AAPS Educational Foundation Files Lawsuit to Stop Medical Board Retaliation - And Preserve YOUR Rights
... And The List Goes On
On August 4, 2022, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation (AAPS) made public their July 12, 2022 Case 3:22-cv-002240 in Texas. Of course this is a wonderfully bold move to put licensing boards back in line and away from government overreach that infringes on not only freedom of speech, but also dangerously on the patient:physician relationship.
The government should not be in the room with the patient and the doctor telling the doctor what she can and cannot say.
The United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas names the following Defendants, each of whom hover board certification monopolies over physician’s heads and continue to up the ante by declaring their plans to discipline physicians with irreversible harm if they speak out:
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology
American Board of Family Medicine
Alejandro Mayorkas, in official capacity as the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Do you know how many doctors this affects, and in how many specialties? What about all the years of training, publishing papers, training medical students, and serving on Editorial Boards that decide which papers to publish? And publishing peer-reviewed papers that make you an absolute 100% Top Doctor in your specialty?
… And oh, how I cannot wait to tell you How I Really Feel!
The AAPS website proudly describes that “Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.”
First Amendment Rights
The attorney who filed suit, Andrew Schlafly, stated,
““Entities holding monopolies over board certification should not be retaliating against good physicians.” (my emphasis)
The Complaint states,
“By threatening to revoke board certification of physicians, the Board Defendants improperly chill speech by physicians without the political accountability of official state medical boards”.
Scope of the Complaint
The Complaint seeks both injunctive and declaratory relief against the specialty Board Defendants of Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Family Medicine. But it is the American Board of Internal Medicine that provides licensure to many doctors in a bunch of specialties, therefore having the potential to adversely affects many specialties we take for granted.
Was this a surprise? No, because on July 29, 2021, the Federation of State Medical Boards issued a warning, essentially giving a green light for all state medical boards to target certain doctors:
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license. Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they recognize it or not. They also have an ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best interests of their patients and must share information that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of public health. Spreading inaccurate COVID-19 vaccine information contradicts that responsibility, threatens to further erode public trust in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk.”
Loss of Board Certification does not stop a doctor from practicing medicine because they still have a state medical license.
But to be clear, as it acts like a bombshell to strip them of that certification, it threatens their livelihood, redirects them to the negative energy of a counter-lawsuit, and causes everything from stressing relationships to loss of sleep.
Here is a short list of doctors that Specialty Boards have threatened or have investigated for loss of Board Certification. Please keep them in your prayers and if you have others to add to this list, please reply with a link so I can keep this list updated.
American Board of Internal Medicine, and Cardiology Specialty Board: Dr. Peter McCullough (the image below is from Steve Kirsch’s Subtack):
American Board of Internal Medicine, and Critical Care Specialty Board: Dr. Pierre Kory:
I also got a letter from ABIM detailing multiple public statements I made as misinformation (from whoever they hired to investigate me). I have massive evidence to support each statement. Bring it on ABIM, err, I mean FBI. Didn’t know investigating docs was part of your mission. https://t.co/9NC3dXkdnU
To give you an idea of “what they are doing”, let’s review Board Certification and Subspecialty Board Certification:
American Board of Internal Medicine: 21 Subspecialty Programs
College: 4 -5 years performed prior to medical school. Many do research.
Medical School: 4 - 5 years. Total 8-10 years of training. Many do research.
American Board of Internal Medicine Internship: 1 year to receive a license to practice medicine. This one year of training involved doing a lot of “scut work” as the lowest member of the totem pole (besides medical students). One passes National Board Exams before progressing to residency. With a medical license, once can practice medicine and never become “board certified”. So far, 9-11 years total medical training. So far. Doctors basically devote their 20’s or 30’s to school.
American Board of Internal Medicine Residency: 2-3 years in an accredited program, then passing the National Internal Medicine National Boards. If you just want to do Internal Medicine, you can stop here. About 13 - 15 years training.
After Residency, one can become a Fellow, who attains “Subspecialty” Certification in any of these categories controlled by the American Board of Internal Medicine:
Cardiovascular Disease - this is Dr. Peter McCullough’s training that Steve Kirsh is trying so hard to protect, support, and tow the line on what is being done to him now.
The American Board of Family Practice: 7 Subspecialty Programs
After medical school, one can do Family Practice in a general category or pick one of these specialties. After Residency, one can become a Fellow, who attains Subspecialty Certification in any of these categories controlled by the American Board of Family Practice:
The American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Ob/Gyn): 7 Subspecialty Programs
After medical school, one can do Ob/Gyn in a general category or pick one of these specialties. After Residency, one can become a Fellow, who attains Subspecialty Certification in any of these categories controlled by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology:
Complex Family Planning - in progress
A Doctor’s Curriculum Vitae
How long is a doctor’s Curriculum Vitae (CV), an expanded resumé, by the time he or she is in their 60’s?
Private Practice. If a doctor just has a private practice after training and stays there for the entire time, one’s CV may be just 3-5 pages.
Academic Medicine. If a doctor has a professorship position at a medical school, these are the duties commonly performed: teaching medical students and residents, writing and giving lectures, do research, publish scientific papers and get invited as a Visiting Professor to various medical school programs throughout the world, having a position on an editorial board, host or be a guest on websites, podcasts, television shows, write books, one’s CV may be 60-200 pages or longer (mine is 68 pages).
Stripping Board Certification and Subspecialty Certification. Is a direct hit to the medical expert’s credibility, may lead to fewer lecture invitations, difficulty publishing papers, and much more including being stigmatized, ridiculed, and bullied by the Board.
Fighting Back. These doctors must fight back to eliminate the precedent. Because there is every reason to believe the Boards will come after you next.
AAPS is Fighting Back for the Patient:Physician Relationship
After all that training and becoming published, supervising medical students, interns, residents, and Fellows who “Superspecialize” and are “experts” in their field, how should Specialist doctors be treated? Many have written the very books that medical students and residents read. How can what they say SUDDENLY not matter to a licensing board?
The AAPS Fights for Everyone
In fighting for medical freedom, these are the kinds of things that potentially help you. These are not their stated missions but the reverberations of their mission affects every aspect of what it means to be a doctor in today’s environment. And trust me when I say that in today’s environment, doctors risk losing their medical license for every prescription they write, and now every word they say, and whether or not a patient was harmed.
In my opinion, AAPS serves you and me by:
Preserving the sanctity of practicing medicine according to what God tells us to do.
Protecting First Amendment rights to freedom of speech (even on Twitter) and not being a government-programmed robot who has a “one-size-fits-all” approach to pain management, COVID or any other medical problem.
Helping all doctors who speak out and practice medicine to save their patients from COVID.
Inspiring all doctors who have never spoken a word to join the fight and secretly prescribe ivermectin anyway.
Aiding patients who want a medical or religious exemption for the shots.
Educating medical students, interns, residents, and fellows who need to learn how to save lives. Who will teach them the right ways if the government gets rid of those who are independent thinkers not towing the party line (by vaccinating everyone)?
Fighting for patients who deserve not to be told to stay home until their lips turn blue (where are the medical board complaints against them? Why aren’t they the ones to lose their license?)
Holding the patient:physician relationship held sacred by Hippocrates. For those of us who took the original Hippocratic oath, we swore to uphold it before God.
No one can make us unswear the Hippocratic oath.
Preserving truth and medical freedom.
Helping you understand and listening in with you when the CDC meets to discuss whether they will add childhood vaccines to the “Vaccines for Children” program, or put it on the Childhood Immunization Schedule after they said they would not do it - essentially rubber stamping that it can be forced onto your children.
Being bold and tell you when the CDC or the government flat out lied to you. And to show you their faces while they did the talking.
Preserving the entire practice of medicine and not allowing it to go to Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots who only give one kind of “approved” chemotherapy, or any one kind of treatment for anything - but they treat the patient as an autonomous individual with rights. In California, we LOST this freedom with AB 2098, as the Governor Newsom signed it on September 30, 2022, despite the please of 15 doctors, lawyers, and a child activist pleading with him to NOT take away the freedom of a doctor.
If you have not listened to this Tweet, please do so now. And tell me if you are NOT completely dumbfounded to know that the Gov. knows exactly what he is doing:
Republican leaders are coming after doctors like it’s the Salem witch trials. My latest “truth.” truthsocial.com/users/realgovn…Gov. Newsom Isn’t Stupid. He Knows Exactly What AB 2098 is Designed To Do.
I am sorry AB 2098 was signed by him. BUT HE IS NOT IN CHARGE OF OUR LIVES.
Preserving of Informed Consent, which requires the doctor to give you permission to make your own decisions. It involves a discussion of general risks and benefits of a procedure or medication, as well as the specific risks to the individual patient, bearing in mind their unique history and co-morbidities. Finally, it requires you know alternatives to the therapy or procedure, and that you make up your own mind what you want to do.
Ensuring that if no one else “believes” in Long COVID, dysautonomia, or POTS, we can tell you that it’s not “all in your head”. And then we can properly diagnose and treat POTS for you.
Empowering doctors to publish books that include alternative medicine and other patient self-help efforts where we show you and other doctors how to diagnose and treat different maladies such as low back pain (my book). That makes us an “expert” - but the medical specialty boards have terminated that credential with the flick of a pen and without due process - they cannot do that and here is exactly where AAPS is fighting.
Upholding the Nuremberg Code that requires a patient not be subjected to medical experimentation as they did during the Holocaust - and are currently doing with the vaccines.
Empowering doctors like me to not only speak freely but publish books and give out FREE handouts that give you general advice on how to prevent and treat COVID. Or any other subject they have expertise in… and when protecting free speech, we protect free writings, also.
Empowering doctors to ask our universities where they stand on AB 2098 and see if students know what is happening in their world.
Protecting our children, our precious bearers of love and light who deserve the preservation of all of the above. Because if we cannot protect our own children just like animals do, then we are lower than animals. To keep learning how to protect our children.
Helping clarify when you should not believe headlines that are wrong, no matter who says it.
Showing you the injustices and greed of big pharma and the government plans that sit on their same shelf, preventing you from suing them for anything whatsoever, anytime.
Creating a safe haven to give doctors, who are trusted not to lie, freedom to tell you when the CDC is lying about the number of children that are dying from COVID shots.
Creating a safe haven so doctors can tell you when the CDC met to target our poor children first, and to try to stop the mass genocide of our impoverished children, the wasteful spending of billions of dollars on shots, and the wasteful trashing of 1.1 billion doses.
Helping protect you from unconstitutional shots against your will, because if doctors will get on stage and speak up for you at the cost of losing our licenses, you must listen to what we are saying.
Telling you when the government is about to pass a law that makes evil deeds go into effect, like specifically creating a law that punishes doctors.
Allowing some doctors to consider that as time goes on, they need to become involved in state and federal laws and consider politicians who can lead the way toward preserving all of the above; and so they can help lead states to ban shot mandates.
Empowering doctors to speak out and serve as expert witnesses when Del Bigtree and ICAN pledge a lawsuit in every state to stop COVID shot mandates.
Giving doctors the freedom to tell you the list of ingredients in a Pfizer shot, in case you are allergic or pregnant - so you know what is toxic and why you should not take them or give them to your children.
Empowering doctors to save your life even if they risk their medical licenses.
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash If you were drowning, would I say to wave your hand faster if your lips turned blue? Or WOULD I DIVE IN AND SAVE YOU?
(If there was a LIFE BOUY, wouldn’t I THROW IT IN, even if I couldn’t swim?)
Helping doctors exercise free speech by going on national news to tell the world what they are doing to doctors - before they do it - and then to stand on the steps of Sacramento’s Capital Building and plead with Governor Newsom to VETO AB 2098 - and he does it anyway.
Helping stop your teen son from getting myocarditis, pericarditis or sudden death from the COVID shot.
Helping stop your baby’s stillbirth from the COVID shot.
Helping stop your child’s infertility from the COVID shot.
Helping stop postmenopausal hemorrhage from the COVID shot.
Helping stop leukemia and blood clots, cancer, sudden death of athletes on the fields, and to not lie to you and say it is COVID or sudden death from any other source but the shot.
Increasing your education and awareness by digesting a multitude of data, videos, chats, medical board investigation meetings, or other shows of importance for you and to give you a synopsis - so you don’t have to waste your time but instead get Information Absorption.
Inspiring doctors to keep speaking out and reminding our patients to think about what God thinks, to pray with our patients, and to keep our swords sharpened.
Giving doctors freedom to encourage you if you didn’t get the shot, or you don’t know if you’ll get another one. Because we love your life for you.
So we can personally write you a poem if you got the shot and have remorse, because all is not lost and we have sworn to help you.
And the list goes on. Like Turtles all The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth, each one of these items has sub-items that reach to infinity and affect everything about your medical care, your grandmother’s medical care, your children’s children’s medical care…
… And the List Goes On.
Consider Your Next Step
If you are unable to donate, please consider sharing this article by emailing it to one of your friends who may consider all these things for the first time. And I know that means risking losing your friend… so balance that with all the above, as doctors risk their life’s education, their livelihood, and their medical licenses every day for you.
And yes, doctors lose their friends, too. And their families, their relationships.
It is so much easier for all of us to “go along” with what everyone else is doing. Consider that if you send this to a friend who may disagree with what is really happening (and even if you lose that friend), you plant a life-saving seed.
Maybe if your friend sees that you consider the benefit of showing them this article may outweigh the risk of losing them as a friend, they can think about this -
Maybe it shows you care more about their person and longevity than you do about the friendship. Because if the right situation happens in the future, they may come back to reread this article - and it could empower them to seek ivermectin or a prescribing doctor … or to start speaking out and supporting laws that are geared to take away their freedoms.
If that simple sequence of events happened, you would be saving a life.
And trust me when I say that there is no better feeling than knowing God blessed your efforts by helping you to literally save a life.
Starting November 1, this section below will only be available to paid subscribers. Sign up now so you don’t miss my thoughts, insights, and personal/professional life. Walk with me in the light of a place few go as I have an upcoming hearing with the Attorney General of the Medical Board of California. If it were not for the efforts of AAPS and good doctors like Dr. Peter McCullough, maybe this article never would have existed:
What I Really Think
They thought we were stupid.
They thought they could control us. And they made one mistake.
They were WRONG. They forgot we believe in God.
We are speaking up. We are speaking out. We will not stop and we will NOT be silenced.
What do I really think? I think they want to diminish the world population by killing off the disabled, old, and keeping the rest of us worried about diesel fuel, food, water, heat, and medications.
I still don’t know why they want everyone to get a shot, but it reeks with suspicion.
Why did they offer the shot to hospital CEOs and doctors first? Why did they fire unvaccinated doctors and staff, leaving ICU beds EMPTY because there was no staff to attend to them? How long did one patient stay in the ICU? Months? And how many got Remdesivir before dying while prescribed fentanyl, benzodiazepam, and NO VISITORS?
How much did hospitals get paid for admitting a COVID patient instead of sending them home on vitamin D and ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine?
They thought we were stupid.
They thought we would just sit by and watch TV/ propaganda.
They were Wrong.
Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
A #1 Bestseller in Amazon’s Children’s Health section, let us use it as our Journal Club outline to look up and critique some papers.
Is the paper on a Phase I or II trial?
What is a Phase III Trial?
What does it mean when a study is a “randomized, controlled trial” or an “RCT”?
Does the book conclude what you would conclude about a scientific paper?
For fun, Steve Kirsch also offers you money if you find any errors in the book!
Get Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth and let’s critique it together! Stay tuned for our starting date!AFFILIATE LINKS
Proceeds go directly into Aranda MD Enterprises, to help needy patients
My book. Thank you for checking it out on Amazon. If you have 24/7 back pain, this book is for you. If you have failed back syndrome, have been to over 10 doctors who have not helped you, check it out and see if you can start working with supplements, getting sleep, and more.
I am humbled that my book toured the American Library Association’s 2022 Exhibition and Convention in Washington, DC in June, 2022. See the Press Release here.
Get My FREE Guidebook to Emergency COVID Care - with Your Personal Tracker™ at https:COVIDmasterplan.com - it is at the top of the page.
This is a LIMITED OFFER UNTIL OCTOBER 31, 2022. Then it is just $4.99. It contains your shopping list for supplements, prescriptions, foods, and a time schedule of what to take and when, should you get sick. This is a perfect gift if you are single or have parents who are not internet-savy. You can print it out for them - perhaps in black and white to save ink - and have them pay attention to the 7 am to 12MN schedule on last two pages of the Personal Tracker™. https://covid-kits.com/ols/products/covid-care-trackerAFFILIATE LINKS
For Health Care Professionals: Take Steve Kirsch’s Survey
If you work in healthcare, please consider filling out Steve Kirsch’s survey. Tell your doctors and nurses. Steve posts:
You will be asked how many reportable events you've OBSERVED vs. FILED for both non-COVID and then the COVID vaccines since you first became aware of the VAERS system. A "VAERS-reportable" event is a significant adverse event that in your opinion should be reported to the VAERS system in order to allow health authorities to accurately assess the safety profile of a vaccine. Steve asks that if you are NOT a healthcare professional, do NOT fill out the survey. If you ARE a health-care professional, fill out the form here: https://airtable.com/shrQZWaacOu9j2rhh?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Proceeds go directly into Aranda MD Enterprises, to help needy patients
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