THE DEADLINE IS 20 DAYS: For Northwell Lawyers to Ask for Case Dismissal - Rebecca Charles Needs a Medical Malpractice (Med-Mal) Attorney Licensed in Nassau Country, New York TODAY!
PRAY for the Representation of Danielle Alvarez, her 28-year old Special Needs Daughter.
It's a bit before midnight and Rebecca’s got a deadline. Northwell lawyers have 20 days to ask the Judge to drop the case.
Please help find Rebecca one good soul of a lawyer to get justice for her murdered daughter Danielle. Or help her find one donor to fund a lawyer.
My Article summarizing Rebecca’s case is HERE.
Charles Wright’s updated legal proceeding article TODAY is HERE. His interview article of Rebecca and accompanying podcast is HERE.
Father God, We ask You to Show Yourself Today, and give Rebecca the needed resources. HEAR OUR PRAYERS. We are your children, gathering here today and in one accord. We pray. We cry. Lord God, we need Your mercy and Your grace.
OH Holy Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name. Forgive our sins, we pray. Hear our voices, our songs, as they rise to heaven. May they spring forth as a sweet scent to You, Dear Holy God.
Though we may be few, we know that we are surrounded by many who have suffered like Rebecca. Some don’t even yet know what happened to their child, and we ask You to intervene for all children in hospitals, all disabled, all elders, and all who are alone. Protect them from this evil.
Hear our Prayers. We love You, we gather to worship and praise You, Most Merciful Father. Thank You for answering our prayer, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Rebecca’s GiveSendGo, requesting $300,000, is HERE.
Just one person can write a check for the whole thing today.
Please Share and Re-Stack any of these articles - or BETTER YET - use them to write your own!
Thank you for spreading the word!
Like, Re-stack with a Note, Re-stack, Tweet, or Share. Get the App and join in the conversation. And thank you for your prayers!
Subscribe to Rebecca’s Substack HERE.
God bless you in all that you do!
We have a great God. He is clothed in Majesty, and all the world rejoices!
He wraps Himself in light and love, where darkness cannot reach Him. Darkness trembles at His voice!
How Great Is Our God!
Thank you, God, for standing from Age to Age, with all time in Your hands, from beginning to end. You are the Godhead, the 3 in 1: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
How Great is Our God!
He can give Rebecca an attorney, funding for the cost, and He can see that Danielle’s death is shared with the world. He will magnify the message to save other children, disabled, elders, and those who are alone from meeting this evil fate.