Be capable of using your sword.
Have the capacity for danger and the capacity for control - and keep your moral virtue.
You are not weak.
It is easier to give up than to keep trying, to speak up than to say something. It is easier to stay inside than to go outside. It is easier to die than to live.
So live hard. Know that we are in a spiritual battle.
And use your strength and character to do good.
Amen! My favorite verses in the Bible, Ephesians 6. It really puts everything in perspective. Our battle on earth is insurmountable without God’s protection. We are no match for the wiles of demon-gods. All praise to the God of gods who loves us unconditionally and has given us all the tools we need to overcome!
Jordan Peterson used to speak with tons of integrity — this was an excellent video clip. I think they got to Peterson, he had not been the same since the cv19 rollout.