Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I haven’t watched the games in years & I’m not planning on watching (NO THANKS) https://x.com/ellymelly/status/1816768863692030292

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Good thing! You aren't missing anything but PRAY for the people! Share if possible, and get others to see this is WRONG! Thank you and I am passionate because THEY ARE BOLD! And we must be BOLDER!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amazing how leftist politicians talk about liberty and freedom after what they done the last 4 years

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They are here to lie, destroy, and kill. In this spiritual battle, the only answer is Jesus Christ! 🕊️ ❤️ 🙌

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1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then shall come upon them sudden destruction, as the travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.

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forgive them, for they know not what they do

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I think they do...that’s why they do it.

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Since there are only two sides, it's us against them. For what?

For living souls. That's why we need people to accept Christ. The only thing that really matters is eternity.

Through Jesus, we can stand pure before Christ and occupy the presence of God.

Without Christ, we suffer in the fiery pit but THE TORTURE IS BEING SEPARATED FROM GOD FOR ALL ETERNITY.

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They love mocking Christianity.

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I love what Christ said to those who hung Him. And when we pray for them, we heap great, hot coals onto their heads! Keep praying 🙏!

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Thy will be done on Earth as it is In Heaven. Amen

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen 🙏 thank you for this post. These disgusting displays of depravity should upset anyone with an ounce of Christian morals. A blantant sacrilege to God our Father. When will people wake up to the evil consuming every part of this world and fight against it? It starts with each and every one of us who are fed up to say enough!

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We have to spread the word about this Satanic display and expose it for what it is! Thank you for sharing! This HAS to OPEN EYES 👀 🙌

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Horrible!!!! This feels very much that we are in the end of days. They evidently also had a pale white electronic horse cross the river, seeming to portray one of the 4 horses of the apocalypse symbolizing the start of death to 1/4 of the people of earth? Please God !! save us from this..

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I am sure there is much more, and I understand that there is much outrage! But my understanding is that the outrage isn't for the content- not until they let kids on the stage with the trans dance parade.


Isn't it funny that they KNOW God wins, yet they keep fighting for eternal souls? They rub their hands in glee, thinking that we don't know. And they know the Bible!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you for sharing this post, I agree.

I usually love to watch the Olympic opening ceremonies since it brings the best of the best around the world together to celebrate one another peacefully. THIS was not peaceful. So many things felt “off” and wrong, very dark and depressing and some things were completely disgusting.

I will say though, the Light was still shining in the end, and the Light of Christ will never go out.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Often it's predictive programming and a telling of the future. Watch the 2012 opening ceremony, it's like a broadway version of convid.

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I need to see a portion of the 2012 opening ~ can you please find a link and post it?

Thank you!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

No words.

I will write this up. Shame on the NHS and every nation!

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

Amen! The Light and Love of Christ are within us! And The Light of the World shall never be extinguished!

I am glad that I didn't watch it because I saw ENOUGH!

Let's keep shining it on and on, every chance we get! Fight this evil with purity! Declare Christ every chance you can, as you have done so well!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You are spot on Dom!

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And he's so classy! I think I am so outraged that I could not compose myself like he did 🤷‍♀️ Hats off to Dom!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I am sharing and sharing and sharing again……I am so upset and horrified. Prayer, prayer and more prayer. How can people look and not see, or how can they see and not care!

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🙌 AMEN! 🙏

I am 100% with you on this!!!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Because you know that France doesn't have the oysters to make fun of Allah or the Qu'ran! 😡

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We have Muslims MAKING FUN OF CHRISTIANS over this!!! They don't know how we can put up with this!

And the Catholic Church is a bunch of CRICKETS!!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I also heard that there was a rider on a "pale horse" at this event.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Revelation 6 8

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I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

I need that clip! I heard that too!


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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The moment I heard that Lady Gaga was going to be performing, I wanted to skip the opening. What you posted was truly abhorent to be certain. Wasn't the last Olympics opener/closing ceremony also dark? That being said, there are more than a few American Christians participating, especially our track and field team. I will stick to the sports and skip the opening and closing ceremonies. P.S. What's even worse is the pedophelia art exhibit currently in Paris...the epitomy of Satanic!

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Do you have a link for the pedo exhibit? I shudder to think but NEED TO SHINE THE LIGHT ON IT!

And since God caused a great lightning and flood that killed 63 after Carnival 2023's Satanic festival, I cannot help but think that He will punish Paris!


God help them REPENT!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I did will not watch! It seems they are promoting cannibalism. Mocking the last supper. These people are of Satan with their desecrating what once was good. Olympics used to stand for men and woman’s athletic achievements. I get where it has become bread and circus for entertainment of the masses while the empire loses it moral compass.

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It's forever changed, but we are better off without it! ❤️

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I know we are. I stopped watching almost all sports. They went woke. It has become idol idle worship. It used to be the Olympics were noble and I guess I miss those days of innocence and it saddens me to think how corrupt and evil the pageantry and ceremonies have become.

Yes we are better off without it!! 🩷

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It saddens me, too 😞

But I am happier than happy to FIGHT BACK with God's light!


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I can tell !!! Warrior! You have been on 🔥 fire. I appreciate your passion and insights. Your FIGHT IS Contagious in a good way!! Yes THE WON IS ON! Your LIGHT is inspirational. Even before my first coffee of the day ❤️

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is GloboHomo Inc. doing what GloboHomo always does - worshipping Lucifer, worshipping debauchery, and shoving it down our throats.

That it has exactly ZERO to do with sporting excellence matters not.

It's a prime opportunity to shock, anger, and demoralise the masses with degeneracy.

And that is the point.

All approved, and all sanctioned by Government.

They want God and Christianity dead, and Christ its King, served up on a platter - mocked and ridiculed as nothing more consequential than a blue smurf wearing a Froot-Loop crown.

They would've mocked the crucifixion if they could.

(And still might. We have yet to see the closing ceremony).

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They mocked the Crucifixion at Carnival 2022. A "Satan" with a pitchfork poked at a "Christ" in the parade. And that was after the opening ceremony paraded a huge float... of Satan, Baal.

AND THEN GOD HAD HIS REVENGE, striking lightening onto Christ the Redeemer statue, and flooding a part of the city!

Rio de Janero Carnival 2023 Filled with Satan Worship and Mockery of God and Jesus: God Strikes Lightening on Christ the Redeemer Statue and a Flood through the City Kills 63

I got it all for you here, including screenshots:



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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes. Sotonic occult ritual. To finally destroy sport as we knew. Like some days ago I read that man won gold on women's bike race. In NY, I think. I didn't look that blasphemy "olympic opening". But, I was nearby where people watch this in coffe shop - and I heard some awful music. And go to see what is going on. So, I stay a few minutes to watch - unbelievable, and so much money spend, and no - not for French people - for king Micron and his trans "wife".......You know, in moment, tears come to my eyes - and I must say very loud: "People in Gaza, kids, womans and elders - right now dying because they don't have water and food." Just have to say - I'm so glad that those satan's servants are so afraid - there are so many military and police to take care about their "safety". Sorry to say: F**k them all! Paris is not France! And some stupid Olympic games is not sport! Disgusting non-humans! Greetings from Croatia to all of you here. And God bless you all. Bye

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The world is backwards!

Fondest hellos to you in Croatia! A very good lady friend of mine passed away years ago but not after teaching me how to make cherry strudel, mosaka, and more.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Interestingly the ancient Greek Oympic Games served the false gods believed to make their home on Mount Olympos.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The athletes competed in the nude. Most of the events were tied to warfare and Mars the War God played a central role. During the Games all wars were suspended so that Mars could pay his full attention to the Games.

Christians were misled to believe that sport could displace warfare, and many ignorantly backed the Olympic Games revival over the last 125 yearsl

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It's late, but it's a good thing that now we are awake- and we will gain more people who now SEE!

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Yes boycotting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95rugObTMHE I remember when I started waking up from being blinded by the god of this world & heating up from my lukewarm Christianity. Especially getting hot after the "plandemic". I saw a video how the reflection back to Many forms of public & commercial events & entities are being used to assimilate & amalgamate society into Satanic ideology. For example, Superbowl half-time shows, Olympic Ceremonies, CERN inaugurations, video game, TV awards, etc. are full of symbolism which is conditioning & blinding the minds of those who do not believe (2 Cor. 4:4). Simultaneously, regardless of opinion, if the material is Satanic or not, distracts from the allowance of lude, sexist & perverse content in which normalcy of standards has been lowered. In this millennium, they cracked the code. Genealogical Traces: Adam to Noah to Shem to Abraham to David to Jesus. Between these rally-points of familial traces, thankfully, we all have the chance for redemption through a new relationship – one of spirit and truth through the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Chris, Who paved the way home for us. Note that only we (humans) are given the breath of God (Gen.2:7). This “breath” in Hebrew also means “spirit,” and this spirit connects us to God. That can help explain why deep inside the “conscience,” people hear a force of good. Satan has worked to deceive and distract humanity muting and blinding us to truth. Have you noticed the obvious suppression of developing data supporting the science of Creation. I remember seeing the movie Jurassic Park (1996), and therein was a scene in which a caricature DNA strand narrated the story of the creation of the dinosaurs in the park. They explained that they used the blood of a prehistoric mosquito to access and map the DNA strand of a dinosaur and filled in the holes w/DNA of a frog. He explained one DNA strand was so long it would take many years to look at it. That was in 1996, and now amazingly, w/rapid advancement of technology, they suddenly announced the successful mapping of the genetic material inside a human cell in 2003 with the Human Genome Project. I reflected on that scene and suddenly realized, as God said at the Tower of Babel “Look what they can do now.” What can they do? They can and have learned how to manipulate life itself. They think they are replacing God. Genetic Manipulation: Once they mapped the genetic sequence (finally learning asmidgen of what God knows), they can now weaponize bugs, jabs, etc. See theKlaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari https://religioninreset.substack.com/p/yuval-noah-harari-thinks-god-has https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95rugObTMHE

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Agree! God cannot stand this for very much longer! The blatant attack on Christianity should outrage the masses!

I can't help but wonder how many people walked out on it!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Hopefully many, but I fear many people look at bizarre performances like this as "art."

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I understand that the audience was appalled that children were allowed on stage to be part of the event! AT LEAST THEY CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!


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That's good. The whole audience should have walked out. What a message that would have sent.

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Amen Dr Alpha (Army phonetic code for A :) Have you seen this blasphemy from Yuval Noah Harari? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvlqmo30eTs BTW I was in the Alpha Company Gators - yes now can't wait till THE Alpha and Omega returns

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I hadn't seethat video, but it's a great one that shows how SICK and EVIL these people are! THEY WANT TO BE GODS!

And here's their full plan:


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