PRAY for the Gag Order Hearing on Schara v Ascension Health in Six Days: MONDAY, July 22nd at 9 am PST | 11:00 am CST | 12:00 pm EST
This is a Closed Hearing that is Not Open to the Public
From the Desk of Scott Schara
Good morning friends,
I have several things to report by way of updates:
First, now that we (me and the legal team) have had time to dissect the first round of depositions, our perspective is that our case is framed exceptionally well. Our responsibility is to keep our foot on the gas and not rest on the successes to date. To that end, we invested a good deal of time in preparation for the upcoming hearing…
Second, the judge scheduled a hearing for next Monday, July 22. The pertinent details of the notice are below. It will not be in the courtroom, as you’ll note.
The purpose of this hearing is two-fold:
a. To rule on the temporary gag order. You’ll recall the defense required a gag order before allowing our legal team to proceed with the doctor and nurse depositions. We agreed to this temporary measure because we believe it was an abuse and was being used as a tactic to prevent the eventual trial from being public. Accordingly, we believe this situation violates our First Amendment rights. Our attorneys called the stunt a “hostage-taking tactic to obtain undeserved relief.” Of course, I agree. We are thankful the judge scheduled the hearing so expeditiously.
b. To rule on our Amended Complaint, filed on June 11, in which we added a sixth doctor to the list of defendants based on what was uncovered during the first round of depositions.
Your prayers for an outcome that keeps allowing us to share the truth would be greatly appreciated.
Third, we achieved another badge of honor last week when YouTube banned the podcast I was on with Roy Coughlan – see notice below.
Thankfully, Roy is a fantastic host and had a backup plan 🙌!
If you are interested in learning more about the medical misinformation shared in this (censored by YouTube!) podcast, please support our efforts and check it out here 👇:
God bless each of you.
Next week we’ll send out another update with the results of next Monday’s hearing.
Grace did not die in vain.
We are standing on Genesis 50:20:
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.
This email was sent from this site.
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17:47
"All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands".
This was the final speech of the young shepherd David, to the giant Philistine Army warrior Goliath. David was confident that the Lord would rescue him again, as He had in the past.
In the same way, God shall fight this battle for the win!
Lord God of My Heart and Soul,
Thank You for protecting and guarding the lawsuit realm of Scott Schara, his family, and the lawyers. Keep Scott under the safety of your great wings of an eagle, and continue to grant him Your peace which surpasses all understanding.
As our prayers reach Your ears, Dear Lord of the Universe, we agree and intercede that all good things will arise, that more eyes will be opened to the wiles of the devil, and lives will be saved from hospital protocols that kill. In this legal effort, may many souls shall be saved for Your Kingdom!
On Monday, we pray and agree that all things shall work together for good!
Thank You for leading and guiding Scott through Your Holy Spirit. Grant him and his lawyers the right words to say, and bless the judge so that he continues to show Scott favor, Dear God of the Heavens and Earth.
We ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Positive thoughts and prayers for sanity to return ♥️🙏♥️
Any weapon formed against those seeking justice shall be Null and Void!
Lord hear our prayers! We ask for a hedge of protection for the family and truth to be revealed.