician, convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.[1] From 1989 to 1992, he was a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for the Republican Party. His politics and writings are largely devoted to promoting conspiracy theories about Jews, such as Holocaust denial and Jewish control of academia, the press, and the financial system.[2][3] The Anti-Defamation League described Duke in 2013 as promoting white supremacist views and "perhaps America’s most well-known racist and anti-Semite".[4] … By the time he was a high school senior, David was a member of the Ku Klux Klan[5][6].
In January of 1975, 200 UNC Students shouted him down when he attempted to speak at their Memorial Hall.
I believe it was during Human Rights Week when I saw David Duke at CSUN in 1980; it was the same. As soon as he stepped foot in the building, the shouting began. Oh yes, he caused a dispute then. It was so loud that no one could hear what he was saying. The crowd was LOUD. Eventually he left after giving essentially no speech, but we were still pumped up for days, as our adrenaline still soared.
My eyes and ears took in everything. My fervor accumulated with the sociology of the crowd such that at first, I wanted to hear what he had to say… then it didn’t matter what he wanted to say - we did not want his words to echo in that room, our minds, nor in our hearts. We rejected the evil, the separation, the racism.
Then during Affirmative Action week and one hour into a debate regarding Proposition 209, between Los Angeles civil rights activist Joe Hicksin and David Duke on September of 1996, Brooke Olson of the Daily Bruin Staff, wrote,
“CSUN debate sets off near riots”
“Helmet-clad riot police used rubber bullets, tear gas and batons to enforce orders given to protesters outside the center.
More than 150 Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Metro
Division officers, including 20 horse-mounted officers and members
of the strike force, confronted rock-throwing demonstrators drawn
to the campus by the presence of ex-Klansman and former Louisiana
legislator David Duke.”
That Was Then. This is Now.
I am saying all this because I cannot help but wonder what my reaction would have been if instead of Proposition 209, it was AB 2098 and Governor Newsom arrived to tell us about it. This is the bill that censors what the student and doctor can say in the office - putting the government there to investigate or revoke the medical license of any doctor who goes against the government narrative of their selection.
Geared to private COVID conversations, AB 2098 is considered by many to be a setup for a one-size-fits-all approach to all of medicine - (and while we’re at it, perhaps in time they’ll just want to replace doctors with Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots without a brain and without a heart).
On September 30, 2022, I stood with a group of about 15 doctors, lawyers and activists, including 17-year-old activist Max Bonilla as we held a Press Conference - not one mainstream press present - and heard every word these brave citizens had to say - and they were all indeed very bold, brave, and brilliant! You would have loved to hear them! The replay of the Press Conference may be seen here. We will provide you with a written transcript after just a little time.
In a big sense, some would say that we failed. Despite a mulitude of compassionate pleas, Gov. Newsom wrote a contradictory letter after 7:00 pm, and made AB 2098 law.
In the biggest sense, we won. We defined ourselves, we stood on that capital hill, and we resolved not to budge. And budge we will not do.
Now we get to tell you that it is time to join us in fighting for our medical freedom, against medical censorship, and for patient privacy, informed consent, and everything we took for granted.
Defending The First Amendment
And we can grow bigger, get stronger, and arise to defend AB 2098 as a violation of our Constitution rights, along with Liberty Justice Center, Drs. Mark McDonald and Jeff Barke in their COMPLAINT SEEKING DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF FOR VIOLATION OF FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS against KRISTINA D. LAWSON, in her official capacity as President of the Medical Board of California; RANDY W. HAWKINS, in his official capacity as Vice President of the Medical Board of California; LAURIE ROSE LUBIANO, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Medical Board of California; MICHELLE ANNE BHOLAT, DAVID E. RYU, RYAN BROOKS, JAMES M. HEALZER, ASIF MAHMOOD, NICOLE A. JEONG, RICHARD E. THORP, VELING TSAI, and ESERICK WATKINS, in their official capacities as members of the Medical Board of California; and ROBERT BONTA, in his official capacity at Attorney General of California.
I believe the lawyers wish to keep their position private, and do not desire unasked for publicity in this regard. Many think it will go to the Supreme Court and take two years for a decision.
AB 2098 is slated to become Law on January 1, 2023
As an unconstitutional bill that denies freedom of speech for physicians, this is THE slippery slope of ALL slippery slopes - and Governor Newsom knows it.
How do I know that he knows it?
In this almost unbelievable August 5, 2022 Tweet, prove to yourself NOW that Gov. Newsom knows exactly what he has done by signing AB 2098 - just Listen:
![Twitter avatar for @GavinNewsom](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/GavinNewsom.jpg)
Governor Newsom’s Knowledge Base
And the Tweet link takes you to the same video on Truth Social, which says the same thing. (If you’d rather read videos for time constraints, please subscribe to my paid Substack, as below is a sample of what I will provide, both the video and the transcript.)
Tweet of August 5, 2022 at 6:46 am:
“Republican leaders are coming after doctors like it’s the Salem witch trials.”
“My latest “truth”. https://truthsocial.com/@realgovnewsom40/posts/108770553651333059”
Does Gov. Newsom remember what he said on August 5, 2022 at 6:46 am, or do we want to remind him of his exact words? You will remember where you were when you read this - here are the words in writing, because you have to see them, hear them, and FEEL THEM:
”Hey everybody, It’s Governor Gavin Newsom, back with you with our universal pursuit to again seek the truth.
And the truth is, boy, these red state governors that are preening and pretending to be about freedom. They’re increasingly nothing more than just bullies.
They’re about power.
They’re about control.
They’re about a zest for demonizing and othering vulnerable communities.
And the irony is, the great irony, they’re taking away your freedom.
Your freedom to make choices, to make health care choices.
Your freedom to speak, to speak openly, even to your doctor.
You even saw just this week what happened in Florida.
They’re going to deny doctors their freedom.
Your freedom to speak, to speak openly, even to your doctor.
You even saw just this week they’re going to deny doctors their freedom by arresting and persecuting them for practicing medicine.
Wake up. Wake up, America.
This isn’t Salem in the 1690’s.
This is America in the 2020’s.
If they can take away our freedom of choice,
if they can come after your doctor,
they’re coming after you next.”
Both legislative houses passed AB 2098. September 30, 2022 was the last day Gov. Newsom had to veto the bill. You bet this was very personal to many doctors, physician assistants, lawyers, activists, and even our children.
Let us be clear that he done NOTHING, it would have passed by default (then the state would have required a minimum 2/3 legislative vote for it to pass).
Instead, he took an ACTIVE role and he signed AB 2098 into law. He signed it by drafting a letter that contradicts the bill, making it seem almost as if he didn’t know what he was signing (we know that’s not true due to the above), or someone else wrote the note, or it was a cleverly crafted concoction to fool us into thinking the letter replaced the bill - because that last sentence does not exit under AB 2098. You and I lose that on January 1, 2023.
My thoughts on what this means are here. And here. And here. My thoughts are stuck on AB 2098 and this will never end until it is defeated.
My Schools that Taught Me To Care
I need you, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Redondo Beach, Our Lady of Lourdes in Northridge, Alemany High School in Mission Hills, Granada Hills Charter in Granada Hills, CSUN, Oral Roberts University, USC School of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, and every hospital and every patient I ever treated or helped - we all need you to help us get back what we had.
For this reason, I will dedicate a Substack article to each educational institution I attended and email it to as many people at each institution as possible. Many emails are public. I invite you to also send these articles to your educational institutions, as the students are our hope. Students are the rebels, the changers of every generation and today is no different than any other time.
You can only do that by taking action. The time is now.
What is The Next Step?
Join Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine at https://ReclaimingMed.org Physicians, health care providers, advocates, and patients all welcome. Donate to help change things back to the way they were.
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